For The Glory Of Sitia Empire

Chapter 83

Chapter 83

Only as the door slowly opened, did Lennox finally realized that he was about to drag Everly into some shit she isn't supposed to be in. With no time to yeet her out of the window, Lennox pulled her head and hid her face at the crook of his neck.

Bun-Bun entered the room leading the other three men behind him. At first glance, he thought that Lennox was openly flirting with Everly, causing the colours to drain from his face. But he soon understood the situation and immediately walked towards them. Taking off his jacket and warping Everly with it, he listened to his lord's instructions as he held her in his arms.

" Take her back to the palace, she is fast asleep so just tuck her under the bed. On your way out, tell Isaac to prepare a carriage for me, I still have some business to take care of but you are dismissed for the day "

Although he didn't like the last part which sounded 'go home, I don't need you here' to him, Bun-Bun still obediently bowed and carried on the orders. He passed by the guests and closed the door behind them.

" Are you sure about sending your subordinate away, prince Lennox? "

A man standing on the left asked. His voice was deep yet carried a sense of youthfulness. Since he was in a good mood, Lennox decided to spat whatever make-believe crap he could think of at the moment.

" I am not the type to cower behind my subordinates, rather, I should be the one to shield them "

However, in the eyes of outsiders, Lennox looked dead serious, probably because of the air around him. Even if he sat on a rock at the side of the street, he would look as if he was sitting on a dragon throne. No matter what the external shape was the atmosphere around a natural sovereign, such as him, would always appear mighty and frosty.

Hearing that, he woman in the back removed her hood. Although she hid perfectly under her mantle, Lennox already knew who she was. But seeing her face still startled him a bit, that's because she was totally his type. Almond-shaped azure eyes, unwavering gaze, long black hair, unbendable straight back, olive complexion and elegant manners.

The way her beauty and confidence has melted together was indeed alluring. However, knowing that she is a human was an immediate turn off for him.

' and what can I do with this useless mini human body? '

Lennox's face showed no change, he kept his emotionless and indifferent mask tightly tied to his face. Only giving a faint smile out of courtesy.

" I hope you had a safe journey, Princess Teneale. My apologies for not receiving you personally "

" May heavens' guidance always be with you, prince Lennox. There is no need for apology, your highness's men had done more than enough "

" Please, have a seat "

Teneale sat across from Lennox, the other two sat by her sides. The one on left was her younger brother, Augustus. Although people might not believe it because of his fierce appearance and tall structure, Augustus was only 14 years old, eight years younger than his sister. The one on her right was Mimori Palvin, a renowned skilled knight, also her most trusted subordinate.

' hmm. She is good with her poker face, but you can't hide from me. Aside from her one-sided affection towards that Mimori guy, she is quite nervous...I am not leaking pheromones, right? '

" It is better if we directly get to business, your highness "

" suites me well, I will have to return to the palace before the old man finds out I am not there "

He said that then pulled a card from his inner pocket. He threw it so smoothly that it slid right to the middle of the table. The magical circle on the card glowed for a moment before a hologram shape appeared above the card.

It featured Tatly kingdom.

Tatly kingdom consists of four sections, each section surrounded an enormous oasis. With Tatly kingdom located in the western desert, these oases were the only source of life in the neverending lifelessness. That made Tatly people worship them, even forbidding performing any sort of magic near the oases.

" This is a vertical record of the holy oases from last year. This one from two weeks ago "

As he spoke, the hologram image changed following Lennox's words. This was the first time for the guests to see such a bewildering magic circle which left them quite astonished.

Lennox didn't care for their reaction and continued. Only giving brief explanations.

" as you can see, the oasis water level is decreasing rapidly, at this rate, all oases will dry up within three years. The main reason is an obstruction at the water gorge "

" why does your highness says so? "

Teneale asked with a frown. That was the first time she heard of such a thing. The holy oases supplied Tatly kingdom with life for hundreds of years, never once has the flow been slowed, let alone being disturbed. Even if it was true, how could a crown prince of other nation know of it while they themselves were ignorant about such a possibility?

Lennox saw her thoughts and answered patiently.

" When words that drought has occurred in Tatly broke out, I sent one of my people to investigate. Worry, not it was an external evaluation "

" So your highness means that you came to such conclusion relying solely on your subordinate's observation? "

Lennox raised a brow at Augustus's untrusting tone. He is young and ignorant, naturally doesn't want to hide his thoughts. Lennox didn't take it as an offence, rather he found it a bit cute.

" Hmm, I don't think you should underestimate me, young one "

" huh? You are younger than me!! "

" am I? That's weird, then why are you the one being all cutesy and lovely? "

Augustus's face turned beat red in instant. He jolted up and was about to protest when his sister grabbed him and pushed him back to his chair. Teneale said calmly.

" your highness, my brother is quite hot-tempered so please refrain from teasing him. And I am more interested in knowing what is blocking the water gorge in our oases "

Lennox didn't hide his amused smile. Seeing that deep blush and funny frown on Augustus's face, he couldn't help but make a note at the back of his head to get a gift for that amusing boy. He answered Teneale's question after darting his gaze from Augustus.

" it's mana Crystals "

  1. she is addressing him respectfully because Lennox is an imperial prince, his status is higher than hers. Not to forget that they are guests in his Empire, as their host she have to be cautious treating him.

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