From Player To Npc

Chapter 127: Aella's new blade

Chapter 127: Aella's new blade

Volig has a full day inspecting the sword while Shingi crafted the orders needed. His crafting skills were now all at Master Rank, but since he didn't have a crafting-related profession they weren't as effective as Volig's, but still, he was doing a top-notch job.

They had to make sure that the sword was more than perfect since this was part of their plan.

These past weeks Price was trying to find a suitable way to let Volig's skills reach the ears of the noble guy without drawing too much attention, but this was pretty much impossible.

But then one day Price had an idea that would help them reveal Volig's skills and keep himself safe.

Shingi kept the store closed for the day after Volig was certain that the sword was complete.

He and Volig went to the center of the market area where there was a small plaza with some benches and open space for kids to play.

Everyone noticed Volig because of his size and he wasn't trying to hide, but the opposite. People may haven't seen him since he was spending the most time in one of the crafting rooms, but they knew he was a Half-Stone Giant.

People also noticed Shingi next to him that rumors of his identity got spread, mostly with the help of Price.

They both reached a few meters before the center of the plaza and stopped there.

"Can you people clear the space a bit? Thank you for your cooperation."[Shingi]

Shingi pointed to the area in front of him, as some people were having a picnic in that open space.

"Why should we move? Who do you think you are to order us around?" [Annoying Player]

Shingi ignored that Player.

"I would appreciate it if people move in the next minute. Thank you for your cooperation."[Shingi]

Most people moved except for the group that was with the one who spoke to Shingi just a moment ago.

That Player was looking angrily towards Shingi while the rest of his group were looking towards him waiting to see what they should do.

"Wait, what is that up there?" [Player in the crowd]

Everyone looked above as they noticed a small do in the sky which was getting bigger and was heading their way, and more precisely at the center of the plaza.

The group of players still there started running away, but they were a little too late as the explosion from Aella's landing killed them.

Fortunately, everyone else who moved was out of the blast's area, but it amazed them the entrance of this unknown person.

Volig walked forward with a wooden case at hand, which he opened in front of Aella, and everyone could see a sword be in there on top of a velvet pillow.

"My Lady Aella, Goddess of the Storms, I present you your new blade. I hope you are happy with it."[Volig]

Aella seemed to be a little annoyed by its size, but when she picked it up, her expression changed.

Black and white bolts of lightning surrounded the blade at a perfect balance between them.

She gave it a few swings and even if she was holding it with one hand, her swings were pretty fast. 

Her STR, of course, was great, but she preferred speed over raw power. But this blade wasn't interrupting her style much.

The blade was also allowing her to use her mana easier than her previous blade and even was creating white lighting bolts that were of similar power to her black.

She raised her arm, pointing at the sky with the sword as dark clouds started gathering.

The wind started becoming wilder and soon lightning hit the ground.

One lightning hit her blade, making it form a bigger blade made from the energy of the lightning, but she had to use the blade with two hands.

Wind gathered around her and helping slowly hovering up as everyone froze in place from the spectacle in front of their eyes.

She stopped 5 meters above everyone as she used both hands to heave the sword through a mighty horizontal swing, creating a LIGHTING SLASH that traveled forward.

Everyone followed the slash as it hit a mountain, and on impact, the mountain exploded, but the rocks seemed to be eaten by the lighting instead of going all over the place.

Then everything turned to normal as the dark clouds disappeared, the wind went back to normal, and Aella landed in front of Volig.

"This is an excellent sword. You have done an outstanding job. I think L'liw could learn a few things from you as his last creation broke that easily."[Aella]

Some of the Player who knew more about the Gods of the Game was amazed by her saying that a mortal Smith has done a better job than the God of Smiths.

"I am glad you like it my Lady, but my Skills have reached this state with the blessings of L'liw and I am still far from considering even close to him."[L'liw]

"This was a fine answer."[????]

Everyone turned towards the voice as they saw this figure of a dark-skinned individual.

He seemed to wear an attire near Volig's, mostly an apron with different tools on its pocket as well a belt with more tools.

He was holding a big hammer in his hand that he had it settling on his shoulder while standing and in his other hand he heard a broken sword.

Shingi recognized both the person and the sword.

This was L'liw the God of Smiths, and the broken sword he was holding was then one of Aella's.

"You know, Aella, you aren't allowed to go around blowing up mountains, or your mother will get angry."[L'liw]

"Then why don't you fix it? You always say there is nothing you can't fix. Except for my weapons, that is."[Aella]

Some anger appeared on the face of his as he turned around toward the direction of the mountain and slammed the ground in front of him with his hammer.

The entire town started shaking as an earthquake was happening, but it lasted a few seconds.

People noticed that the mountain that was partially blown up started regrowing at a visible rate in its missing parts.

This was a level of power that no mortal, no matter how hard they tried, could reach. People like Varan and the Protectors may get close to that kind of show of power though, but they weren't mortals anymore.

"Can I have look at the new toy of yours before you break it?" [L'liw]

Aella didn't move an inch and kept the sword on her.

"You know a daughter should listen to their father."[L'liw]

"You aren't my real Father just because you married her."[Aella]

Shingi had heard that L'liw was married to the Goddess of Nature, so he was Aella's stepfather.

Aella threw the sword at him, but in a way of attacking him and not for him to catch it.

But he was a full god himself and his reflexes were on a different level than hers, so he caught the blade with no problem.

He started inspecting the blade and its Enchantment. Everyone held their breath, as they were afraid of disturbing his focus with any noise.

"This is really a good job. It could use some adjustments but it would be a waste for her as she probably will break it soon. I will give it 200 years of staying in one piece."[L'liw]

200 years sounded a lot to a mortal, but to a God, it was a blink of an eye.

Aella walked in front of him and took the sword from his hands, and he let her take it.

Aella left similarly as she did before at Harbin's town.

L'liw moved towards Volig, but as he walked he started increasing his size.

Volig was taller than his size when he first appeared and he couldn't let it happen so he made himself be almost twice in size from what Volig was.

"You have done some impressive deeds in a small time. You still have a lot to learn, but I can see in you the fire of the passion of a true CRAFTSMAN. From here on may everyone know that I, L'liw, have given you, Volig the Grandmaster CRAFTSMAN, my blessing. May it guide your hands to reach perfection, my child." [L'liw]

Everyone got amazed by the small speech and those who were more knowledgeable about the game were interested in why L'liw called him his child. Some thought it was because Volig was a Smith, but some thought that Volig was actually a son of his.

Dwarves were a Race created by L'liw as helpers of his at first, but afterward, as they developed their intelligence they became part of the Mortal Realm. Most of the Dwarves were dreaming to join L'liw as one helper of his, which would be the ultimate honor for them.

L'liw of course could see that the soul of Volig was originally that of a Dwarf even if it has moved to the body of a Half-Stone Giant, that's why he called him like that. He still considered each Dwarf his child, even if he wasn't the one creating them anymore.

Volig froze in place as he was reading the notification in front of him, which told him he had L'liw's Blessing.

He fell on his knees as he bowed in front of the God.

L'liw seemed happy over his reaction, but then he turned his attention towards the small boy who was standing next to Volig all along.

He starred carefully at Shingi as he seemed to have noticed something.

Shingi didn't expect him to make an appearance, as he had just called out Aella to make everyone know she recognized that Volig's skills, making even the Dark Guild reluctant to make a move. The New Gods couldn't do anything because the company didn't let them, but the Old Gods could if they wanted and Aella was easy to get at her dark side.

But now he had L'liw also recognizing Volig's skills, but he knew that L'liw's eyes could see his soul and would know who he really was.

L'liw said nothing as he brought his hand forward.

"Bring your hammer out, my boy."[L'liw]

Shingi brought out his Spirit Hammer, as he knew he had little of a choice.

L'liw picked it up and inspected it, and cause of his increased size it was almost like handling a toothpick but he didn't use it like that.

"I see that Lady had messed with it. Since the ones in it don't seem to mind it, I will allow you to keep having it even if you shouldn't. But let me help you a bit with it."[L'liw]

He then brought it a little distance from his mouth as he blew some air on it. Some white smoke also left his mouth with the air as it surrounded the Hammer.

He then brought the Spirit Hammer back to Shingi.

"They will be more awake now. You better keep using it wisely or I will personally come and take it from you."[L'liw]

Then L'liw turned around and make a swing with his hammer, hitting the space in front of him as cracks appeared in the air like pieces of the space there fell down like pieces of a broken mirror.

L'liw moved through the portal he created as it disappeared after he got through it.

This was an event that people would discuss for a long time and some have already started posting at the game's forum videos of recordings they could do through the System.

Shingi considered today's mission a total success.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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