From Player To Npc

Chapter 140: Rest of boss fight and rewards

Chapter 140: Rest of boss fight and rewards

Wild Tycoon was getting used to dealing with the Boss and getting more hits as time passed, but HASTE's effect was near its end.

They couldn't escape, as the Boss would cause too much chaos now. An evolved monster could go through floors and could even escape the tower.

Tower monsters couldn't usually get out, as the moment they got out, their power got strengthened even more. It seemed like while in the Tower, it weakened every monster, but they earned more of their genuine power with each evolution. When they got out, it allowed them to reach their true potential.

It had happened once in the past, and it took many Players to work together to defeat it.

He couldn't let this monster evolve more, or escape from the tower, even if there was a significant chance that the Dark Guild could deal with it.

Those creatures were of significant power and danger, but great danger meant great reward.

Parts of these creatures would bring the products that could be made with the same parts of their non evolved selves at a higher power than usual to consider at least one Grade Higher than expected.

Since his Breaking Limit State and his Blessing's active effect would also end soon, he had to act fast.

He quickly cast HASTE using one of his Mana Seeds, and at the same time, he used another one to cast HASTE at An.

That way, An could join Wild Tycoon while he could deal with the blades An dealt with.

Since he didn't have a level, his damage would get reduced, especially at an Evolved one, but An didn't have that problem, as she was at a higher level than it. Still, because it was an Evolved one, even if it evolved only once, its power was like twice its level.

An's golden eyes worked on the boss and worked with Wild Tycoon, but it took some time for their teamwork to work as Shingi had to pay attention to An and give the orders she wanted to Wild Tycoon since An couldn't speak, and Wild Tycoon didn't know sign language. Shingi, with his PERCEPTION and HASTE, could keep up with the blades and this task, but barely.

The monster couldn't keep up with both of them, and Little Phoenix found some way to weaken its Gravity Magic effect, which it seemed like it was still getting used to.

When a monster evolved, it didn't have all its new skills or spells at the same power as its rest, but this depended on its Evolution.

They finished the battle before Tycoon's HASTE ended, or he lost his focus on any of those Spells, as focusing on three targets even with his boosted INT was a complex task as he hadn't done it in the past.

He let go of the focus of the Spells when he was sure that the Boss was dead and no other monsters were around.

He fell to the ground, as he had used everything he had in this battle. The rest of the party also fell to the ground as they got exhausted by this battle.

This was an excellent example of them not underestimating the Tower's monsters, as even on the early floors, they could face situations they didn't have the upper hand.

Shingi hoped he had his Class to unlock any of its unique abilities; otherwise, he couldn't strengthen himself unless he had new equipment or learn new Spells.

Upgrading his current equipment wasn't impossible to do in the Tower, but he probably would find materials or finished equipment like that on higher floors.

After taking a few seconds to gather some energy, he moved at the small pile of dust that was the Boss's body. He cleared some dust away and found an imperfect spherical stone in it.

This was like the core of the Oozes, as it contained part of the energy of the spirit, but its destruction didn't bring the end of it but would weaken it.

But the Spirit had extra protection around it so that they couldn't destroy it.

But it was a great material Shingi could use to strengthen one of their staves.

Since the Spirit used Gravity Magic, it was better to use it on Little Phoenix's staff, an Earth Dark Mana Gem, since before they started their trip, even if she didn't have her second Element back then.

Since the Boss they killed was an Evolved one, it would take more time for the floor to rest itself as first it had to replenish the energy used for the Evolution.

Also, the boss used a lot of the floor's strange energy to heal itself, which also should get replenished before it started respawning the monsters.

It would also take them a couple of hours to replenish to 100%, but they should have enough time to do so.

The next floor was also a tricky one, and they had to do some further preparations as also Shingi wanted to spend that time to upgrade Little Phoenix's staff.

The way it worked was simple.

He had to use MANA MANIPULATION to push out some of the stone's mana out and change it into liquid form, similar to how he created his Earth Mana Dust in the past.

This liquid he would fix them with some mana-embedded silver that he had prepared before leaving town.

He had specks of dust of each element, and for this, he would use some Earth and some Dark Element one. He would have to use more Dark Element Dust instead of Earth Element Dust, but he could replenish it with the help of Little's Phoenix. It would take time, especially for the Dark element one.

He had some silver stored on his Spatial Ring, and his students had gotten some Spatial Bags and had stored more silver in them as well as other materials they could use.

When they had some free time resting, they were embedding mana at those pieces of silver and grinding them if they reached a suitable grade.

Shingi mixed the dust and the liquified spirit's mana and started spreading it at the carving of the design of the staff.

He could detect that the staff accepted the spirit's mana, but he also got a strange call from something else.

He called out his Spatial Ring the Spirit Hammer.

He held the Hammer with his left hand, as with his right hand's index and middle finger we spread the liquid around.

A yellow ball of Light Mana formed at his fingers as he started making new cavings with it on the staff.

The eyes of Shingi went entirely white, and white mist spread from them.

The Spirits of the Hammer were in control of his body, as they wanted to work on the staff and its upgrade.

This lasted for less than a minute, and when it was over, Shingi was even more tired than before, as he had a massive headache.

But he and the Hammer's Spirits successfully upgraded the staff using the Spirit's Core, and the final result was better than he thought he could do.

His Spirit Hammers had upgraded the staff to produce Gravity Mana even if they did not design the Mana Gems to produce it, and the user didn't have that type of Mana.

This would help Little Phoenix understand the nature of the mana and merge her two Elements to create it at her Mana Pool.

Its boost of Dark and Earth Element mana increased to twice what it was before.

This was a significant boost to their party as Little Phoenix's Dark-based attack spells were among the top damage-wise in the party.

After that, Shingi slept after making sure that they could keep watch, as even if they got tired, it wasn't like something some potions could solve.

Hineko could also create some potions, as they would stay here for some time and make a simple lab.

Shingi entered his TRANCE ROOM as using it wasn't affecting its rest.

He didn't have many things to improve while in there, but he had found out that his thoughts were clearer in there, making it a great place to make some plans.

He didn't use all the time in there as it would be a waste, and he found out that if he didn't use all at once for each hour, he wouldn't use he would replenish 30 minutes.

When he returned to being conscious, he decided to use his SCRY MODE for the day and check if anything changed with Dormon and Annoue.

He checked Dormon first.

He found him at his cell most of the time, but sometimes he got moved in a lab area and was in a tank with purplish liquid.

He was lucky that Netsu was there and not Mikhail.

He found Dormon back in the cell this time, and most of his wound got healed, but Shingi could feel that Dormon was weaker.

He noticed Dormon couldn't detect him anymore, meaning that Mikhail's experiments affected him significantly.

Shingi wasn't sure if Mikhail was stealing the energy to use it for his experiments or somehow was transferring it to himself.

He was alive for a long time, and the reason behind maybe was because he was stealing the energy of others.

Shingi knew creatures with power like that, but not one that could last for that long, as there were limits to all. Mikhail most likely reached his limit, and only the power of someone as strong as a Protector could help him.

He couldn't learn anything else by checking Dormon, so he decided to switch to Annoue.



sNPC#1 is outside the reach of the SCRY MODE


Shingi never encountered this error message in the past.

He completely exited SCRY MODE and noticed that this time, when he tried to activate it and showed it the possible options, Annoue's was in red letters.

He wondered what happened, so he went back to check on Dormon.

Maybe Netsu would visit him and get some clues, but unfortunately, nothing like that happened as nobody came to see or get Dormon while Shingi used his SCRY MODE.

Shingi had to hurry, but they were still a long way to go.

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