From Player To Npc

Chapter 144: The Ogres and the Fairy

Chapter 144: The Ogres and the Fairy

Shingi and the rest of the party hid and waited to see what would happen next with that strange group.

A Nature Fairy was a creature of pure goodness, trying to help nature and its friend, as also willing to protect her land.

On the other hand, Ogres weren't that good. A typical Ogre was a dump creature who picked fights and did not care about anything. They were simple-minded and easy to control, so it wasn't rare for evil guys to take them as minions as they were physically sturdy creatures.

Usually, an Ogre was fat, unless it lived at a place well protected and hard to find food, but not as fat as one of the two Ogres here, and definitely, none was to be as fit as the other one.

So a Fairy helping those types of creatures was unheard of.

Also, that Fairy didn't use classic healing magic but used the unique energy of the Tower that until now Shingi had seen it used by the Boss of the floor only.

The Fairy, being the Boss of the floor, wasn't possible. She couldn't beat or tame the floor's Boss as it would go against the Fairy beliefs.

Centaurs respected nature, so there was no way they would anger a Fairy.

Then Shingi noticed something.

The Fairy wore a black leather collar around her neck with a dark red stone at the front. This was a Slave Collar.

Like Shadow Whip, one with the special Slaver class could make those, which was another way to keep their creatures tamed.

He didn't detect any Players around, but her owner shouldn't have left her alone others unless the owner didn't have a choice.

An enslaved creature had to stay near their owner and follow their order unless their owner suddenly moved too far away and couldn't communicate with their slaved creatures.

The Ogres didn't have a collar, but someone could have enslaved them the usual way as their INT wasn't that high.

"Durg fine. Little one no fear. Durg strong. Durg protect little one." [Durg]

"You know, little brother, sometimes I forget how foolish you are. Did you ever think to avoid even one of those bites? Because it doesn't seem so. Not that you are hard to miss." [Grud]

Durg was ready to stand up, but the Fairy coughed to draw her attention and looked at him with a pair of eyes of determination and telling him he should behave.

Durg stopped himself from standing up. Grud chuckled at that, making Durg want to stand again, but another look at the Fairy stopped him again.

"*sigh* You know, for brothers, you two fight a lot. You should worry and protect each other, not antagonize or fight with each other." [Fairy]

"This is who we are, Azalea. It is how we, Ogres, behave. Even if we got changed a bit, because of that person, we are still who we are by nature." [Grud]

"PERSON?!? Me no like person. No speak person." [Durg]

"I didn't even say his name, you braindead fat man." [Grud]

At this point, Shingi decided to show himself but told the rest to stay hidden until he signaled them.

The Fairy, whose name seemed to be Azalea, was the first to notice him, followed by the Ogre called Grud. The other Ogre named Durg didn't seem to see him, even if he didn't try to hide.

He raised his arms in the air to show that he held nothing.

"I come in peace. I want to talk with you." [Shingi]

Durg heard the voice and turned to see its source.

"Oh, food." [Durg]

Durg got a slap on his head by the Fairy, who flew up a little to reach its head.

She was a weak creature, so this slap wasn't enough to damage him. Maybe not enough to feel more than a pinch would.

"Why little one angry? Want first bite? Durg share with little one." [Durg]

"We won't eat him. At least not yet. Let him speak to see what he wants first, my stupid little brother." [Grud]

Grud walked in front of his group, looked down toward Shingi, and tried to size him.

"You really are small, with not enough meat to tell the truth. What do you want?" [Grud]

Shingi wasn't afraid for a moment, as after seeing them fight, he knew he could easily escape them if wanted.

"I was looking around until I heard sounds of your battle with those wolves. I came to check, but the battle was over, and I barely saw some of those wolves ran away. So I wondered if I could help this strange group of yours." [Shingi]

Grud, who seemed to be the representative of his group, brought his hand on his chin, and he thought about something before speaking once more.

"I have a few questions for you. I would like it if you answer them truthfully." [Grud]

Shingi nodded to show his agreement.

"Are you a Blessed One?" [Grud]

Shingi didn't expect this question, but he quickly understood why the Ogre asked him that. They were enslaved monsters, and their master most likely was a Blessed One. Most times, people with enslaving monsters weren't kind to them.

"No, I am not a Blessed One." [Shingi]

He was telling the truth, partially at least, as he was and wasn't a Blessed One, at least not entirely. Just part of him was.

The Ogre looked at him carefully, and Shingi could tell by how the Ogre looked at him he was good at noticing things.

"Ok. Next question. What are you doing here?" [Grud]

"I have a few reasons, but the main one is to get my sister. A man in the Tower has kidnapped her, so I am going at him to get her back." [Shingi]

"Your sister? Did that man hurt her? I can help you"[Azalea]

"STAY QUIET, AZALEA. I am the one speaking, so no interruptions." [Grud]

Azalea seemed a little sad and angry by the way Grud spoke to her.

"So, are you here alone? The tower isn't that easy for a boy like you to go through. Especially these days." [Grud]

"I prefer to work alone." [Shingi]

Once more, Grud tried to read him, but Shingi had his special eyes open to help persuade him he was telling the truth, which used a little more power than he thought it would. It seemed like Grud wasn't your average Ogre, brain-wise.

Also, he didn't lie entirely, as he genuinely preferred working alone, but he knew his limits and the importance of teamwork in some situations, especially in the Tower.

"Then you must be strong. You don't have any weapons on you, so you should be one of those magic people. Am I right?" [Grud]

Shingi nodded as he cast GOLEMANCY, but instead of making multiple ones, he made a single one but was way bigger than usual. It was almost as big as the Ogres.

"You can say I have some tricks up my sleeve. This isn't a threat, by the way, just a demonstration." [Shingi]

Grud chuckled at that as he went closer to the Golem to get a closer look.

"If it is a demonstration, then you wouldn't mind me doing this."[Gurd]

Saying nothing else, Grud punched the Golem at its head, trying to smash it, but didn't do even a scratch at it. Shingi could feel that Grud put a lot in this punch, but his Golem's defense was on another level, mainly since he used everything in a single Golem.

"Impressive. But let's see if it can handle my brother. Durg, be useful for once." [Grud]

Durg stood up and got his fist ready as he was ready to attack, but he got knocked out instead by the Golem punching him right on his chest.

"I guess this also is a way to prove a point. An excellent way too. I am truly impressed."[Grud]

"So, have any more questions for me?" [Shingi]

Grud laughed as he kicked his brother to turn him around for Azalea to heal his recent wound.

"You know I like people like you. I am impressed by the way you talk. So fearless, a sign of foolishness or of genuine power."[Grud]

The laugh stopped as his face changed to one show of how serious he was. But it also had some anger too.

"I don't appreciate be lying on my face, though. You are a good liar, but my ears can hear your friends hiding, probably waiting for your signal. So call them out." [Grud]

Shingi signaled for them to get out but not to attack.

"Hmmm interesting group you got there. Don't tell me that none of those are Blessed Ones. Just a look at them and call it for sure." [Grud]

"We aren't like them. We aren't like the ones who enslaved you." [Shingi]

Grud looked towards Shingi with eyes full of anger.

"Then how do you know we are enslaved? You can only work for that one. You are here to take us back, aren't you? Well, we won't get back to him, so you better kill us instead." [Grud]

It seemed like he knew he was underpowered, especially after the demonstration of Shingi, so he didn't try to fight.

"We really don't work for the one you speak of. I don't even know who you speak of. But I noticed the collar of your friend and you three being together like that makes sense only if you had been through a lot. So you three being enslaved together for some time was the only likely scenario." [Shingi]

Grud didn't know what to believe, as his senses were telling him that Shingi was telling the truth, but he knew he was a good liar.

"Then what do you want from us?" [Grud]

"As I already said want to see if I can help you. You guys don't belong here, but you can't leave either. The people out there will kill the moment you leave the Tower if you are lucky, that is. If you are unlucky, they will enslave you once again." [Shingi]

"Then what should we do? We have been in the Tower long enough. There may be some close calls, but here it is peaceful enough. Except for those annoying wolves, but at least we get some meat out of it." [Grud]

"It may be safe for now. But maybe staying here is the best plan for you currently. But still there is one thing I can help you with before we go our separate ways." [Shingi]

He turned toward the little Fairy, who had just finished healing her friend.

"I can end her enslavement contract." [Shingi]

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