From Player To Npc

Chapter 102: Trip to old hideout

Chapter 102: Trip to old hideout

The two days passed, with Shingi working on his Mana Pool almost nonstop.

On the morning of the third, he finally finished it, and he could feel that his Mana Pool being 50% Light Element, 40% Earth, and 10% Fire.

His Mana Tree had grown in size, and in extent also his Mana Pool making his total MP larger from 56 to 64.

Also, he had new Mana Seed and Mana Fruits.

He used to have 14 Mana Seeds and only 1 Mana Fruit, but now they were to 18 Mana Seeds and 3 Mana Fruits.

His Mana Seeds were strong enough to power up to all his Base Grade Spells except FEAR and GOLEMANCY.

His Mana Fruit seemed to empower even his Light Form, but he didn't put it to the test.

He felt that the first Mana Fruit of his had more mana than the other two, while all his Mana Seeds seemed to have the same amount.

The Mana Fruits' growth in mana stored in them was at least ten times slower than that of the Mana Seeds.

With that number, it meant that his Mana Tree was of Master Rank but barely.

Now that he officially had his third Element, he was ready to leave.

Zhen had produced a few more batches of Mana Gems during that time and started working on making staves and wands.

With some help from Volig, Little Phoenix took care of making them following the designs of Shingi for the staves and Zhen's for the wands.

On the second day, some people came as they had shown interest in working in the shop, even some Players.

It seemed people heard that Karemon was looking for someone to introduce to the shop, as people found out that he was the one that introduced Greg, so they kept their ears open.

Greg was an NPC, but that didn't mean that the shop wouldn't hire Blessed Ones since it had happened in the past.

He wasn't going to let any Players he didn't know work in the shop, so they were out of the contest.

Most of the rest were beginners, and he had to stop his training to change to Ameanum to use his EAGLE EYES to check their skills and if they were hiding something.

He wanted to transfer his EAGLE EYES Skill to his NPC self. Still, he was sure that the System wouldn't allow it, or it would have happened some time ago since he was overusing it even before he disabled the SHARE EXPERIENCE option.

He hoped that he would be able to unlock it by passing the limits of his PERCEPTION with his NPC body, although he wasn't sure how soon he would be able to pull it off.

As a Player, he got his Eagle Eyes during a Quest with Aella, who had boosted temporary his sight in search of one of the clues, but it was enough to increase his proficiency of the Skill at the next level and evolve.

Even if he could send a message to Aella, he wasn't going to ask her for something like that. He knew how busy she could be, and there was a chance of punishing him instead of helping him. 

Her temper was quite wild, even if she was fine the few times she met her at his NPC form. 

But she was the Goddess of Storm, and the storm could start at any point without warning.

In the end, they hired a female human who looked to be more like a bodybuilder.

She was experienced in working on Forges as her Father used to be a Blacksmith, but she decided to travel after he died and came across the town and heard of the shop with Master Smith in it.

Her name was Hetha, and she got hired as she was one with the most experience.

She was handling some simple orders and mainly the regular weapons they were making in bulks to be sold.

She was in a test period. Depending on her progress, more tasks would be given to her.

Shingi had bought some supplies and had them in his ring and a regular bag with some so that he looked like an average traveler as not everyone had Spatial Rings.

He had informed everyone else of his plan of leaving and given some tasks to a few.

Pan gave him a single paper with some tips on GOLEMANCY.

Hineko and Mizuneko would continue making some Potions and Spell Scrolls and were planning to sell them through his shop, but only when they had made an extensive stock of them.

Little Phoenix was busy making the Staves and Wands, while Wild Tycoon was going out with Marcy to try to level up. Those two seemed to start

creating a friendship, especially when they were handling the 'annoying.' people disturbing them, trying to get closer to Shingi through them.

Marcy asked him if she should make a Guild, and he said he wasn't against it, but he wasn't going to be a member himself but would help if needed.

He knew that Guilds had some benefits that typically Players couldn't get, but he wasn't interested in getting tied to a group like that, and he wasn't so much of a leader to make one himself.

As he said his goodbyes to everyone, he pulled up his hood but didn't enable its illusion ability and started running at top speed.

He had a long way to cover and wanted to finish it the sooner as possible.

He was planning to visit some old hideouts of his, hoping nobody has found them.

There were some valuable items there that he could use.

Also, there were a few more people and places in the kingdom he wanted to visit.

He, fortunately, was at the North Kingdom, where he mostly had his activities as a Players before dying, even if he had started from the West Kingdom.

He had bought a few maps with the help of Aneta and Greg, so he could make a mental route of where to go first.

There was a hideout of his two days away with his current speed of travel. It was a small one and was a house he had bought in a small village in the area, so he wasn't sure if someone messed with his things while he was gone.

He kept traveling all day with some breaks when his SP was getting dangerously low, but with the SP Regeneration potions he had from Hineko, he restored them sooner than typically would.

At night he made a camp with a tent and typical campfire to rest, but mostly train.

He wanted to cross out of his list two things; finish his two Unfinished Spells.

He read the paper that Pan gave him that even if it didn't have a lot written, it gave him a few inspirations.

He created a single Golem, and since he focused on making only one, it was taller than the others he had made till now, bringing it close to 1 meter.

He made it a Defense one and improved the Shape of its brain from the inspiration he had.

Then for the first time, he cast a Spell but used two of his Elements instead of one.

The Spell was, of course, METAL HANDS and used both Earth and Fire.

The fists of his became partially grey and martially brown like there was a mix of dirt and metal.

Both Spells improved a bit, but still, neither were considered finished yet.

He dispelled them and recast them until he finally got the notifications he expected.



The spell METAL HANDS had been finished and raised to Base Rank




The spell GOLEMANCY had been finished and raised to Grand Master Rank




Task Completed: Learn one Grandmaster Spell

Reward: Full MP Recharge x1


He was expecting GOLEMANCY to be Master Rank and not Grandmaster as that was that he had heard it to be, but not many knew it, so it was a bit of a mystery.

He could feel his Golem being at a different level than before but could feel some restrictions like the System wasn't letting him use it at full power yet.

The reward of his Main Quest was unexpected, but he was amazed that there wasn't one for learning a Master Grade Spell or reaching a Skill at Master Rank.

His METAL HANDS power had increased close to 5 times than before, increasing his close combat ability.

He could damage the Hell Spawn with that Spell but not defeating it yet.

This took him a few hours, and he decided to focus on reading the books of Aneta for Arcane Words.

He had the Passive Skill Minor Arcane Words, but this gave him some help in deciding the words to use, but he had to learn them first.

He was lucky to remember a few, like the LIGHT FORM and MANA HAND.

The rest were more complicated, so he couldn't exactly remember their exact wording. Some of his Spells hadn't heard about, and he had to find words of similar Spells for them. 

There were a few examples of the word for different Spells, but all were of Low Grade, and none were of one Shingi knew or was interested to learn.

He wasn't going to learn any Spell he could as he wanted quality over quantity.

There were a few to help on some tasks but nothing that he couldn't do with his Skills or Enchantments.

Using them for his higher than Low Grade Spell wasn't possible as the words made for a Spell of one Grade wouldn't work on a Spell of a different Grade, no matter how similar the two Spell were.

As for Ungraded Spells, they didn't need the use of them as they wouldn't be affected.

This helped him remember a few words he had studied in the past and wrote them down to try them later if needed.

As the sun was out again, he stored his tent and spread the remains campfire of his so that one couldn't tell that somebody took a rest there.

He had continued traveling a bit more even after the sun wasn't out as he wasn't too far from his destination.

On the horizon, he saw the lights of a large village on the edge of being considered a small town.

It was grown in size since the last time he was here.

As he reached the gate, he got stopped by a well-armed guard, which was unexpected of one place like that to have.

He looked to be in his early twenties, which was impressive as he was a high rank one from his armor.

"State your identity and business and why you are alone this late at night."[Guard???]

Shingi saw that behind the man who spoke were a few more guards who had standard pieces of Equipment as expected for ones in a small place like that.

"Name is Shingi, sir. I am a traveler and came to visit the place of my Master. He hasn't been here for a long time and asked me to see if his things are in place."[Shingi]

He could feel the man trying to read him, but Shingi was too experienced for him to be read by a person like that, even if he seemed to be an experienced soldier, even if he looked relatively young.

"And who is the Master of yours? And why he sent you by yourself?"[Guard???]

"His name is Ameanum. He is a Blessed One and is currently busy with a Quest of his."[Shingi]

He said the last thing in a quiet tone so that only the man in front of him to hear it.

He wouldn't share this information usually, but he noticed a branding in the person's armor in front of him.

It was the brand of the King's personal guards.

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