From Player To Npc

Chapter 171: The Archangel

Chapter 171: The Archangel

They stored the harp in a storehouse, surrounded by a dozen Angler Soldiers and four Archangels. The security was tough that even Ameanum would probably die if he tried fighting them. Gut fighting wasn't in the plan.

Sneaking their way in as they used to was also not an option since the Archangels could see invisible creatures. Also, their PERCEPTION was even higher than Ameanum's Eagle Eyes. There always were foes that couldn't deal with his skills, but there were other ways.

Shingi started testing the waters as he started controlling the Spirit Element of the Tower, closer to the Archangel, but not in a way to affect them. He wanted to see their reaction, and there was none.

His suspicion that even Angels couldn't detect the Spirit Element was correct. They could see the spirits of the dead, but the energy produced by them was a unique thing that seemed to be invisible to their eyes. Whatever Seal affected the mortals was strong enough to affect the non-mortals, too, as he had seen none God showing signs of power or an Element close similar to what Spirit Element could do.

After making certain his assumption was correct, he turned towards Syra.

"Are you ready?" [Shingi]

"You ask me if I am ready to get inside to a storehouse surrounded by those creatures that you had told me they are powerful enough to eradicate us without even being serious about it? As also to draw no attention?" [Syra]

Shingi nodded as this was indeed what he asked her to do.

"*sigh* You know you could at least show some worry in your eyes now and then." [Syra]

"Worry would be a sign of me believing you can't do it." [Shingi]

She seemed to say something back but stopped herself. Those past days they had some talks like that and had some debates, but overall they had created a bond of 'friendship.' She had no new friends for some time as she was too busy being a headmistress of the Mage Academy back home. But she enjoyed her time here as she finally got some action and didn't have to do more paperwork.

She missed being alive, and most of all, the ability to taste a good drink, especially after smelling what Shingi had. She had found out that she could interact with items and take a spirit form of those drinks, and she could consume them like normal, but their taste was many times less of what supposed to be. Having this 'spirit food' and 'spirit drinks' didn't affect her positively or negatively, as she didn't need to eat or drink, but at least it helped her remember the good old days.

The wine was so good that it was maybe even better than what she had when she was alive and at her place, even at its 'weakened' quality.

Fortunately, this didn't consume the wine in reality, but they had to wait some time to reform its Spirit before she could consume more.

"So, any last tips? Or anything you forgot to tell me?" [Syra]

"Nothing I haven't already told you. Wait for the right time and make your move. Everyone else should start moving too. When the plan is complete, we won't have too much time, so you guys head to the stairs. Be sure that no Archangels are there" [Shingi]

The rest of his Party nodded as they made their way towards the stairs. They couldn't help with the plan, and they couldn't move to the next floor by themselves, as they most likely would teleport to a different position, and they had to stick together, especially in the Ruin City floors, as the Dark Guild people would be there.

They almost encountered some of their group who seemed to go their way up, and fortunately, they didn't notice them. But it wouldn't take a long time for them to know that someone was clearing the floors.

After everyone left, Shingi made his way towards the Archangel that was guarding the front entrance of the storehouse.

"Hold there, mortal. This isn't a place you can be. This is a restricted area, so turn around, or you will get punished for trespassing." [Archangel]

This one had four pairs of wings, which showed how much higher-ranked he was for the rest, who had three pairs. One extra pair seemed little, but the power and rank of them made a big difference between the two. And Archangel with four wings could easily defeat ten Archangels with three wings, using just one arm. In a fight between Gods, this was something that had happened in the past that Ameanum was lucky to be present for. Lucky to see the difference of power of Archangels, but not lucky enough to survive, but he could respawn back then.

An Archangel with three pairs of wings could defeat a legion of well-trained King's Guards, just using a single finger. This was another event that shook the Mortal Realm and tried not to anger the Divine. Fortunately, doing so wasn't easy, but there were always exceptions.

"I am here to report something of importance." [Shingi]

"You? A mortal? What is it then? You better have something worthy, or you will get away with at least one limbless." [Archangel]

Archangels were warriors and war aggressive. But it surprised Shingi that an Archangel of Odara would be like that, as she was a peaceful woman, liking her music, and her subjects followed that example. He could see on the armor of the Archangel the Symbol of Odara, meaning that this Archangel really worked for her. If it was a borrowed Archangel, it would have the symbol of the God it really served.

For an Angel to turn into an Archangel, it had to grow its second pair of wings, as most Angels had only one pair, and the weak ones had none.

It was impressive, though, that Odara had an Archange with four pairs of wings, as they were difficult to raise one at that power, especially for the not combat-orientated ones.

"It is about a Demon that had gotten free from her prison; Lucy the Fallen." [Shingi]

Shingi couldn't see the Archangel's face as it was wearing a helmet that completed covered the head. Even its voice changed a bit because of the helmet, making it sound neither male nor female.

"Hm? Is that it? Do you think we wouldn't have noticed something like that?" [Archangel]

As it was ready to draw her sword, Shing continues speaking, keeping his voice in the normal serious tone.

"But you don't know who did it. And you also don't know that you can make her go back to her prison." [Shingi]

The Archangel stopped her move or drawing the sword as it started inspecting Shingi with its eyes. It made a signal to two of the Angels nearby to come near it.

"Inspect him. Don't resist, as we just are looking for anything suspicious on you." [Archangel]

Shingi didn't resist at all, as he knew it would be his death either way if he tried to do so. He expected something like that to happen, so he gave his Spatial Ring to An to keep for now. He had some health Potions and a few wands on him, as it would be suspicious if he was here with nothing like that.

The Angels reported everything was safe, and the Archangel turned and made a signal to Shingi to follow it. He had no option, so he did.

They entered the storehouse, and in it, there were a few crates and boxes, as well as a few doors leading to smaller rooms.

The Archangel opened the next nearest door other than the entrance, and they entered a small room with a simple table and benches to sit.

The Archangel sat, and Shingi joined it by sitting across it.

As the Archangel sat, it removed its helmet, revealing that it was a female Archangel and her smooth, long black hair. Shingi froze for a moment, but not because of her beauty, which was massive, as expected, but because her face was familiar.

She looked identical to Lucy's Illusion self looked, which Shingi was certain that it was how she looked before she became Fallen.

"I see that you really know about her. This is a look of surprise and not of lust that most people have. It seems you had passed the first test. So what do you have to share?" [Archangel]

"You are Avea, aren't you? You are [??????]'s sister." [Shingi]

The second name was once again like he never said it as no sound he could hear was heard, at least not from him. But The Archangel in front of him heard it, and anger appeared in her eyes.

"How do you know that name? Are you a spy of him? Don't even think of lying, or you will wish you were never born." [Avea]

Shingi didn't doubt that she had the power to do something like that, so he didn't plan on pressing his luck.

"I know it may sound like a lie, but I was there when she got sealed. I was there also when she got free and a portal to her new Master's Realm. But her Seal would have broken, but it wasn't destroyed. It is still somewhat active to be connected with her, but not enough to restrict her." [Shingi]

"Hmm. it seems to be true what you say. Or at least you believe it to be true. So then you know how to recreate the Seal? And even if that happens, would it work even if she is in a different Realm?" [Avea]

"No, it won't. But it will keep calling her until she gets to the Realm, and then she will get Sealed. Or at least a part of her will if we adjust it correctly." [Shingi]

"So it will be a weaker one? The last one was just strong enough to hold her, and you now suggest making a weaker version of it?" [Avea]

Shingi's smirk appeared as he got to the awaited time of revealing his plan for that situation.

"As I said, we will seal part of her. Her Demon part. So she won't be Fallen after that." [Shingi]

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