From Player To Npc

Chapter 105: Protector Beliss

Chapter 105: Protector Beliss

"And why do you think I can help you find her?"[Jax]

"We both know the answer to that. She was your Master even if you try to keep it a secret. I mean no offense to your skills, but I don't really think you made Chef by yourself."[Shingi]

Chef was a construct serving Jax, and unlike the rest of its kind, which mainly was mindless beings, this one had a mind of its own. 

Of course, Chef was bound to follow the commands of Jax but had most times freedom what it wanted.

It wasn't just meant for cooking as its name was saying, but also capable of playing any musical instrument in existence, singing, telling jokes, and using magic, mostly Illusions for entertainment purposes.

"How long did you know?"[Jax]

Shingi had read about Protectors in the past, but he came across Chef's real background through pure chance during a Quest for the King.

"So you are one of her students. I doubt she gave you that gift because of your position in the council."[Shingi]

He knew that Protectors and especially Beliss, who was the best inventor in all the Realms, was someone even the King wanted to see but didn't have the chance.

She rarely made appearances, but she significantly impacted history with her creations when she did.

Even Varan once said to Ameanum that he didn't want to mess with her.

Her background and the rest of the protectors seemed not to be gods but not having the same background as Varan. They were many tales of how they came to be, but everything was considered rumors and not facts.

Not even the Lucky one who became students of one of them knew the background of their teacher.

"Yes, she was indeed my Master, but I haven't had news from her for a few decades. I don't have a way to communicate with her or even a clue how to find her."[Jax]

"Did she gave you her Blessing?"[Shingi]

Jax seemed a bit reluctant to say, but he soon gave his response.

"Yes, she had. But mine has a different set of effects than the one you have. I wouldn't go into details about it, but I am confident even if it has the same name, it is made to suit its user. Although I must admit, yours seem quite groundbreaking."[Jax]

Shingi was curious to see the difference between their Blessings, but he wasn't going to make Jax say something he didn't want to share. Not that he could do it if he wanted.

"Then she should be aware that we have met."[Shingi]

One could see the realization of what Shingi said on Jax's face.

"But, of course. We both have the Blessing that is part of her power inside us, so she should notice if we use them next so close to each other."[Jax]

A slow clap started being heard, but it wasn't coming from Shingi or Jax.

They both turned their gaze towards the main entrance, and there was the source of the clapping.

It was a short female person with white hair and golden eyes.

Her skin was greyish, and seeing her slightly pointy ears, one could tell that she was a Dark Gnome.

Gnomes were famous for their inventions, but Dark Gnomes were part of their race who were exiled and were leaving underground, which after the generation passing, their skin turned into this greyish color.

Dark Gnomes also had a better ability to see in the dark than regular Gnomes, and there were rumors that they were born with an innate Mana Pool of Dark Element.

It wasn't known why the first Dark Gnomes were exiled as Gnomes weren't interested in sharing their history or how to create their inventions with others.

The female figure was wearing what looked to be, at some point, an extraordinary robe, but with many patches that it had on it, it had lost its style. But the patches seemed to be there for another purpose than the usual one, as its one had a different Enchantment Circle drawn on it.

"I was curious when one would find out about this way. I didn't think the new one would be the first one, but I guess young minds think clearer."[Beliss]

Shingi had used the active effect of his Blessing when Jax told him he had the Blessing too, and it seemed that with the combination of their Passive Effects of their Blessing truly worked on calling her to them.

"Well, it is nice to see you face to face, I guess, lad. I must say you showed a little more talent than I thought with the small help I gave you."[Beliss]

Jax had kneeled once more as he saw the figure of his Master after that long.

Beliss didn't tell him to stand as she didn't seem to mind others kneel for her as Shingi was.

"Well then, what do you want to ask of me? Be aware my schedule is too busy these days."[Beliss]

She vanished for a second and then appeared sitting at one of the chairs.

Shingi was amazed as his Detection Skills hadn't seen her how she moved from one point to the other. She didn't seem to move normally or use any Spells; she just vanished and appeared to a new spot.

He had encountered in the past mages or creatures capable of short teleportation. Still, there was always some indication for his PERCEPTION or MANA SENSE of one of the mages, but here there was none.

"Come one, both of you sit. I don't have all day."[Beliss]

Jax stood up and sat once more at his chair, and Shingi turned his chair to face Beliss better.

"It's a pleasure meeting you at last, and I am thankful for your gifts. I have to ask you a few questions and a request if you don't mind."[Shingi]

She made a gesture for him to keep talking.

"First, is Mikhail a Protector's Student?"[Shingi]

Beliss raised one of her eyebrows.

"Not exactly, but I can understand why you would think so. He is just one of the fools who tried to make himself a Protector. Some would say he succeeded, but he is a fake one compared to my Brothers and me."[Beliss]

Shingi didn't expect this to be the answer. He wasn't sure how one could become a Protector but had heard of attempts of people trying to be one and failed miserable.

"Is he someone you can't deal with?"[Shingi]

Beliss laughed loudly at this. Shingi was worried about the people in the kitchen or the guards outside when hearing this unknown female laugh would burst in the room. 

But nothing like that happened.

"That boy is too ambitious if he thinks he will be able to fight against us. But we have ignored him for now as he hadn't made any strange moves. And before you ask, no, I won't help you fight him. It would be best if you left him be for now. I am sure he will doom himself sooner or later." [Beliss]

Shingi doubted her words as Mikhail was around was ten thousand years since he was the father of Aella.

"Then how about sharing any information you have for him or his power?"[Shingi]

She smiled at him.

"Is that your request? Because I must warn you I will fulfill only one request of yours."[Beliss]

Shingi shook his head as he didn't consider it worthy.

"Then can you tell me what you know about these?"[Shingi]

He then summoned from his Sptails Ring the two things that many people would kill to have.

The Spirit Hammer and his Growth Type sword.

Jax was aware of Shingi having them, but he still was impressed of seeing them with his eyes and not just from the memories of Shingi.

"Some impressive toys indeed. I have worked with similar in the past, although these haven't fully awakened yet."[Beliss]

"Can you tell me how to awaken them then?"[Shingi]

She chuckled at this.

"Of course I can and even more than you think. BUT, as I said, I can fulfill one request of yours, and these are two items."[Beliss]

Both of those items were important for him and the progress of his plans.

"If I may ask. Will the Spirit Hammer being able to be used at full power even if I am not its real owner if I chose it?"[Shingi]

"It has started considering you its owner, but making it complete wouldn't be hard and could make it part of the request."[Beliss]

Shingi was glad to hear it but also sad at the same time.

If it weren't possible to fully be considered its owner, he would choose to go with his sword.

"If I may interrupt for a bit."[Jax]

Both Shingi and Beliss turned their gaze toward Jax, who was silent during the whole conversation.

"I know you have given me a gift in the past, but would you be able to fulfill his second request as part of my request? With all due respect, Master."[Jax]

Shingi didn't expect Jax to ask of something like that for his sake, but it was true that he planned to bring balance back to the Kingdoms and the Realm.

"How interesting. It seems after all this time that passed, you have started having feelings of attachments to others other than signs of loyalty. Then I suppose I will fulfill both of your requests. Is that ok with you?"[Beliss]

Shingi nodded, and Beliss brought the two items closer to her.

"Oh, just shut up. You are just a baby, and you try to fight me? I could turn you into a toothpick for that."[Beliss]

Shingi felt the sword fighting her as it did with him when he first picked it as his NPC self, but it was too weak compared to Beliss' will.

The Spirit Hammer didn't show any signs of minding to be picked, but its runes lighten up a bit when she did pick it up.

He had noticed them acting like that when Garry used the Hammer in the past back when he made his dagger.

Beliss examined the runes of both of them and then left them back at the table.

She then made a close sphere with her hand and brought them in front of her mouth.

She seemed to be saying something, but not even Shingi could hear what it was.

She raised her right hand, which was the top part of the sphere, to reveal two little spherical pills.

"Eat those, and you will know what you need to do. But beware that there are going to be prices which you will need to pay. Some you are aware of and some that you aren't yet."[Beliis]

Shingi nodded as he consumed one of the pills.

It was the one about the Spirit Hammer, and the information wasn't only about how to use it better but also about the background of the Spirits residing in the Hammer.

It seemed that there were different types of Spirit Hammers depending on how many Spirits were residing in it. Each Spirit was one of the past owners, but some Spirits decided to leave the Hammer and go to the afterlife.

The one he currently had had 4 Spirits in it, but it seemed that Garry was its tenth owner.

The other five have left like it's been a long time that someone didn't discover the Hammer, and they left for the afterlife, hoping to fulfill their passion to craft things there.

He also learned that his mother was the one who found the Spirit Hammer, but because she didn't have a suitable Profession or Skills, she couldn't bond with it.

Shingi started organizing all the new information that appeared in his mind, which took him a couple of minutes to do so thanks to his Blessing's active effect still boosting his INT.

As his mind was clear once more, he took the second pill for his sword, which he thought wouldn't be this bad as with the Hammer as it wouldn't have the history of it.

He was clearly wrong as he passed out within a few seconds of consuming the pill.

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