From Player To Npc

Chapter 123: Reports

Chapter 123: Reports

Shingi and Orsina were happy to see the sight of the familiar place, even if the outside wall didn't exist last time she was here.

They were at a suitable distance not to be noticed by the few guards at the town's main gate.

They started walking towards the gate with far less luggage on them from what they left with since Shingi couldn't hold them all, and his Golems were fighting the undead.

Himon was sad that she lost some that contained a few of her favorite dresses, but at least her favorite toys were with her or in the bag Shingi had with him all the time.

Shingi, though, had stored a few of them at his Ring, but since it was quite full, he couldn't store much.

At that point, he thought, why didn't Harbin gave them a Spatial Ring to keep their stuff stored as he seemed to have at least one, and he probably could get access to a few.

Shingi waved at a few of the guards he had seen in the past, even though they didn't recognize him since he mostly met them when he still had an 8-year-old body.

They didn't stop them from asking while they were in town, as they weren't as big or had as many problems, except in some rare cases as what happened with that Guild.

They headed for his family's house so that Orsina and Himon leave whatever luggage they had left and rest from the trip.

Himon wasn't too tired as she did little, but Orsina got tired from using such a powerful Spell twice in such a short time.

They reached the place, and it needed a bit of cleaning as nobody was using it for some time.

Garry still seemed not to have returned yet.

"Rest here. I need to take care of a few things. Will be back for lunch."[Shingi]

Before he got the chance to leave the room, Himon grasped one of his sleeves.

"Are you going to meet your friends you mentioned? Can I come?" [Himon]

Shingi patted her head, which seemed to make her brush a bit.

"I will see if they are free to join us for lunch."[Shingi]

Himon seemed to be happy and excited to meet those people she heard stories of.

Most of them were Blessed Ones, so they should be powerful, have cool abilities and stories to share.

Shing headed to Aneta's office to find Karemon and ask him the favor he needed for Harbin's town.

He reached the place quickly enough, and it was busy with people taking or reporting the process of Quests they took from here.

He patiently waited for his turn and tried this time to keep a low profile so that he wouldn't repeat what happened last time.

It was easier this time, as it seemed some higher level players were in town and seemed to be among the ones here to report for a Quest of theirs.

Noticing that, Shingi tried to hear the conversation of the ones around him and had gathered a few things.

Volig had drawn the attention of higher-level players as some of his material-gathering Quests was of creatures that a beginner couldn't deal with.

Also, a new Guild had made their base in his town and seemed to have the support of Aneta and Volig with their development, which made people more than willing to join it, but the requirements to become a member seemed to be very strict.

The Guild, of course, was the one that he let Marcy organizing, and from what he heard, Hineko and Mizuneko were helping her.

As for the rest, none of the discussions mentioned them, meaning they did nothing that the other Players would notice but didn't mean they were doing nothing.

He also heard of few people talking about a Dwarf and his bear that got here recently.

No mention of Price, but he, of course, would also keep a low profile.

His turn came, and Aneta was happy to see him.

He quickly explained to her what he needed Karemon for.

"He is currently away doing a task for the day, but I will let him know when he is back. Do you think that friend of yours could get him in town since we are in a hurry?" [Aneta]

"I will have to discuss this with her, but most likely yes. Tell him to meet me at the shop tomorrow."[Shingi]

He said his goodbyes and gave her a book of alchemical research that she bought for her from Delta City as a gift since she had helped him that much.

He had made some notes of it for Hineko to study.

She was thankful and surprised after looking at it as she understood it wasn't a cheap one.

Shingi then went to the shop to see how things were progressing there.

Next to it, there was a new building that seemed to be still under construction.

There was a sign for it that had on it written 'The __________ Guild. '

This seemed to be the Guild's headquarters that Marcy was making, but she still hadn't named it.

There were some people in line to get in, like waiting for an audition.

There were also some heading to the shop which opened for the day a few hours ago.

As Shingi entered, he noticed the Players in the shop to be in an organized fashion, either looking around or waiting their turn to speak with Greg, who was behind his counter.

Even the ones looking around on the display equipment were trying not to touch anything or stop others from looking.

Shingi started heading towards the door leading to the forge area but got stopped by a guy.

The guy was a Blessed One and a quite high-level one.

He probably was more powerful than Master Whip, but not at the level of Price yet.

"This is a closed area. Customers not allowed there as they would disturb the master."[Security Man]

It seemed like he was working here as part of security as Shingi noticed a badge he had with the shop's symbol on it.

"Do you know who I am?" [Shingi]

"Listen, man. I don't care who you are, how rich you are, or if you are a big deal. You aren't allowed in there, and this is final. So turn around and PISS OFF."[Security Man]

Shingi smirked at him as he shouted at Greg, who didn't seem to have noticed him yet.

"Oh, boss, you are back. Do you want to speak with Volig? He is in the forge."[Greg]

Greg noticed the person in front of Shingi blocking his way.

"What do you think you are doing there? This person is the owner of the place so let him pass."[Greg]

The man got out of the way right away and fell to his knees.

"I am sorry for my behavior, but I was not aware. Please forgive me."[Security Man]

Everyone in the shop got shocked by the current situation.

A person appeared that was said by Greg himself, who was the front of the shop, that he was the owner of this establishment. Also, that person looked to be one like them from his not usual clothing.

"It is ok. You were doing your job. There is nothing to forgive, but try to be less aggressive to the next person."[Shingi]

So he entered the room, seeing Volig working at some orders.

"You are back. Did everything go ok? There were some deliveries recently, and two weird people looked for you. A sneaky fellow and a Dwarf."[Volig]

Shingi told him everything that happened while helping him with some orders since there wasn't anything too complicated for both of them.

"The trip was worthwhile then. Just having the Hammer's help, even if you can only use it, can help to make some prototypes I have in mind, and then we can work on mass producing them."[Volig]

"Yes, but we have an order to take care of first of all. Aella needs a new blade. The last one broke in battle." [Shingi]

Volig thought for a while before speaking again.

I would need that Scale of yours to use her mana, but I have an idea that would work for her. It will take a while, though, as I still wait for a few of the materials, but some of the Blessed ones that had taken quite a few in the past days and completed them had taken those requests.

Shingi gave him the Scale as this project was of utmost importance since he didn't want to face an angry Demi-Goddess, especially since he couldn't respawn anymore.

"Also, this Scythe friend of yours appeared. She seemed to spend some time with your other students, especially Phoenix and Tycoon. I heard they were helping Zhen lately with a project of his. We had made some stock of wands and staves, so we should soon start selling some with the Basic Elements. Greg already started advertising them."[Volig]

Shingi made a note to check what else Zhen worked on.

"What about the Guild next to us? I am surprised hearing that you are helping them."[Shingi]

Volig chuckled a bit at this.

"I just let her building the place as that spot is technically part of the shop here but was never used. I haven't given them any free equipment, but we give them a discount depending on their rank in the Guild and have some of the special Quests available for them only. But everything else is the same as the rest of the customers."[Volig]

But those small things were more than enough for people to go crazy about being a member of the Guild.

"I see. Sounds good for now, but we could probably keep some slots for them for the custom crafts, but let's let them get organized a few more days first."[Shingi]

Shingi helped him with a few more of the orders before heading out and towards Zhen's place. He cast INVISIBILITY on himself so that the Players who learned of his identity as the shop's owner wouldn't see him leaving.

He made it to the Dungeon quickly enough, and since he was more familiar with LIGHT FORM, he went through the small hole with no trouble.

As he went down the stairs, he started hearing some noise, like a few small things falling down the floor.

He soon reached the lab, and he saw the source of that noise.

Zhen was on the floor while Little Phoenix was over him, kissing him.

It seemed almost like she tackled down Zhen, and Shingi noticed that this could be the case as he saw at her status the special blessing the 'other' Little Phoenix had.

Wild Tycoon was at the side, seemingly not caring of what was happening.

As Shingi entered the room, he heavily coughed to get the attention of everyone.

"Oh, another cutie appeared. Has my sister kissed him too?" [Little Phoenix]

"NO. And I don't think you should go around kissing anyone. Especially someone like, Zhen."[Wild Tycoon]

"Come on. Have some fun. Isn't that the reason you are here? And you didn't seem to stop me earlier."[Little Phoenix]

"Like there is any way to stop you."[Wild Tycoon]

The last sentence Wild Tycoon said it under her breath, but Shingi heard her clear like if he was next to her.

Little Phoenix stood up, leaving Zhen frozen in place as he seemed to have gotten surprised by her sudden behavior.

"So I see you are the not so shy Little Phoenix. Been a while since we saw each other. Since Annoue's birthday if I remember correctly."[Shingi]

She seemed confused for some time, but then she seemed to realize something.

"You are that young boy? WOW, you have grown up really fast. Can you add a few more years? We could have some real fun then."[Little Phoenix]

Shingi ignored her as he moved in front of Wild Tycoon.

"I heard you met with Scythe. Do you know where she is?" [Shingi]

"She is in there. But I wouldn't advise you to disturb her. She is helping with Zhen's 'research'."[Wild Tycoon]

Shingi didn't know what she meant until he barely heard something from the other room.

The sound of moaning.

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