From Player To Npc

Chapter 154: The Spirit and the Fire Floor

Chapter 154: The Spirit and the Fire Floor

Shingi didn't expect the Spirit to notice what he did and that his eyes were the source.

"Wait, a second. Why are they red now?" [Spirit]

Not only could she tell that he did something with his eyes, but she also could see their proper color. Harbin told him that a few could, that wasn't of the same special Human Race as them, and he doubted the Spirit was one of them.

"The kinda reminds me of a friend of mine. She has an unusual color of eyes, but they aren't red." [Spirit]

"What color were they?" [Shingi]

If she knew someone when she was alive, it might prove helpful.

"Purple. But you haven't answered my question. What did you just do to that person? You used a massive amount of Spirit Mana on its head wait, don't tell me. Did you try to erase his memories?" [Spirit]

This was the first time Shingi heard of his energy from his eyes called Spirit Mana. He had used Spirit Mana through his Mana Tree, and even if he still had a lot to learn about it, he was sure it felt or looked nothing like the energy of his eyes. But now that he thought about it, there were some similarities.

He also didn't know what purple eyes could do, as he only knew about his and Harbin's, as also of Garry's and Annoue's. None of them had purple eyes, but it could be one possibility.

"I did. It is one of their ability. I have little time, but how about you join me? I am sure we can keep helping each other." [Shingi]

She knew more about Spirit Mana, and if she knew of people of his race, he may learn something more about his eyes, as Harbin couldn't help him much on that.

"Sounds tempting. Ok, I will join you, but you better make it worth my time, or I won't be the only Spirit walking around the place." [Spirit]

Shingi nodded as a thank you and started running, but soon stopped as he noticed the Spirit couldn't keep up with his speed.

"Can you make yourself smaller and solid?" [Shingi]

"In a degree. Don't tell me you want to carry me around, like a package." [Spirit]

"If you have any better ideas, I will listen." [Shingi]

The Spirit clearly wanted to say something but had said nothing in the end. She made herself into a small blue ball that Shingi picked up. It felt like a sphere of water, but it wasn't losing its shape unless he would put some force. He wasn't planning to do so as he continued his way towards the stairs.

Soon after, an explosion was heard from the East side of the town. This was their distraction. Since the investigation groups were out, and the ones at the stairs weren't receiving any messages about what happened, they would send more people to investigate, either for the missing groups or the explosion.

Even if some Players stayed behind, their number would be that high for Shingi not to handle them, especially with the help of his new 'friend.' He explained in the way what was his plan, and that he needed help, which the Spirit was willing to help.

Shingi didn't use his eyes on her, as he didn't know if they would work and probably would suspect something since she could see their energy.

When they got to the stairs, there were only three Players, which the Spirit took care of by herself in a similar fashion as the other Player.

The students of Shingi showed up not too long after that and were confused about the fresh addition to their team, but Shingi told them they should move.

They made up the stairs and through the gate into the next floor, making them in the middle of scorching earth.

Everyone already had their special cloaks and enabled them to keep themselves at a comfortable level. The Spirit, though, didn't seem that pleased, most likely because part of her was Water Mana, and this was relatively weak at this floor.

"No wonder I had a bad feeling about this place. Everything is so damn hot." [Spirit]

"Excuse me. But who are you?" [Mizuneko]

The Spirit turned towards him and gave him a look of inspection.

"Wait, a minutethis energy. You are the one I felt some floors before. You were spying on us, weren't you?" [Mizuneko]

Shingi had thought of that possibility. But, despite that, it wasn't sure that she worked for Mikhail.

"Oh, that is why you seem familiar. Sorry was still getting used to traveling back then. This place keeps changing its routes all the time, so I do not know where I may get next until I finish going there." [Spirit]

"What do you mean by traveling? What are you? Why are you here? What do you want?" [Mizuneko]

"I would like to answer, but somewhere that is more comfortable. I melt over here." [Spirit]

Shing could see part of her Water Mana being consumed by the environment's Fire Mana. If all her Water Mana were gone, her body would stop and possibly her complete entity.

"We need to kill the Boss of the Floor as fast as possible either way. We won't be able to handle the forever either, so let's move. But you owe us those answers, Spirit." [Shingi]

Fortunately, they didn't teleport too far from the stairs and where the stairs were, but Shingi was still on guard as the Boss would have some surprises for them.

This floor had no other monsters other than the Boss, so all the floor's energy was in that one monster, making it harder to kill. There were ways to pass the Boss without killing it, but Shingi needed to kill it to get a particular part of his; its Elemental Core.

The Boss was a Lava Elemental, and more precisely a Lave Elemental in the form of a Dragon, but not as powerful. Still, no typical Players' party could kill it, and most times, only Guilds or professional parties took the challenge of these types of floors.

The first time, which was supposed to be the hardest, the Floor got cleared over ten thousand Players in total had died trying to kill that boss. Even Ameanum had died a few times, as it was in his early days in the game.

But he had fought the Boss more times after that, and it never was as strong as back then since it would take it time to fully restore its power after dying. He didn't know how much time passed since the Boss was last killed, but he could detect Spirit Mana drawn in the Boss's direction, meaning it was still collecting it to restore its power.

Still, this wouldn't be an easy fight.

"Spirit, can you create any water without messing with your body? I don't mind if it boils itself into steam." [Shingi]

"I could make some gallons if we don't plan to take too long fighting, whatever is where we head. But I won't be able to last over twenty minutes." [Spirit]

"Mizuneko, work with her on your task. Also, if you can use some of your Spirit Magic to heal a few of us if needed, I would appreciate it."[Shingi]

The Spirit nodded without an argument, and Shingi could read her determination. She seemed like a woman who had been through more than just a few things and had to deal with all of them in one way or another. Shingi, for a second, wondered if that was the reason she died, but he didn't keep that thought for long.

Shingi assumed she knew how to heal people since, from his understanding, that was where the Spirit Magic was perfect for, and she seemed pretty proficient in using Spirit Magic to him. Since she didn't say to correct him, it appeared his assumption was correct, meaning he had to learn a few things from her.

They soon reached the stairs, which were on an island in the middle of a large lake of lava.

When they were within tens of meters from the lake, bubbles started appearing in the lake as lava started raising and forming a shape. That shape was, of course, that of the boss, the body of a Dragon.

It took only a few seconds to finish its formations as it charged towards them.

Shingi cast CREATE WATER ELEMENTAL and summoned only four, as he still hadn't mastered it.

The environment kept them in a weakened state, and Shingi had to keep feeding them Mana to keep them alive, but with his new Mana Pool, that was more than possible as far as they didn't take significant amount of damage.

Of course, the Elementals weren't as good at fighting as his Golems would be, but his Golems wouldn't be more effective even if they didn't get weakened like the Elementals. So Wild Tycoon and An joined the battle, attacking the Boss up and close, while its attention was at the Elementals, while Little Phoenix threw her Spells at it.

They tried to keep their damage from stopping the monster from considering the more significant threat than the Elementals, but that wouldn't last for long. After the Boss had less than half its health, it would change its target randomly, among those who attacked him or the healers. But the target had to be a living one; otherwise, he would be ignored. Fortunately, the Spirit wasn't a living one, so even when she healed with Spirit Magic, she didn't go into the list of the potential targets.

An, Wild Tycoon and Shingi didn't have trouble avoiding its attacks, but Little Phoenix would have; that's why Shingi cast HASTE on her. He also cast it at Mizuneko to help with his casting, but he wasn't targeting the Dragon with his Spells, but some of the lava in front of him as he had gotten closer to the lake, but still far from the battlefield.

He was producing both Water and Ice, in as much quantity as he could and let it turn into mist when thrown into the lava and started gathering that steam. The female Spirit also threw as much water as she could in the lave, letting Mizuneko gather the steam. She also went into the battlefield now and then to cast some healing spells to Wild Tycoon or An, who mainly were getting hit by a few of the attacks or were hurt by the heat.

Her Healing Magic had a short-range, so she was entering and leaving the battlefield now and then, as near the Boss wasn't good for her, as it was the hottest place on the floor.

The battle was going well until the Boss that was still half in the lake started getting itself fully out.

This was the last phase of the Boss and the most difficult.

They retreated, as it would be useless attacking it at this point as it had boosted its defense, as its body that was still liquid mana seemed to get a bit more solid, increasing its protection.

As it finished, and Shingi saw it being out entirely, he noticed something he wished it wouldn't be true.

Its tail was a bit over 8 meters long, meaning it almost was at full power, as its tail was the last thing it developed.

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