Free Life Fantasy Online

Chapter 80

I don’t wake up and log in straight away, but rather I log in after I’ve done my morning activities.

At the palace, I restock supplies to be delivered to the church for Sophie-san, then head out to the training ground.

“Lana, can you cut off my arm so I can test something?”

“Well, I don’t mind, but…..”

It’s hard to say that she is as agreeable as usual about it, but I ask Lana to cut off my left arm.

The severed arm reverts to a tentacle, bounces on the floor, then melts and disappears as if absorbed by the ground.

The cross section of the cut, currently connected to a transparent arm, sprouts a tentacle which quickly grows out, separating into five at the tip to become fingers, mimicking the lost arm. Of course, the sleeve and other equipment are also restored.

“I see, there is no penalty for losing it.”

“You give off quite a nice ‘monster’ feeling.”

This should be enough for the testing of «Unusual God Larva». Other than that would be automatic healing.

Testing «Clad in Madness» is impossible here. I’ll try this out on field monsters.

Information on the immunity skills was posted on the BBS, so testing of those is not necessary. Though I wonder if it could be tested in the first place.

There is no need to test «Soul Hunter», so it is time for «Coordinate Levitation», which I have been looking forward to.

“Speaking of which, can Lana fly?”

“Not so much flying as floating, but it’s possible. I am after all a spirit.”

So Lana can levitate, too. I should give it a try.

«Coordinate Levitation» is surprisingly stable, and you only need to be aware of your movement. You can move as if there is ground in the air. You can walk upside down in the air, or walk diagonally.

However, with an agility rating of E, it does not mean there is much in the way of speed… It is possible to fight in the air, but proper air combat…..something like a dogfight, would be impossible, right?

I can move from upright to gliding without moving a muscle. It’s very surreal. I don’t want to become the subject of strange stories, so I will try and seal this away.

Now, the problem is that the reason for the parentheses is unknown.

Hm…. Considering the possibilities, it may be something to do with [Gravitas Manoeuvre], which can affect the attraction and repulsion of objects, from «Spatial Magic».

However, I can’t take the fuel consumption and operability lightly.

For the time being, I’ll give [Gravitas Manoeuvre] a try….Oh, it does not need an activation key?

A downward arrow has been displayed on the 3D map. The direction of the arrow can be changed, and if it is, I will be dragged along in that direction.

I see. I can change the direction in which I am pulled by the attractive force. The repulsion force is……Mm? Should it be weightlessness?

In other words….I should combine «Coordinate Levitation» and [Gravitas Manoeuvre], right?

If I kick the ground while in a weightless state, I will continue to rise in that direction at a constant speed.


I hit my head on an invisible wall. I must be at the edge of the area.

Ah, that’s dangerous. MP is almost out. If I just want to float I can use «Coordinate Levitation», which does not consume any MP. I’ll switch to «Coordinate Levitation» and disable the weightlessness.

It’s possible to descend by moving with «Coordinate Levitation», but if I use the attraction force in that state….yeah, that’s faster.

“Oh, you’re back.”

“I think I’ve got it. But if I can master it or not is another matter.”

Using just «Coordinate Levitation», it’s E. If I combine it with «Spatial Magic»’s [Gravitas Manoeuvre], it’s A.

The magic alone applies force to the whole body, so posture control is not possible. I should instead use «Coordinate Levitation» to compensate for that, and magic to supplement the speed.

In other words, control the attitude mainly with «Coordinate Levitation», and adjust the flying speed with magic.

Kicking the ground while weightless is faster, but it propels me in a straight line and consumes MP. It’s not so easy to use.

It’s better to change the direction of gravity with [Gravitas Manoeuvre].

Taking into account just speed, it’s superior to Fairellen-san’s Éclasídhe, but in regards to combat, the Éclasídhe seems better. If I am a fighter plane, Fairellen-san is an attack helicopter.

If there is a problem, it’s that I’m wearing a skirt. There is the wyvern for travelling, so I should not need to fly much…, there are dungeons. Can it be used to bypass switch-type traps?

If I don’t use it regularly, I will be sure to forget about it when a time comes that it is needed. I should try to actively use it.

For the time being, the skills to improve are «Rope» and «Holy Magic». I think the priority is to raise «Rope» to the second tier.

As for «Holy Magic», it will be raised from being hit by enemies. It’s not bad, because that also improves auto-healing and defence skills. The visuals of that are a bit of a problem, while in full-dive, but the enemies of the Starting Town instance dungeon are too weak.

I’ve heard that combat skills are hard to raise from 40, so the goal for now is to get everything other than magic to that point.

Oh, the set effect for my equipment changed. Let’s take a look.

Set effect:

 02 Automatic Recovery: Large

 03 Damage Reduction: Large

 04 Improved Reaction Speed: Large

 08 «Magic Convergence II»

 12 «Automatic Defence II»

Automatic recovery with 2 pieces of the set, damage reduction with 3, increased reaction speed with 4, «Magic Convergence» with 8, and «Automatic Defence» with the full set.

«Magic Convergence II»

No damage reduction, but retains a portion of magic power when hit by magic.

The magic power is added to your own magic attack after being hit.

«Automatic Defence II»

A certain probability to create a magic barrier that reduces the damage of incoming attacks.

Melee attack barrier is red, ranged attack barrier is green, magic barrier is blue.

When active, it reduces damage by 10% and reduces threat.

Skill enhancement has been removed, but the effect was unclear anyway, so that’s fine.

I think «Magic Convergence» and «Automatic Defence» are pretty good. However, the threat reduction from «Automatic Defence»….depends a lot on the time and situation.

Now, let’s check the effect of «Great Art» on «Necromantic Secrets».

The effect is that the capacity of «Necromantic Secrets» increases with time. Capacity costs and the loss of capacity on servant death are decreased.

Hmm….rather than that, hasn’t it deteriorated? Yes, it has, hasn’t it? Capacity costs have not changed, but the capacity loss on death has increased?

It has gone from 10-20% on death and 20-40% on purification to 40% on death and 70% on purification. Is it my skill level? Is it because my skill level is low? I have to raise it…

I’ll make a note of the capacity before going to bed and check it in the morning to determine the increase in capacity over time.

Oh, right ……Ah, I knew it. Since I’m no longer undead, I don’t have purification immunity any more. This means that the servant can be purified…..That’s a problem.

Hmm, is Eibon calling to me? Or at least, «Intuition» is reacting to it.

<A new power has been added to «Great Art»>

To this one.

«Great Art»

Grant your own skill to your summoned servant, according to the skill level.

The capacity of «Necromantic Secrets» increases over time.

Capacity cost, and capacity loss on servant death, of «Necromantic Secrets» is reduced.

«Necromantic Secrets» can summon a writhing being of deformed flesh.

There are no important details. Can I see it in the «Necromantic Secrets»?

What is it…..? The initial summoning cost is (summoner level x 10 x 2) x 10? It’s slightly different.

It’s not possible to improve, it depends on the summoner’s…..that is, my base level.

The evaluation is Strength: A, Dexterity: F, Vitality: A, Agility: F/E, Intellect: E, Spirit: E. It has very high durability and recovery ability.

It seems somehow quite special. The skill is…. Well, I’ll summon it for the time being, let’s think about it after seeing it.

A red-black wriggling mass spills out of a crack in space, pouring out like a wave, then spreading into a puddle. The spread mass comes together and rises, bubbling up, changing size and shape irregularly.

This unit is named floating fortress of flesh, and like its name suggests, is a durable mass of flesh that floats and moves. From this floating fortress of flesh, masses of meat spawn and split away. The split off spawns gather at the enemy and self-destruct…

What it can do is move, create spawns and counterattack with tentacles. This child is a fortress, so its strength lies in its durability. If you don’t destroy it, spawns will continuously emerge from the fortress to attack.

I say ‘unit’ because it is just like an SLG. A floating fortress unit that automatically generates suicide attack units.

The size of the fortress is quite large. The cost of the size was only 10 times higher. It’s bigger than me. Maybe it’s rideable?

It has a summoning cost of 8000. Even the wyvern has an initial cost of 3200 .

“This is also interesting.”

“It should still be #1 inside.”

The tentacles are stretching out from the fortress and flailing, so it is probably #1. It seems that the spawns are also #1. It is easy for the spawns, as they only need to charge in.

The spawns look like small spheres. If the floating fortress of flesh is the size of a house, the spawns are about the size of a volleyball.

The spawns circle around the floating fortress like a satellite.

“By the way, Sire. Can your incarnation become something other than a person?”

“Well, I wonder?”


“It seems it can.”

“Sure but, it’s just a ball…..”

It seems that it can also become the meat mass it was right after separating form the main body. I don’t have any form-restricted skills though, so I don’t think I would need to become one. Rather, I can’t use my Kokon Musou like this.

“This sphere is rather large, isn’t it?”

“It’s definitely bigger than the human form. I wonder where it was all being kept.”

“If we’re speaking of places to store it….it’s the chest…isn’t it…”

“Sire is certainly big, but……is it possible…”

“The only thing that I can think of is a difference in density. It’s not like these are the sort of things that common sense apply to in the first place though.

“That’s true.”

By the way, Lana is big enough, too. With an appearance very fitting of the Sword Princess, she is good looking.

Well, now that the event is over, I want to go somewhere other than the north and east.

I’ll send back #1…. Ah, right. I’ll fly over to the Medium and head for the old castle.

“Now, I have something to ask, but where is Nyar-sama….”

Oh, you’re here.

“If it’s something pointless I’ll send you flying with a kick.”

“Don’t worry. It’s very important.”


“Please tell me the rules of the Outer Ones.”

“Hmm….Right. That’s good. But actually, there are no particular rules.”

One, as the Goddess wills.

 Two, no one is allowed to enter the tribal areas without permission. Permission must be obtained from a representative.

 Three, no fighting. We don’t ask you to get along with everyone. Just don’t interfere.

 Four, status among the races is equal. However, follow the instructions of the person in charge unless they are unreasonable.

 Five, interference with the surface is prohibited, without good reason.

“That’s about it.”

“Can you elaborate on number four?”

“Hmm. Basically, each race has a representative. The overlord of Tindalos, Mh’ithrha. Cthulhu, Lord of R’lyeh. The abominable burning perversion, Cthugha. I also hold the position of Chancellor. I listen to most things that pertain to that role.”

There is a Cthulhu, after all. If there’s Cthulhu, there must also be Hastur, right?

As for Cthugha, let’s not get into that. I’m not going to rush into all that. I don’t think I’m too serious about it at the moment.

“You’re still a newcomer. Depending on your actions, you will be given a position. Being the only one of your kind it is especially likely.”

“Because there are no others of my kind? What about actions against breach of contract?”

“That’s something we’ll find out when the time comes.”

Hmm, it looks like there will be a notification in the UI.

“So, for the fifth, is it okay for me to go to the surface?”

“It’s okay, because you haven’t been told otherwise. The incarnation also seems to have been reduced to the surface level, so that may be what you’re supposed to do.”

There does not look to be much to restrict actions as a player. That does help me. Then I will not hesitate.

I got the information I wanted, so let’s say goodbye. I thank Nyar-sama, and it’s now time to go to the surface.

First of all…..To the church.

“Waa…Onee-chan there is something there….”

It is not my sister that has caught me, but a Resident boy.

“It’s fine, it is safe to touch it.”

“Oh, you’re the Onee-chan in the dress?”

“Yes, I’ve changed my look. Please tell your friends.”

“All right!”

I see the boy off and enter the church.

It’s quicker to tell the person above than below, so…let’s speak to that person. The difference in the status of the clergy is not shown in the colour of the robe, but the colour of their embroidery.

“Are Lucianna-san and Sophie-san here? I have a delivery from the Nether.”

“Yes, yes. This way, please.”

It seems that I got through to them okay. But perhaps they are confused by the change in appearance.

I do understand….it has changed quite a lot, so I will not say anything in particular.

I am guided to a room, and left to wait for a short while.

Sophie-san has arrived first.

“Oh, an image change…, rather than that, evolved?”

“Yes. I have become an Outer One, but will continue to work with the Nether, so there is no problem.”

“….There is no problem?”


Lucianna-san has entered, so Sophie-san explains to her. Lucianna-san’s brow furrows as she listens.

There is also an addition to the explanation.

“The Outer Ones can be said to be the messengers of the Gods, so from the point of view of the church there should be no problem……”

“It can be considered the highest peak of the Miko….. Since the inside has not changed, there should be no problem…..”

“Yes…..For now, I understand the situation.”

“I don’t really have anything in particular to say about it. Oh, here is today’s resupply.”

“Thank you……It was running low.”

Crystal Lotus and Holy Punica for Lucianna-san. And Water of Recollection and Pure Soil for Sophie-san.

“Right, Sophie-san. Have you ever heard of [Gravitas Manoeuvre]?”

“Of course, but I rarely use it…..”

“Because of the fuel efficiency?”

“Yeah. The fuel efficiency is too bad…… When you fall, you can use [Fall Control]…..”

“[Fall Control]?”

“Don’t you know it? A spell that lowers your fall speed and reduces fall damage…..”

“I’ve never heard of it before.”

“You can learn it from «Super-Class Magic Ability»…..”

Oh…that must be the skill after «High-Class Magic Ability».

It’s a gravity manipulator, so I guess it’s a high difficulty level. Since it only reduces the falling speed, the reduced functionality makes it more fuel efficient than [Gravitas Manoeuvre].

At any rate, even from Sophie-san’s point of view, the fuel consumption is bad. At least it’s worse than a broom. I think in my case there is a racial adjustment.

“Anastasia-san, your outfit is……”

“It was given to me by Stellura-sama…..or should I say it is borrowed?”

“I see. Do you have a profession as a priest?”

“Yes, I do. I’m also the ruler of the Afterworld.”

“Hmm…….Then I’ll teach you how to make holy water…..”

“Holy water?”

“Yes. Any priest can make simple holy water. Please wait a moment.”

Lucianna-san leaves the room to get the recipe.

In the meantime, I’ll ask Sophie-san about holy water.

“Basically, what is called holy water is simple holy water…..It is made by praying for clean water that contains magical power….. Holy water that is not simple requires a ritual, it is used in important ceremonies……”

“Is the ritual something you can do by yourself?”

“I couldn’t do it…… I’m not a priest, so I don’t know the details…..”

“I’m not a member of a church, is that okay?”

“It’s okay…… The Outer Ones are the closest to the Goddess, so in a way, the clergy admire them. But because they look so bad, they want to be Immortal at best…”

It is true that they are the closest, both in existence and in distance. It’s an enviable position for a priest…..but both are isolated in a sense. If that’s the case, it’s probably better to be an Immortal who looks better.

They may look bad, but they are good people. Nevertheless, appearance is important for human beings. Before we know what’s inside, we make a judgement based on appearance. It’s really sad.

Lucianna-san is back.

“Sorry to keep you waiting. Here you go.”

“By the way, this is for Nemeseia…. The recipe for Nether materials…”

<Special recipe [Simple Holy Water] was learned>

The recipe I received from Lucianna-san has been registered, and Sophie-san gave me a recipe for water a stage before it becomes holy water using Nether materials.

“I can’t make holy water, but I often make water before it is made into holy water….”

“I’m asking her to make it after all.”

“I see.”

The Water of Recollection is filtered through Pure Soil and…..prayed over? That’s pretty easy, isn’t it?

“By the way, if you don’t use purifying soil, you need to go through a lot of steps…. That soil itself is very good because it has a purifying effect….. The magical power of the Water of Recollection is also perfect…. It’s the easiest material to make holy water out of…. It’s a really good material that allows you to skip a few steps and maintain a high quality…..”

Is this the reason for the procedure?

Normally, water and soil are cleaned and consecrated, and then prayed over. However, the Nether materials are gathered from a special environment, so it seems to be able to skip them.

Apparently, the process of cleaning is not the same as using [Clean]. If you want to make it without hassle, you should use Nether materials.

“Oops, do you know the power that the clergy have?”

“The power of the clergy…..?”

“A priest can use mystical powers for consecration and to make holy water, through prayer. And «Holy Magic» in general will be enhanced. Specifically «Holy Fire Magic»….for holy fire spells, and [Hymn]….for holy songs.

“I’ve never heard of holy fire and holy songs before.”

“They are derived from «Holy Magic» and «Flame Magic», and «Holy Magic» and «Bard».”

“It is often used by paladins, knights belonging to the church…..”

“Is it magic for use against the undead?”


«Flame Magic» is the secondary skill of «Fire Magic», and «Bard» is….I think it was a combination of «Chant» and «Performance». I think both «Chant» and «Performance» were derived from «Wind Magic»…..Which means….

“I’m unable to learn either. I can only use magic from the light and dark families, due to my race.”

“Oh, I see.”

“Because it is the faith of Stellura-sama…..?”

“I think it’s related. The fire, water, wind, and earth magics were sealed. On the contrary, light and dark were enhanced. And of course the derivatives holy and shadow, and space.”

“You need fire and wind, so it’s certainly impossible. «Holy Magic» becomes «Sacred Magic» and «Spatial Magic» becomes…«Space-Time Magic», was it?”

“Yeah… becomes space-time…….”

“It seems better to master that.”

“Sacred and space-time, is it. What about light and dark, and shadow?”

“«Luminous Magic» becomes «Aurora Magic».”

“«Darkness Magic» to «Chaos Magic»…..«Shadow Magic» becomes «Underworld Magic», but except for people like us, there are few people who can reach the third level of a skill…..”

Hmmm…I got some good information. It’s from Lucianna-san and Sophie-san, so it’s reliable. I’m not going to ask them about the contents of the magic, because discovering it myself is fun..

Not many of the Residents reach the third skill tiers……However, the immortal beings like Sorciere usually have it, right? I think Sophie-san will have it, considering her level.

It’s hard to increase your combat skills past 40 in the second tier. As a result, in the 40s, or even 50s of the secondary skill, people will retire from adventuring, or become a Union member, due to old age.

Those who reach the tertiary skill are usually rank B or A, so it seems to be the so-called veterans. And those who can use the tertiary skill fully are the hero class, S rank.

By the way, Sophie-san seems to be S rank. ….Right!

I’ve learned some very useful information, and it’s almost lunchtime, so it’s a good time for a break.

After saying goodbye to Lucianna-san and Sophie-san, I leave the church.

After a leisurely lunch, I log in for the afternoon.

Now, what should I do? I want to raise the «Rope» skill, but should I go to the fourth area of the east, northwest or west…..

I’ve been doing Adventurer Union quests, but…I have not been taking any of the errand quests from townsfolk Residents. Perhaps I should take a look at those.

In other words, there are many options. It’s annoying. Very annoying.

…I should open the portal first. It will be more convenient later. So then…. I will go and unlock the fourth east area.

No, wait. I should go to the Union first, and check for the event that Rina mentioned. Now that’s decided, off to the Union.

“Ah! Anastasia-san, this way!


It happened successfully. It looks like I have cleared the conditions for it. I handed over my Union card and it has been returned showing that I have reached Union rank C.

<Your base level is now 40 and your adventurer rank is C. You are now a full-fledged adventurer. You will be able to travel between different countries, and your world will expand. However, you still have a lot of work to do before you can go to the unknown lands and dungeons. Let’s see the world. You will surely find something exciting out there.>

<You have fulfilled specific requirements and acquire “Title: Full-Fledged Adventurer”.>

  Full-Fledged Adventurer

A commemorative title given to those who have attained the rank of ‘C’ in the Union.

You are a full-fledged adventurer, and it is clear to both yourself and others. However, the peak is still far away.

“We, the members of the union, look forward to seeing your future success.”

“Yes, thank you very much.”

“By the way……you’ve changed a lot, haven’t you?”

“Because I have evolved from an Immortal to an Outer One? I have just reported it to Lucianna-san at the church.”

“Oh, so you’ve…..evolved to an Outer One…….”

Hahaha! Your smile, it’s twitching.

I’m not going to point it out though.

“Then, I’ll be going for now.”

“Yes, come again.”

Since I’m here, let’s go to Master’s place……Megan-san might need some help too.


“Oh, you….who are you?”

“Greetings, Master.”

“That voice, so it’s you huh. You’ve changed a lot……”

“I’ve become an Outer One, please praise me.”

“That is amazing….. But aside from Immortals, it is really okay to celebrate becoming an Outer One…..? It will be hard for you to live. Then again, you’re here as usual. What about the Medium.”

“This is an incarnation. The main body is in the Medium. It’s like a separate body, but don’t worry about it.”

“…..Well, if you’re fine with it, then okay. What about Lucianna?”

“I went by to deliver some things earlier. Does Megan-san need any materials resupplied?”

“Ah, I could use them. Fill it up.”

After replenishing her supplies, I leave Megan-san’s shop.

Now it’s time to open the portal.

I transfer to the third area, Barberg, and my goal is the fourth area, Finfelden.

I won’t use a horse or wyvern, but «Coordinate Levitation» and [Gravitas Manoeuvre]. It’s faster. In other words, it’s better for shaking off enemies.

After leaving the east gate, I float a few metres off the ground and accelerate due east..

The height is a little higher than when riding a horse. Sweep through the air at a slight distance from the ground.

The wind is a hindrance….. I did not think far enough ahead. I’ve become a human missile…..or a rocket, because it goes straight.

Wa~……It’s amazing. So fast.

Oh, there is a wall already. As expected, the speed is good when going in a straight line….Ah, isn’t this dangerous? I don’t know if I can stop.

I’ll raise my body and change the direction of gravity, and push off with my feet.

“Ah, oi! Are you okay!?”

It seems that the gatekeeper came out in response to the mysterious flying object. Well, me. But I can’t afford to answer!

To avoid hitting anyone while going through the gate, I veer off course and head for the wall. I think we’d both be in trouble if I ran into anyone at this speed.

Ah, it’s no good. I can’t slow down. I’ve turned into a sphere plastered on the wall…..


Alright, I’ve got some health left. Don’t die, don’t die.

I peel myself off the wall while returning to a human shape. It’s like a slime.

“Whew…I nearly lost my incarnation. …Sorry for the disturbance. I’m an Outsider. Can I come through?”

“Hmmm………Well, be careful in town. The kids will cry if they see that.”

“It was my first time flying and I forgot to slow down. In hindsight, I should have increased the altitude. I’ll do that next time.”

“Yes, please do. Anyway, welcome to Finfelden! It’s an honour to meet an Outer One!”

“I’m still just a newcomer.”

“By the way, is there a problem in town?”

“No, I’m just taking a stroll to increase my transfer destinations.”

“I see, then that’s good. Please, take your time.”

Safe…..might not be quite right. All’s well that ends well, as the saying goes.

Having arrived in Finfelden, I go to the central square to open the portal.

To the east is the Kingdom of Nealence, home to the headquarters of the church, and a country of agriculture and wine. In other words, every town on the east side of the continent has a lot of fields. And maybe flowers, too.

The buildings are mostly white and made of stone. Is it related to religion? The town is beautiful, but must be hard to keep clean.

Anyway, let’s check the progression BBS.

Mmm….Hmmm. Looks like someone reached the royal capital. Seems like the regular route is limited to level 40 enemies. That’s what the system message meant.

I know that I can go to the royal capital now…..but should I head there first to unlock the portal, or just take a leisurely trip around…..

All right, let’s go east to the royal capital today.

There’s a girl looking over here. Might she know? I’ll ask her.

“Hello. Do you know how far it is from here to the royal capital?”

“Hello! Um..uh…….Next to the next town!”

“All the way east?”


“Alright, thank you. Eat this with your family.”

All I have on hand is Holy Punica, but that’s fine.

Parting from the girl I head east. I will check with the person at the gate.

“A girl I asked told me the royal capital is neighbouring the next town. Was that right?”

“Yes, that’s right. If you go straight here, you’ll come to Bidminster. If you head further east, you’ll reach the royal capital, Nealence.”

“Thank you. I’ll be going there.”

“Have a good journey!”

Yes, and please pray that I do not have any more crashes.

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