For The Glory Of Sitia Empire

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

The Alphonsus family a noble family that supported the establishment of Sitia Empire, side by side with the Welfmore family.

The Alphonsus used to be one of the strongest nobles inside and beyond the Empire. Gradually through the years, their influence reduced. When the Alphonsus realized that their state as nobles was in risk, they asked for aid from the emperor.

For the sake of the history between them, the 11th Emperor of Sitia entrusted Alphonsus family to run the mercantile affairs. Eventually, they regained their position, not as powerful as before, however, enough to be considered as high class noble.

In the matter of fairness, and as a reward for their loyalty. The Emperor also assigned the Welfmores as the underworld keepers. In other words, observing the illegal business of the nobels, and eliminating those who are endangering the Empire.

Nevertheless, Lennox had always been hated and feared by the nobles, the Welfmores are no exception. His ability to gather every little detail to form a real plot isn't only to expose their very hidden secrets, but also to frame them in inescapable crimes with evidence that God knows where they came from.

Lennox was lucky, unpredictable, cunning and skilled, for a child to be this much..... was he born to be evil?


Bertha:" when would they arrive?".

At the Alphonsus mansion, all family members and servants lined in front of the entrance to welcome their crown prince.

Roosevelt:" they should be here by now, maybe the roads are too crowded 'cause of the festival".

Adelaide snorted:" do they have no hearts?! Father just died and they are celebrating".

Ajiad:" it can't be helped Adelaide, Samhain is a cultural festival. Never once had been delayed, we tried but couldn't convince them".

Bertha slowly closed the distance between her and Roosevelt, she whispered to him while making sure no one was hearing them:" isn't this too much? You even called Ajiad".

Roosevelt responded in the same low voice: "our cousin might be a kid, but the one coming today is younger than him. We can't excuse him".

Bertha: "at least spare Adelaide, she looks like she is about to faint".

Roosevelt: "I really can't Bertha, we don't know if he might take this as an offensive act from us, we can't bear the consequences of displeasing him".

"His grace has arrived," said a man in his thirties, the man had a long sword hanging on his waist and an emblem of a golden tree. He was a knight from Sitia knighthood, who has been sent to investigate.

The imperial carriage stopped and an ultimate silence covered the atmosphere. A butler quickly jumped off a seat next to the drivers', he opened a large parasol to cover the carriages' door before opening it up.

The moment Lennox shape emerged, everyone felt a cold sweat run down their spine.

it was pure fear.

Immediately they knelt down with their hearts beating like crazy.

Roosevelt kept his head down and said loudly:" blessings and glory be upon Sitia Empire and the crown prince ".

Lennox said while scanning the those kneeling before him:" everyone is here?".

No one but Roosevelt dared to talk, he answered: "yes, your highness ".

Lennoxs' eyes stopped on a certain man, the man felt the gaze that was directed at him. He quickly introduced himself:" Arnold zoldgon, Captain knight from Sitia knighthood".

" aha, I see"

Lennox hanged his hand on the air, instantly, the umbrella butler handed him a long sword with Violette scabbard.

Lennox Leisurely unsheathed his sword, he said coldly:" I do not need trash like you around me"

Lennoxs' voice hadn't fully disappeared from their ears, but the man's head can no longer be seen on his shoulders.

The screams that were about to explode from the servants' mouths were suppressed by the Berthas' threatening glare.

Lennox returned the blood-stained sword, he directed his words to Roosevelt:" lead the way".

"As your highness wishes to " the later answered.

Lennox dragged Everly who was staring at a certain window at the highest storey on the Alphonsus mansion from the moment she dismounted of the horse.

"Aah, ah. Wait mister gh-" Everly suddenly shut her mouth.

Didn't he say that it was embarrassing to be called like that?

However Lennox saw through her, he said with a sigh:" Lennox, just address me as Lennox ".

Hearing that she is allowed to call him by his first name, Everly started beaming.

She said happily:" then, Lennox should also call me by my name. Since I am not dead yet, call me Everly ".

Lennox :"Hmmm"


At the living room.

After the tea was served, Lennox noticed the absence of one of the family members.

He asked :"where is the other lady?".

Bertha quickly answered before Roosevelt does:" your grace if you would show us some kindness. Please spare Adelaide to attend the investigation. Ever since father's death, her health has been getting worse constantly ".

Roosevelt nervously studied Lennoxs' expression, however, he was rather calm and indifferent.

'Damn you, Bertha, what will we do if you displeased him!?'

Lennox:" very well then, I would like to hear the details of the murder day, we will need to search in your rooms".

Eleanor:" the knights that came before, searched the whole mansion but found nothing ".

' it's because they searched everywhere that I am in a tough situation, dumb shit '

Sitia knighthood. A knight order responsible for holding the public's safety. unlike the imperial knights who receive commands directly from the imperial family, Sitia knighthood's high positions consist largely from those of noble origins. making it easier for the wealthy and aristocrats to influence their justice.

In other words, if one wanted to escape his crime then all he had to do was to use his connections or throw a gallon of money and people will gladly pull you out clean. An example of these people was Arnold Zoldgon. The fact that he was in charge of the investigation meant that there was no need to search for anything, all of the evidence must have been fabricated.

Lennox took a sip from his tea that was mixed with faint Jasmin scent:" yes, that's why she is who will be doing it ". He pointed towards Everly with his thumb.

' there is no need for them, but I may as well send the extra out in search of fake evidences '

The soo busy attacking-the-cakes Everly, realized that all the eyes were suddenly shifted to her. With a blank expression, she turned to Lennox, yet she did not say anything.

Lennox Whispered to her:" just go wander here and there, if you found anything suspicious bring it to me. And.... bring something from the kitchen when you come back".

Everly nodded few times, she energetically stood while trying to suppress her smile.

Roosevelt :" then I will send someone to escort the lady ".

Lennox leisurely said :"no need, she is going alone ".

' I need to see all the bitches and fuckers to quickly figure this out '

Everly walked out of the room happy about her important task.

'Now that they are all focused on the dumbass Everly, they should be easy to read '

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