From Player To Npc

Chapter 179: Training at Hideout part 6

Chapter 179: Training at Hideout part 6

He had Little Phoenix help speed up the embedding of mana of the Earth and Dark Element by using hers. He did the same for Fire and Light, using his mana. Fortunately, Dark Element was last, so it gave him time to restore his MP to full using MP Regeneration Potions and Minor Mana Regeneration.

He had used little Light Element Mana since it was before to be used before Dark Element, but still, he had saved enough time for having a try to make his try with Spirit Element. The process had to end in less than half an hour, as he wouldn't stay heated for long, and he couldn't feed it with fire mana as it would just be absolved by the ring instead.

For him to know when it was ready to change Element, it was the time when the liquified special substance changed color to the one of the current Element. It was white and blue for Air and Water, which it was getting them both with the Ice Element box. Then followed red for Fire, green for Earth, yellow for Light, and finally black for Dark Element.

He had finished with Dark Element, and almost 25 minutes passed since he started the entire process. It got a little cooled off by the Ice mana, but the fire mana had heated once more. Light also helped a bit increase its heat, while Earth and Dark had almost no effect, except for the Dark Element that had lowered it a bit.

Unless the Spirit Element would cool it down, he had maybe five minutes or a little less.

So he pulled the ring out using a Light-based MANA HAND since that MANA HAND was best suited to do delicate work without affecting his craft. Then he took a deep breath and starting pulling his Spirit Element in the ring.

Shingi felt some significant resistance, but he had prepared for that. He had let enough time pass for his Blessing's active effect to work, so he boosted his INT. He was starting feeling all the elements acting as walls to keep his Spirit Element away.

He could try to break them to pass them, but that would ruin everything he made, so instead, he had to open a way without ruining what he had. This wasn't easy, but with his current INT and his current proficiency using each of the Elements, he started manipulating all of them. He had to be careful and work slowly, but with his boosted INT, Master Rank MANA MANIPULATION Skill, and his experience, then the speed wasn't as slow as one would expect, but still not as fast as needed.

The head wasn't getting cooled down any faster than normal, but still, Shingi didn't know if it would be done in time. He tried to focus on the task at hand and not on the chance of failure.

He closed his eyes to focus on his Spirit Element fully, and he reached the point of feeling like he was where his mana was. It was like he was in a vast hall himself and could see and feel everything. He had to pass each Element in order, starting with Air. When he reached the Air Element wall and started shaping it to make way to pass.

As he worked on it, he started noticing something, and he had an idea. Instead of making a hole in the wall, he started changing the shape of the wall. While shaping it, he felt a significant resistance, but it got weaker the closer he got to the final shape. He made it into a sphere, and then it started expanding to make a familiar creature; the Sphinx Boss.

When he was over with it, he felt its power to have increased significantly. So he moved to the next wall, which was Water.

He started focusing on forming the pearl that was the Element source, but it seemed to be lacking something. Then he had another idea as he started making another shape surrounding the pearl. It was a large oyster, as that was where the pearl was in the treasury. Once more, when finished, he felt its power boost.

Moving on, he faced the Fire Wall and started shaping the Lava Dragon. Of course, its size wouldn't be as humongous as the real one since there wasn't that much energy. He made it stand on its feet, and its head was the last thing to form. Fortunately, Shingi could use his VISUALIZATION Skill but was using some of his Spirit Mana. But he needed to push himself as much as possible and take risks.

He had enabled his special eyes before starting the complete process to be safe.

As he finished with the Dragon and was ready to move on, he noticed it move, and actually, it laid down to get a sleeping stance. The Spinx or the oyster did nothing like that, but he didn't have time to find the reason behind it.

Next was the Earth wall, and he had to Shape another immense creature; the Mother Earthworm. He used VISUALIZATION once more and worked on it. The Lava Dragon was larger than the Mother Earthworm, but the worm's design was more complicated, especially because of the multiple spikes at its side.

When he was finished once more, the final resulted creature moved, and actually, it dug its way down, but it didn't leave a hole or any signs of digging.

He moved on to the Light Element Wall and started shaping the harp. But even then, it seemed to lack something.

'Could it be that it needs me to form Lailah too?' [Shingi]

A harp by itself was incomplete without the musician, and until now, it seemed like he needed to have a complete set. This was proved by the fact that the pearl needed the oyster. But he had never met Lailah, but he had heard a few stories for her, so he started using what he knew.

He started shaping her, and the closer she got to it, he started feeling some adjustments to be done by themselves. It was like someone was guiding him, and he focused on those guides as they seemed to bring results. When he was complete, and it seemed like it lacked nothing, nothing happened, and he knew that something was lacking.

He focused on the figure and what could be missing, but everything seemed to be in place. Then he had an idea to try.

He started shaping wings for her, two pairs of wings. Lailah was an archangel when she got the harp, or so the story he had heard said, so it made sense that he needed to make them. An archangel had at least two pairs of wings, and he doubted Lailah had more than that many.

He visualized the wings of Avea and starting reproducing them, but only two pairs of them, not all three. When he finished with the last feather, he noticed no movement, and he was ready to just try to move on since the way wasn't blocked.

But then her hands started moving, and she started playing the harp, but no music was produced. She also seemed to be singing, but no voice was heard either.

So he moved to the last wall, which was the Dark Element One. He started forming the dark crystal and the staff, as also Kelvin the Necromancer. He expected that all this would be needed this time, so he worked on them together.

He had faced Kelvin many times, and his appearance was always the same, so he had no problem shaping him. He finished it in record time compared to the rest and saw Kelvin hitting the floor with the butt of the staff as undead start being formed. The undead was then disappearing, and he was doing the same move and same effect like an endless loop.

Shing was ready to move to the next step, but he wasn't certain what that would be. He looked around and noticed that everything he created was placed to form a circle.

So he moved to the center of the circle and noticed a small white stone. He started focusing his Spirit Mana on it and notice the stone reacting. It was starting to get bigger but barely noticeable.

He started pouring as much Spirit Mana as he could, and the stone started changing shape to form a pillar and then started getting taller. After a point, he noticed thin lines of mana connecting each creature he made with the pillar. Each of these thin lines had the same color as the element they were connecting the pillar with.

The larger the pillar got, the wider the lines, and Shingi could feel them all be strengthened. He could also see on the pillar a certain carving that he had recognized from some talks he had with Syra for the old runic language. It was a rhombus that his bottom lines continued spreading a bit, making it look like there was a triangle with no base under it.

This was the old runic language symbol for Spirit.

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