Free Life Fantasy Online

Chapter 64

FLFO – Chapter 64

Now then, let’s dash…Next door, to Evernight Castle.


“What is it?”

“Are there any good anti-binding methods?”

“Oh, you don’t know?”

“You’re as cheeky as ever.”

“HAHAHA. First, magic resistance … Or in other words, raise your spirit. Second, a pre-emptive strike. Third, magic resistance. And you can detect the activation with [Magic Vision].”

“There’s one thing there that bothers me, but okay.”

“If you can stop it before it hits, then it will not activate.”

If you raise your spirit, your resistance will stop you being bound.

If you kill the caster, it will naturally disperse before it is activated.

If you are caught, channel your magic power to resist.

Other than that you can visually detect the activation and avoid it.

“There are many types of bindings. If you don’t know what is likely to be coming you won’t be able to deal with it.”

There are multiple types such as single target, trap type, ranged, etc. and of course the coping method will change depending on the type.

«Wand» [Static bind]

A trap type bind. It instantly restrains the target once it is in range.

«Staff» [Quick bind]

Binds quickly, but has weak restraining power.

«Book» [Counter bind]

A bind with short range, but faster and more powerful.

«Crystal» [Area bind]

Binds multiple targets within range. The binding speed is slow, but the restraint force is normal.

«Shadow Magic» [Shadow bind]

Magic that stretches shadows to bind the target.

«Wood Magic» [Frons bind]

Magic that grows vines to bind the target.

«Space Magic» [Restriction barrier]

Creates a barrier to trap the target.

«Onmyodo» [Five Elements Seal]

Places talismans in five locations and seals the target between them.

It seems that there are quite a lot indeed. The [Restriction Barrier] of «Space Magic» must have been undiscovered, and isn’t «Onmyodo» as a whole undiscovered?

I’ll ask about «Onmyodo» later, but first of all let’s hear about the bindings…

“There are different types of bind; Ring, hoop, chain and barrier”

[Quick bind] is a ring type. The wrists and ankles are bound in place by rings.

[Area bind] is a hoop type. The upper arm, abdomen, thighs, and ankles are tied.

[Shadow bind] and [Frons bind] are chain types. Shadows and vines extend from the ground or walls and wrap around the target.

[Static bind] is a composite of hoop and chain. Once you are within range you are restrained by the hoop, and a chain extends from the hoop to the ground to hold you in place.

[Counterbind] restrains the target with a ring, also followed by a chain attaching to the ground.

“Since it seems impossible for Sire to avoid it, please just give up and accept the ring and hoop type. One should simply not enter the range of [Static bind] in the first place. In the case of [Counter bind] maintain your distance”

The chain bind is a type in which restraints extend from the ground and wrap around you. The binding force is strong, but they are relatively slow. It seems to be possible to escape by avoiding the shadows and vines that come to catch you.

On the other hand, since it is persistent, it might not be suitable to try and avoid. You can hinder fast-moving enemies with this one, if it comes from a good starting point.

In other words, [Shadow Bind] and [Frons Bind] are good countermeasures for [Magic Parry]. In my case, it’s my ‘counter type’.

If you run away, you’ll be chased, but if you stay to play with it you’ll be forced to surrender.

[Static bind] and [Counter bind] are quite effective as binds, although the activation conditions are a little special. Therefore, these are ones to be wary of.

For the former, stay vigilant with magic vision. For the latter, don’t fight in melee range.

[Restriction Barrier] and [Five Elements Seal] are a bit special among the bindings.

Rather than a binding, they are confinement or isolation. Aswell as restraining they will cause your attacks to be blocked.

The method for dealing with this is to get out of range before the barrier is created, or use force to physically destroy the barrier. It seems that the strength of the barrier increases or decreases depending on the range of effect.

If I’m the only one trapped and the range is narrow, it should be easy to break it with [Dark Burst].

Well, there should not be any players who can use them yet.

“The only way to be sure is to raise your spirit. You may not be able to reach such a point though. Attempt to bind me.”

When I used [Shadow Bind] against the Chancellor, multiple strands of shadow rose up to entangle him … and disappeared as if they were repelled.

Sure, this would certainly be a relief, but isn’t it a phenomenon that will almost never happen between players?

“Well, in the case of Sire, maybe …”

While saying so, the Chancellor uses a bind against me.

The [Quick bind] attaches rings to my wrists and ankles, holding them in place.

It’s interesting. You could call it …being fixed in space.

But soon, Eibon floated up on its own and began to circle around me, spinning sideways.

The bind timer is decreasing at a rather considerable pace.

“Are you attempting to resist?”

“Automatic resistance of hostile magic … Is it the effect of [Anti-Spell]?”

“Perhaps. Generally, magical power is applied to the binding part in order to resist.”

When I was conscious of it with [Magic Manipulation], the count became even faster, until the binding cracked and cracked, before finally breaking into particles with a shattering effect.

If it’s a binding from a player, I feel that Eibon alone might be enough.

“That is about it in regards to bindings.”

“Thank you for the help. By the way, Chancellor, what is Onmyodo ?”

“Oh, don’t you know?”

“Enough already.”

“It’s a somewhat special form of magic that uses talismans. The weak point is that it doesn’t work without a catalyst. The advantage is that it’s similar to…sorcery, so MP efficiency is good.”

“Hmm … what is the difference between sorcery and magic?”

“Essentially… whether you use mana or your own magic power”

Sorcery is a phenomenon some people can cause using the natural magical power in the surroundings, the so-called ‘mana’

Magic makes it possible for anyone to do these things, using the magic power they possess.

Although the scale of the phenomenon might differ, they can more or less do the same things.

Well, it’s understandable that the phenomenon that uses the magical power of the surroundings is larger than the phenomenon that is generated with only a single person’s magic power…

By the way, the main users are Outer Ones, dragons, and spirits. Those who can use it as a racial ability.

“If you want to use it, raise your spirit.”

“What about you, Chancellor?”

“I can use it. Well, I won’t be in a situation where I will use it. Magic is enough for me. It’s only helpful when you’re trying to blow up a city or a dragon.”

“That’s dangerous.”

“You can think of the higher dragon’s [Dragon Breath] as sorcery. Compared to that, the breath of the sub-dragon’s is merely dust, hahahaha.”

Speaking of high-ranking dragons, was that the level of the thunderstorm dragon that attacked during the camping event?

“I’ve been wanting to know more about dragons. I read a book written by humankind, but … I felt they seemed different.”

“Hmm … Why don’t you take a look in the library? There should also be a recipe for talismans.”

“The talisman comes from alchemy?”


From the housing menu, I can find the location of the library at… the end of the first floor. I’ll look for the recipe and books on dragons.

Other than that…was there anything else I was wondering about? Oh..let’s ask about that.

“Chancellor, I heard that we do not have a fixed lifespan, but do Immortals also die?”

“Of course they die. You’re not immortal just because you’re an Immortal. However we do not die so much as we disappear. There is no such thing as eternal youth and immortality.”

So that’s it.

From the perspective of humankind, you are considered immortal if you are an Immortal. However, from the perspective of being completely immortal, even the Immortals are considered mortal.

‘It’s not enough to be Immortal!’ Is the kind of feeling it gives.

The Immortals are probably called such because of their appearance. Those who are dead and yet are still moving.

Immortals go straight to reincarnation when they ‘disappear’. There seems to be a way to wish for the “end” at the statue of Stellura-sama.

For the Outer Ones, it is just a retreat to the Abyss. After a short rest they will come right back. Once you have their attention you are out of luck.

Well, it seems that if you let them retreat the assassins will come back with a higher level… The unrelated surroundings are probably just thinking “Please just die quickly”.

“Then I will go and ask Lana about anti-binding measures next.”

“It’s a waste of time, so don’t bother. She’ll just say ‘You should just slash it before it goes off’.”


“She has the ability to do that …”

“… Then I’m going to the library.”

“That’s a good idea.”

Instead of visiting Lana, let’s head straight to the library.

It’s like a school library. I found a recipe book for alchemy, and a book about dragons. There’s also a book about Stellura-sama that caught my eye. Time to take a seat.

After looking at the recipe book while checking the log, I moved on to the dragon book.

I will describe the dragons here.

First, in terms of strength:

Sub-dragon < Dragon (depending on attribute compatibility) < Ancient Dragon < Divine Dragon.

Dragons evolve from Dragon Puppies to match their environment, with their attributes and appearance being influenced by it.

Divine Dragons and Ancient Dragons also start out as Dragon Puppies, but they do not seem to be the same type as genuine Dragons. They are more like spirits, so they probably start out as an elemental Dragon Puppy.

It seems that Sub-dragon’s are considered dragons, since they can use «Dragon Magic», but only dragons that start out as Dragon Puppies are recognised as the same species.

If Ancient Dragons and genuine Dragons are like humans and elves, then in comparison, Sub-dragons are like lizards. In their eyes Sub-dragons are not more than animals and will often hunt and eat them when hungry.

By the way, Divine Dragons and Ancient Dragons are skilled at sorcery, and higher ranking dragons that have grown from genuine Dragons use it as their breath attacks.

The reason why Sub-dragons do not use «Dragon Magic» often is probably because their fuel efficiency is extremely low.

As a side note, the reason why so-called ‘Dragon’s Blood’ is valuable is…in short, that the blood of creatures with ridiculous amounts of magic power is precious. And high magic power means dragons! It seems that’s why.

In other words, it is not ‘dragon blood’ that is special, so much as it is ‘blood with high magic power’.

Materials with magical power are generally valuable.

It does not matter if it is blood then, does it.

The evolution from Dragon Puppy is a Dragon, and Sub-dragons are similar to dragons but different. Something that evolved to just look similar…right?

To be honest, in a world with the concept of evolution, there are probably times when the appearance changes so much that it is hard to judge.

Next up is the book about Stellura-sama.

Stellura is the eldest of the three pillars below Creall.

Born between light and darkness, she controls light and darkness.

She is the one who governs over life, death and the irresistible fate.

Condemns those who break their oaths.

On the other hand, a kind goddess who shelters those monsters who have lost their place.

She has grey hair and iridescent eyes. A beautiful and graceful female figure who granted oracles in an incarnation that suits humankind.

Her true body is a collection of iridescent spheres, constantly changing shape and size, sticking together and splitting repeatedly, in a dimensional rift.

Understandably it might be fine for gods, but not so much for humankind. So she took on a human form for her incarnations.

As the gods can directly see the soul, they do not like to be lied to. Stellura, who governs contracts and condemnations, especially. Therefore believers should be faithful.

What Stellura wants is not blind faith, but faithfulness to oneself and to others.

It is never acceptable to say nothing.

Never forget that …

Hmm…not…blind faith, but faithfulness. I don’t really understand what it means by faith, so I guess I’ll just say that it helps to know.

In short … Don’t use faith or gods as an excuse, think for yourself, right?

Well, the feeling of being seen through is rather unpleasant, isn’t it? And this world actually has assassins coming from the gods…

Anyway, now that I have the recipe for the talismans, let’s stop reading and give making it a try.

Magic paper…takes too long to make on your own. I’m sure Megan-san should sell it, so let’s just buy it instead.

So fly over to Starting Town and head to Megan-san’s shop.

“Master, did you have magic paper?”


“I would like a little.”

After being sold a sheet of magic paper I can use the [Magic Alchemy Formation] that I learned at level 30 of «Alchemy». Originally, it is an art for using magical power to write alchemical formations, but with this I can now use it to engrave a five-line formation.

[Tool] Five-Elements Talisman Rare: Ra Quality: C

A disposable talisman that absorbs magical power and mana to produce an effect.

Necessary for activating the «Onmyodo» system.

<You have fulfilled specific conditions, «Yangjutsu» was unlocked.>

<You have fulfilled specific conditions, «Yinjutsu» was unlocked.>

“Oh, five element talismans? It’s been a while since I last saw anyone making them…”

“Are they not used?”

“Some people use them, but not many. We only make them for delivery, too”

“Are the effects subtle?”

“No, it’s a matter of money and usability. It has a long effect duration, but it’s a consumable item … Some high level adventurers and clerics use it.”

“I see. How much is one of these?”

“300 per talisman. It takes quite a lot of skill to engrave them, and more than anything it is a hassle.”

A sheet of magic paper costs 400, and with it you can make 8 talismans, so a profit of 2000.

The important thing is not that though, but that acquiring the talisman unlocked two skills. Shall we make a lot of them and sell on consignment?

Since they are used for skill release let’s put a one per account purchase limit. If you just want to unlock the skill it’s probably enough to pass it on through trade. And if you want to improve your skill….Now you know what it is, so please look for it.

«Yangjutsu» is a buff. «Yinjutsu» looks to be a debuff skill.

In both cases, the first level increases or decreases muscle strength, respectively, but it is the same as Enchantment. This version seems to have a longer effect duration, but until I try it amount it increases by is unknown.

For now, I’ll make some for selling.

It has been a while since I’ve talked to Master, so while making talismans I’ll ask her some things that have come to mind.

“Speaking of which, Master, I’m thinking of improving the alchemy formation…”

“Eh? What did you say?”

Master, that’s quite an amazing face. I can guess what she’s thinking just from looking at it.

“… You don’t seem to think it’s a good idea.”

“No, I don’t mind if you do, but … Is it possible?”

“The Chancellor said it should be possible. I don’t know how efficient it will be, because I haven’t tried it yet.”

“… Chancellor?”

“The Chancellor of Evernight Castle.”

“Oh, in the Nether. …..If you have a sample of the finished product, it’s possible to spread it.”

“The problem is quality control. What do we do?”

“Isn’t it okay to hand over the new alchemy formation, instead of the core?”

“Oh, I see. I’m planning to do it soon. I’ll bring it to you when it’s ready.”

“Then I’ll wait and see.”

Meanwhile, I have only made 800 of the talismans. It’s true that mass production is a bit troublesome. Let’s just say this is fine for now.

I will leave Megan-san’s shop and head to Ertz-san’s shop this time.


It’s a blacksmith shop, so the shelves are filled with metal weapons and armour.

Ertz-san is also spending his money on production facilities, so at the moment the sales floor is very simple. Aswell as using the menu it’s possible to pick up the products. The sales floor is mostly decorative.

There are a lot of players here.

I head over to the hired Resident clerk.

“Please buy this.”

“… Three kinds of ore. Thank you.”

Checking the list with the clerk, I ask him to buy the Chromium, Vanadium and Molybdenum. I will keep the Haltium.

It is a meager income of 22,000, but it’s good that it covers the cost of the pickaxe. I still want to hang onto the Magic Iron and Almandine Magic Iron, which should be worth a fair bit.

I have not released any information about the latter two yet, in any case, so I don’t know how many people will know about them.

I’ll replenish the four broken steel pickaxes.

Then I will go to the Merchant’s Union next.

As planned, the talismans were put on consignment, and I collected the results of the magic clay sales.

By the way, looking at the consignment board I noticed there are no «Alchemy» users at all. It is a skill considered to have rather low usefulness at present, so it can’t be helped…

Compared to other skills, the material costs are a little higher, and unless you become a disciple you cannot acquire the expansion core, limiting you to a quality level of C.

I feel like there are some «Alchemy» specialty items, but they seem to be quite maniac. The magic clay and talismans, for example.

Thanks to it I can make some money, so it’s not bad, but it’s not at a good level either.

I don’t need to put information on the talismans on the BBS. I’ve written some details in the consignment comments section, so I’m sure people will soon spread word on the chat or magic board.

I expect they will be gone soon, since there are only a few.

I shall deposit the 220,000 and the ore at the Union. I think that’s all I need to do.

Now, let’s go North and dig again, shall we?

When I left the Union, I was suddenly in the shadow of something. When I looked up I saw…a rather large creature slowly descending.

It has four legs and the head of a hawk… Probably a gryphon, a strange bird. It’s not a pegasus, which is a horse with wings, but a hawk with four legs, like a horse.

It slowly came down to the central square, quietly despite its huge size. Not only the players, but even the Residents were clamouring about it.

A woman jumped down from the back of the gryphon, but…am I being watched by the gryphon?

If I move a little, its gaze follows me perfectly, so I’m sure it’s watching me. Was it a summoned creature? The woman dismissed it and it disappeared.

Her marker is green, so she’s a Resident. However, she’s either not a Resident of this area….Or has been away for a while, but is now back after finishing her business.

Is some kind of event about to start? It’s unclear at the moment, but I am a little curious.

The woman walked on though, so I’ll jump north and start mining.

I’ll be a cave dweller today.

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