Former General Is Undead Knight

Volume 1, 31: Lord of Underground Labyrinth?

Volume 1, Chapter 31: Lord of Underground Labyrinth?

While Lambert fought to the death against the metal hands golem, Fiona and Co. clashed with the people wearing『Dragon’s Enchanted Metal』 uniforms on the second floor of the labyrinth.

A man with bandages covering his face glared at them. With his narrow, squinty left eye, his visage basically screamed- “I’m a bad guy!”

The mummy man blocked Fiona and Co., who were heading toward the first floor. They were just about to reach the base of the stairs to reach their destination.


Lloyd shouted at the mummy man.

It was just as Lloyd had said: Ainsaz’s Underground Labyrinth was on the verge of collapse.

Although they couldn’t hear the fight ensuing between Lambert and Domiliune way back on the fourth floor, they could guess what was happening due to the abnormal condition of the labyrinth.

Huge tremors shook the foundation, massive cracks spread across the walls like snaking wounds, and large chunks of the ceiling broke away and crashed to the ground.

These facts were enough to convince them about the danger of staying inside of the labyrinth.

「Of course I know! But you shall not pass! Use your strength to convince me otherwise.」

The mummy man set his stance while goading them.

His weapon was an irregularly shaped sword.

「Still following your duty, huh! Let me tell you this, then. Your leader, Titan, is dead. I’ve no idea what’s your plan is, but this is the end for you guys!」

Fiona shouted at the mummy man.

But the mummy man didn’t budge, even after hearing that.

「Master’s death aside, the situation is undoubtedly strange. But that’s even more reason for me to not let you guys pass this point. Otherwise, the Earl’s gonna kill me.」

After finishing his sentence, the mummy man smirked at Fiona and Co. with his slitted eyes.

「Moreover, seeing three frantic youngsters unable to escape the collapse… Makes me excited. And I’ll still have enough time to leave this place after I’m done playing with you guys.」

Fiona and Co. were rendered speechless.

The mummy man smacked his lips, laughing in glee at the situation.

「Whoopsie, how rude of me, of all people, to forget to introduce myself. My name is Juglius Zi Delraik. What’s with that face? Don’t you guys want to know the name of your killer?」

Assuming there was no avoiding this battle, Lloyd promptly readied himself.

「This guy tasked with intercepting anyone going from the second floor to the first floor doesn’t seem like a big deal. Let’s kick his ass!」

Lloyd then lunged toward Juglius.

Fiona and Lily were following behind, slightly confused about the situation.

Juglius lowered his stance until he was about to hit the floor; the tip of his uniquely shaped sword was positioned parallel to his head, pointing at Lloyd and Co.

That stance was a ruse, Lloyd couldn’t help but think so.

In regards to the Juglius house, it was an infamous underground family of assassins. Every member was an assassin, hitman, or at the very least, a first-rank adventurer.

The family was also notorious for their brutality, even from their women and children. Anyone who knew even a bit about the darkness of society would tremble upon the mention of their name.

In order to not stand out, Juglius had a proper job as an adventurer, not even his fellow guild members knew about his family.

However, his skill and competence were second only to Titan,『Dragon’s Enchanted Metal』’s guild master.

The reason why he volunteered himself to guard the stairs was for his own entertainment, so that he could torture and kill anyone who tried to leave.

Ever since he was a child, he loved to observe humans as they fell into despair.


Lloyd’s sword pierced Juglius’ head that was lowered so close to the ground.

… Or so Lloyd thought.

But, the blade of his sword broke before it hit its target and fell on the floor.


「『Smashing Giant』’s first Swing…」

Juglius smirked as he said those words.

The strangely shaped sword in Juglius hands was called 『Smashing Giant』.

It was a strange sword with uneven ridges spanning its blade. It was a sword that, true to its name, specialized in smashing the other party’s weapon by utilizing its unique shape and the power of the opponent. [Note: Sword Breaker]

It was a weapon that required extreme power to control, but every single user of 『Smashing Giant』 was an undisputedly top-class warrior.

And, facing that swordmaster was an amateur who didn’t even realize how his beloved sword was destroyed.

A total beginner.

The 『Smashing Giant』’s ability to break both the heart and the weapon of its wielder’s opponent was fitting for his sadistic nature.


Fiona tackled Lloyd to the side, opening some distance from Juglius.

Fiona immediately charged toward Juglius, throwing her sword’s sheath at him.

Juglius’ sword knocked it easily aside.

However, as soon as he was distracted, Fiona entered Juglius’ range.

Juglius received Fiona’s attack with ease and sent her flying back.

Fiona didn’t dare to close in again and choose to keep her distance from Juglius.

「My sword is made from durable materials, Merlup[Enchanted Copper]. That kind of flimsy sword will…」

Fiona then realized that her sword’s blade was covered with numerous cracks.

「N-No way…」

「There’s nothing that this 『Smashing Giant』 can’t break. No matter how durable your sword and courage, they’re nothing more than toothpicks in front of me. Now then, let’s see what you can do with that broken weapon of yours. SHOW ME YOUR FACE IN DESPAIR!!!」

「Smashing any kind of sword? I see, truly an intriguing weapon.」

The voice that interrupted Juglius speech was followed by heavy, resounding footsteps.

Lambert had arrived.

The undead general had already set his stance, ready to enter combat at the slightest provocation.


「None of them are dead. Earl-sama will be really angry if he hears. Good grief, just what in the world are the guild master and the others doing down there to miss them all…」

Juglius heaved a sigh and then focused his attention on Lambert.

He had never met Lambert before.

He could tell that Lambert was a swordmaster who wore full plate armor.

「Or… gan?」

Thanks to his vast weaponry knowledge, Juglius could instinctively feel the weight of Lambert’s armor.

But, he half-doubted his own intuition since it was literally impossible for a human to wear full plate armor composed of pure Organ.

The first reason was its rarity; even an alloy with a tiny percentage of Organ in it could fetch a hefty price. The second reason was its weight; it was a type of super-heavy metal, so that’s why pure Organ-made armament was deemed impractical.

For this reason, a man who came closer with such ease while wearing a lump of Organ-made armor was nothing but the devil incarnate.

Juglius could only look at Lambert with a dumbfounded face.

He finally got a grip on himself after he saw Lambert’s figure. With a loud warcry, Juglius swung 『Smashing Giant』 to his side, holding it horizontally, fully prepared to attack Lambert’s greatsword.

This was a counter designed to destroy his opponent’s sword by trapping it in the uneven part of his sword’s blade, using his opponent’s own strength to destroy their own weapon.

Juglius could tell the difference in skill between him and Lambert, so he quickly switched to a counter stance.

The Zi Delraik’s blood in him, which always came out victorious, guided Juglius toward his biggest chance of victory.

The dull, metallic sound of their swords clashing against each other resounded as soon as the battle began.

The smashed blade fell on the floor.

But, the smile on Juglius’ face was no more.

「Im… possible…」

The smashed sword was 『Smashing Giant』 itself.

Lambert swung his sword dozens times, crushed Juglius’ sword as a result.

「Smashing all swords? Sounds like a big fat lie to me.」


Juglius kept swinging the broken 『Smashing Giant』 at Lambert while letting out a maddening cry.

Lambert’s first swing destroyed the hilt of Juglius’ sword, and then continued on to split Juglius’ body right in half.

Lambert returned his sword to its sheath and turned around to see the trio.

「What’s the matter? Let’s get out of here, this building is about to collapse.」

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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