Forgotten Juliet

Chapter 247: Side Story 15

Chapter 247: Side Story 15

“But Doctor, is what he said really true?”

Jude asked on the way back from where they had come.

“He said the baby would resemble the Duke.”

“Well, that’s an old superstition. Such sayings do exist.”

It was a public secret that everyone in the Duke’s family, except Juliet, hoped and prayed that the soon-to-be-born baby would resemble the mother as much as possible.


For a moment, Duke’s people silently made the same wish. It was inevitable that the baby would inherit the red eyes that ran in the family’s lineage, but at the very least, they hoped the baby wouldn’t inherit the temper or hair…

* * *

In the midst of many people’s worries and expectations, the baby was born on an early spring day, slightly ahead of the expected date. Precisely at dawn, Juliet was still chatting with her visiting aunt the previous evening.


“What’s wrong?”

Stopping her tidying of the finished tea cups, Juliet turned her head and replied calmly:

“It’s nothing. I think the baby wants to come out.”

At her calm response, the room froze.

“…How can you be so calm during contractions?”

Since it was two weeks earlier than expected, the entire mansion was in chaos. It was her first birth, and the process was very slow, making the ten hours both inside and outside the delivery room feel like hell.

“Your Highness!”

“How can you stay still hearing those screams!”

Despite the screams from within, all mighty Duke Carlyle could do was wait outside.

Holding back the frantic Duke was a chore for the Duke’s castle residents, as the Duke was not in his right mind.

‘I shouldn’t have left her.’

In a mix of regret and terror, just when the Duke felt he was half-mad, the tightly shut door finally opened.

“Both the baby and the mother are safe.”

After what felt like ten hellish hours, the midwife announced as she emerged from the delivery room.


Exhausted and lying down, Juliet met his gaze and gave a bright smile.

“Come here, Nix.”

Juliet beckoned Nix, who had been sobbing by the door.

The midwife showed the baby to the quickly approaching Nix.

“You need to greet your sister.”


“Yes, she’s your sister.”

A slightly intimidated Nix curiously stared at the tiny red-faced baby.

“She’s a bit small but healthy.”

Everyone in the room shared a sigh of relief. They had feared things might go wrong and had prepared for the worst.

“This was relatively smooth.”

However, having witnessed the nearly ten-hour ordeal, Lennox couldn’t comprehend how any of it was ‘smooth’.

The midwife handed the baby, wrapped in a blanket, to the Duke.

“She’s a lovely princess.”

The Duke, suddenly handed the baby, looked down at the tiny being with a bewildered expression.

As he had guessed without basis, the born baby was a daughter who inherited the Duke’s family’s black hair. But to him, the small, red, exhausted, and momentarily sleeping baby looked utterly unfamiliar.


Seeing the Duke’s surprisingly cold reaction, the perceptive midwife quickly took the baby back.

“She should greet her great-grandfather.”

“Baby, I am your maternal great-grandfather.”

Compliments about the baby’s cuteness and how she resembled her mother surrounded the room. But an emotionally drained Lennox couldn’t leave Juliet’s side.



He silently kissed Juliet’s pale forehead.

“Why do you look like that?”


He had feared something might go wrong.

For ten hours, he was terrified. No matter how frustrated he was outside, there was nothing he could do.

Upon seeing the ridiculously small and seemingly insignificant baby that had made Juliet suffer for nine months, for a moment, he almost resented the child. He was taken aback at himself.

Seeing Juliet’s exhausted face, all he could say was:

“…I’m sorry.”

A moment later, when they were left alone in the bedroom, Juliet cradled the whimpering baby.

“Hello, my baby.”

Juliet smiled, kissing the baby’s forehead.

“We’ve waited for you for a very long time.”


At that moment, Lennox realized Juliet was right.

“Aren’t you going to hold her?”

She was always right. In their past life, they didn’t even have the opportunity to hold their child.

He carefully took the baby wrapped in a blanket.

You wouldn’t be able to imagine how long and winding a road we had to travel to meet you.

“…Hello, Lily.”

And he greeted their child for the first time.

* * *

The baby princess born decades later was named Lily.

The attitude of the Duke and Duchess seemed so natural when saying, ‘Our child’s name is Lily,’ that no one knew why. People just guessed it was either named after a flower Juliet liked or her mother’s name.

In fact, shortly after the birth of her daughter, Juliet was briefly worried.

“We can’t have a second.”

It seemed that the ten hours of childbirth were quite terrible for him. Moreover, whenever he held the tiny baby, he was afraid of harming her.

However, as the baby, who was once tiny and red, grew paler and began to coo, Juliet realized she had worried for nothing.



Baby Lily simply cooed and smiled. And by chance, she grabbed the hand of her father as he lay her down.

But to Lennox, this seemed to have left a deep impression.



“I think our daughter might be a genius.”


Juliet began to worry about her daughter’s future, but in a slightly different way.

However, as baby Lily grew, it wasn’t just Duke Carlyle who changed.


“I don’t want to use this anymore.”

With a sly, cute face, Nix put down his children’s fork at the breakfast table.

“Nix, why?”

Juliet tilted her head.

He had used the small fork every day, but suddenly, Nix refused the children’s utensils. He then said gravely,

“I’m not a baby. Lily is the baby.”


Lily, with her innocent eyes, recognized her name and looked up.

“Oops, I made a mistake.”

The chef, jokingly, quickly replaced it with adult tableware.

Even with his small hands awkwardly handling the large fork, Nix became upset if given the same children’s plate as Lily. Juliet just found Nix, acting suddenly more mature, to be adorable.

With a playful mood, the maid poured juice.

“Oh my, should I serve you carrot juice instead of apple juice from today since you’re an adult?”

“Ca, carrot…?”

Nix, who had been acting mature throughout the meal, was startled.

“That’s right. Nix is all grown up now.”


Seeing the noticeably flustered Nix, everyone tried to stifle their laughter.

Too cute.

Juliet decided to tease him a bit before rescuing him.

“But Nix isn’t entirely an adult yet, so should he drink carrot-apple juice?”


The once sullen Nix’s eyes sparkled with happiness.

* * *

After the birth of the princess in the North for the first time in decades, the number of visitors to the Duke’s house increased significantly.

Elliot, the secretary of the Duke’s family, seemed to know the reason.


Baby Lily, nestled in Duke Carlyle’s arms, waved her fern-like hands cheerfully.

With black hair and ruby-colored eyes, Lily had a small teddy bear bag by her side. The bag she carried everywhere was a gift from her great-grandfather.

Growing day by day, by around her first birthday, baby Lily spoke earlier than most of her peers.

Although they had hoped for a very timid or rough baby due to the calm nature of the Duchess or the notoriety of Duke Carlyle, young Lily wasn’t shy and warmly embraced and smiled at strangers.

“Hello, grandpa! Hello, grandma!”

“Oh my, you grow every time I see you.”

Though it was her prime cute phase, plump-cheeked, round-eyed Lily seemed to have inherited only the best traits of her parents.

Watching the baby wobbly take her first steps, guests understood why the Duke seemed transformed.

Not only did he hold a proper christening for his daughter, but he also invested a significant amount in the filming stone business. After resolving a currency forgery case years ago and developing an interest in recording magic, in a few years, the filming stone became a common magical tool throughout the Dukedom.

Moreover, he established a foundation in his daughter’s name for children and invested heavily in charity. Of course, others saw through the Duke’s real intentions.

‘He wanted to show off.’

Thanks to this, baby Lily was soon nicknamed ‘The Miracle of the North.’ And within the Duke’s household, this nickname was used a bit differently.

Seeing the baby who smiled brightly without shyness to anyone, people were delighted several times a day.

“Who does the baby take after?”

“Why ask? Certainly not after the Master.”

Milan responded to Elliot’s question as if it was obvious.

“It’s a miracle that such a gentle baby was born in this house.”

Remembering how grumpy the young Duke Carlyle was in his childhood, Milan confidently said.

Chubby rosy cheeks, round and gentle eyes. Lily, with her sparkling ruby-like eyes, seemed to encapsulate the utmost loveliness that the Carlyle lineage could produce.

“It must be the Duchess’s genes that prevailed…”

Of course, the members of the Duke’s house genuinely rejoiced at the birth of the baby princess, but their happiness also had a hint of utilitarian purpose.

“Uh, Master.”

Elliot, who approached cautiously, quickly stated his business.

“Marquis Leslie is unable to sign the agreement.”

Duke Carlyle’s expression turned grim.

“What kind of nonsense is this now?”

“Hmm? Momma?”

The drowsy-eyed baby Lily suddenly looked up.


Duke Carlyle made eye contact with his daughter, who asked, ‘Where’s momma?’

Lily, who was in the phase of learning words, picked up language quickly. In front of such Lily, there had been a previous instance where he had been scolded by Juliet for discussing murder and execution.

“Your Highness, what should we do?”

Seeing the suddenly silent Duke, Elliot gave a wry smile.

‘I feel like this has happened before.’

The Duke’s eyes narrowed.

Mischievous Elliot had no choice but to be careful about his words in front of the baby. However, the onlookers weren’t the only ones noticing this.

Duke Carlyle smirked coldly.

“…That’s truly regrettable.”

Wait, that’s not right?

Elliot flinched, but by the time he sensed something amiss, it was already too late.

The Duke could convey his seething rage without using a single expletive.

“Elliot, bring that round thing that Marquis Leslie carries on his shoulder.”

It meant that if it’s not working, he should bring the Marquis’s head instead.


Eventually, Elliot, beaten by the Duke’s roundabout way of speaking, looked dejected.

Lily, who was cuddled in Duke Carlyle’s arms, blinked her ruby-like eyes.


She didn’t understand a word of the conversation between the adults, but Lily seemed to feel pity for Elliot.

Lily rummaged through her precious teddy bear bag and discreetly offered something to Elliot.

“Fow you, sir.”

“Excuse me?”

A small candy dropped onto the outstretched hand of the unsuspecting Elliot.

“For me?”

Touched by Lily’s kindness, Elliot became emotional.


Lily, nestled in the Duke’s arms, waved her hand as he left.

She’s an angel. Our Miss Juliet gave birth to an angel.

Overwhelmed with emotion, Elliot resolved to serve the Duke’s house loyally, a decision he would regret decades later.

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