Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 125: Merciless Opponent

Chapter 125: Merciless Opponent

Ding Maoxiong called for two students to carry Zhao Jun away, then stood up and pushed his glasses up his nose. Xiang Ning could tell that this teacher, who had been holding his anger back, was about to play his card.

Ive learned my lesson today. Since Xiang Ning says its true combat, Xiong Yuan, its your turn! Ding Maoxiongs glare was brutal. He was the head teacher of a school, how could he be told what to do by a teenager of barely sixteen?

Yes, Head Teacher Ding. A muscular teenager a foot taller than Xiang Ning walked out, looking intimidating. In his hand was a dagger that glinted coldly.

Xiong Yuan of Third School, tier two, one-star martial artist. Please!

Fang Rou looked at the dagger with a frown. She turned to Ding Maoxiong and said, Uncle Ding, is he holding the wrong weapon?

Wrong weapon? No, he isnt, and didnt Xiang Ning say this was real combat? Ding Maoxiong gave a cold chuckle.

Fang Rous pupils constricted, then she hurried over to Xiang Ning. Its dangerous, dont agree to this.

Ding Maoxiong smirked when he saw Fang Rou so concerned, then smiled and said, Dont worry, Niece Fang, I readied the recovery capsule. But isnt this what Xiang Ning wanted? Right, Xiang Ning?

Fuck, Ive heard of this Xiong Yuan guy! Brutal and violent, he never holds back with his opponents. Cant believe hes a tier two martial artist already, and hes holding a real blade too! Hes not giving Xiang Ning any chances!

This old fart is being sly! But who can blame him? Xiang Ning was the one who requested it. He couldve kept the duel civil, but had to kick the guy and say something so brainless. He really thinks no one can challenge him.

But what happened next amused the entire livestream audience.

Uncle Ding, Im afraid youve mistaken. Im afraid I cant leash Xiang Ning up. Sorry, I mean, I cant hold him back. Fang Rou was exasperated, knowing Xiang Ning better than anyone else. With rubber weapons, he would still be reasonableor civilbut with real weapons, he would act exactly like he had in the wilderness. No one knew why so many people left the wilderness activitythe answer was too violent and bloody. Fang Rou didnt even want to look at the fights sometimes.

Hahaha, Im dying of laughter here! What did she say? Did Goddess Fang Rou say she cant leash him up?

What did Xiang Ning do that would make Goddess Fang Rou say such a thing?

Xiang Ning rolled his eyes and reached out to pinch her cheek. I heard that! You dont have to explain, I understand.

When he pinched her cheek, she awkwardly smiled. No way, youre mistaken. Fine, but dont touch my cheek or its going to sag.

The audience was speechless. Can they please respect their opponents and the livestream audience? This is combat! Theyre storming the school, remember? Especially Ding Maoxiong, who was greatly offended as if they had just made him eat a pile of flies. Was that necessary? This brat wasnt taking his opponents seriously at all!

Xiong Yuan watched as the pair joked around and felt a surge of anger. So, are we fighting?

Fury Points +333

Feeling the strange glares of the crowd, Xiang Ning somewhat unwillingly retracted his hand. Her cheek felt good, reminding him of the pig-like twins he fought in the Battle Network.

Fang Rou, do you want to see a panda?

Fang Rou paused, then cocked her head in confusion. What? Why did this feel so familiar?

Nothing, just wait here and youll see a panda soon. Xiang Ning grinned and took two steps forward with his iridium sword.

Her expression changed instantly, recalling the first time Xiang Ning had fought another team.

Li Zimo was still puzzled. What panda?

This time, Xiang Ning did not wait for his opponent to launch an attack, unleashing his Peak Mastery Triple Slash as his opening move!

Xiong Yuan had initially been condescending when he saw Xiang Ning charging at him, but when he witnessed the might of the Triple Slash, he was alarmed and instinctively rolled sideways, barely dodging the attack.

Ding Maoxiong squinted, muttering, What was that? That was fast for a Triple Slash attack!

Ive never been afraid of speed! Xiong Yuans footwork suddenly lightened and turned unpredictable.

Li Zimo whispered, So thats why this giant blockheads weapon of choice is a dagger, hes so fast!

Although Ding Maoxiong didnt know how Xiang Nings Triple Slash could be so fast, he couldnt help but smile when Xiong Yuan attacked. Many opponents had met their defeat because Xiong Yuans size was deceptive. They thought he was a strength-type, but his specialty was speed!

With a roar, Xiong Yuan ambushed Xiang Ning with a surprise lunge. A hit would result in serious injury!

But there were so many weaknesses in Xiang Nings eyes!

The crowd heard the sound of metal hitting something, then saw the dagger thrown high in the air. Their eyes widenedit was unbelievable!

How how is that possible! Xiong Yuan stumbled a few steps back in disbelief. When Xiang Ning retracted the sword he had slashed diagonally but Xiong Yuan charged at him, unwilling to accept reality. But.

Ahh! Xiang Ning punched Xiong Yuan in his right eye, causing his head to tilt backward. He struggled to balance himself, but Xiang Ning punched his left eye without so much as a word.


The crowd drew in a sharp breath, seeing Xiong Yuan punched twice. They could feel the pain in their eyes. When they saw Xiong Yuans eyes, they recalled Xiang Nings words, their mouths twitching. He really did look like a panda.

The dagger that had been thrown up in the air suddenly stopped in its tracks, then charged directly at Xiang Nings chest from behind.

Xiang Ning was about to speak when, suddenly, his brows furrowed, his Combat Instinct causing his muscles to tense. In that second, Xiang Ning dodged sideways but he couldnt entirely avoid the blade. There was a whoosh and the blade punctured Xiang Nings arm.

Oh! What happened!

Xiong Yuans a fucking spiritual cultivator too!

When Fang Rou saw Xiang Ning get stabbed, her chest tightened and she was about to rush forward.

Dont come here! Xiang Nings voice echoed. The crowd watched in horror as he gripped the hilt of the dagger and slowly pulled it out bit by bit. He was pulling a blade out without anesthetic, how painful was that?

When Fang Rou saw him do it, she glared at Ding Maoxiong. Head Teacher Ding, is this what students of Third School do?

Heh, this was your idea. As long as one side wins, does it matter how they did it? Do beast hordes in the wilderness choose to fight you one on one? You must be joking! scoffed Ding Maoxiong.

Ding Maoxiong coldly laughed when he looked at Xiang Ning. Three hundred million dollars!

Right, Head Teacher Ding is right! Xiang Ning looked up. Ding Maoxiong felt like a bucket of ice had just been dumped on his head. Sensing something, Ding Maoxiong yelled, Xiong Yuan, admit defeat now!

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