From Player To Npc

Chapter 188: Passing some limits

Chapter 188: Passing some limits

He used a similar way to deal with the Rune as Syra had done before with Nivlek's, but instead of using just Spirit Mana, he used all the Elements. So he had Spirit, Light, Air, and Fire using through his Mana Pool, and Dark, Water, and Earth through Mana Gems of his staff, who had the design to focus on the Dark and Water only.

He already had his INT boosted, and he used all the Mana he had stored on his new ring, which was actually Dark and Water Element since those two were the hardest to grow and control for him for now. He tried to balance the different Elements, but not by amount, but by 'weight, 'which he had understood more since he grew, and continued checking his Mana Tree.

The Spirit Mana was still the primary Element, as it was the only one that could affect the Rune's Element, but the others were also helpful. Air Element increased its Speed, the Earth its 'toughness.' The Fire was warming up the opponent's mana, which weakened it a bit but only with the Water Element combination cooling down. The changes in the temperature seemed to affect it.

As for Light Mana, it helped regenerate part of the Spirit Mana, while Dark tried to eat up part of the enemy's, both with a barely noticeable effect. Still better than nothing.

Shingi kept his attack and spread his mana. When he had taken the enemy's mana weak enough to bring no fight, he separated all his mana Elements. He made a Hexagon, with each corner having one Element, except for the Spirit Mana, which was in its middle.

He then used more Spirit mana to connect these corners with the Spirit Element in the middle. And so it started be forming,

On the burnmark, writing started to appear, which was the Old Language Rune for Spirit, the same one that Shingi noticed on the Pillar of his new ring.

Shingi started hearing voices, telling him things, and the amount started increasing.

It seemed like he had passed his limit of using Spirit Element and started having side effects, but no messages for Spirit Madness yet from the System. He didn't even stop to think that maybe there wouldn't be a message, as if he got affected, then it would be too late.

He continued feeding more mana to complete the mark, and the clearer it became, some parts of the burnmark actually started disappearing as it left normal skin behind.

The Spirits' voices were getting louder and louder, and most seemed to be aggressive, wanting for Shingi to go into a killing spree. But he focused on the task at hand.

The whole ritual lasted a little less than a minute, but for Shingi, it was like he worked for hours. Controlling all the Elements at the same time was something that even he had a problem with. It wasn't the same with Phoenix's case when she tried to make the special rune, since back then, she needed just a bit of each Element.

Shingi controlled an amount for each Element that each would be suitable for a top Base Grade Spell. Meaning it was like he was controlling seven different Spells simultaneously, each of a different Element. Even his class wouldn't allow him to do something like that, with no drawbacks.













The challenge FIRST STEP TO THE OMNI WAY was completed.

Description: Combine all seven basic Elements (including Spirit)

Reward: Master of the Arcane II




Task Completed: Upgrade a Title

Reward: Master of the Arcane III


Once more, an extensive amount of unexpected notifications appeared after doing something crazy. They weren't completed unexpected, to tell the truth, as Shingi expected that there would be some reaction from the System, but mostly for him to enter a weakened state. This time he kept his ability to use Spirit Mana, though.

He got his Master of the Arcane I title to increase twice at once, which was unbelievably lucky. He didn't think that he would reach Master of the Arcane III in a normal situation even if he tried for decades. Now he could turn any amount of Mana into any of his active Elements since he could now make three Elements simultaneously.

The turned mana would be the same as if it came from his Mana Pool, meaning that his Mana Pool had increased even more in theory. However, turning mana from one Element into another or making it different parts of that amount each into different Elements took timeenough time to be too long to use in combat.

Still, it would be useful to drag the battle to gather enough Mana or through his training if he lacked any type of mana. Meaning that he would need to use some of the Mana Gems less frequently.

He felt a headache like never, which made sense, as what he just did was even more challenging than breaking Mikhail's Seal.

Sisver looked towards Shingi with awe in her eyes.

"You really did something about it."[Sisver]

Shingi had detected mistrust from her before, as she probably was testing the waters, and she wasn't afraid of him trying to hurt her while messing with Mikhail's Rune. But, to tell the truth, Shingi wasn't certain if he could hurt her if he wanted to.

He was on her shoulder, so he touched her skin, which was tougher than a normal's Sky Giant. It was even tougher from Earth Giants, who were rumored about their natural defense.

Shingi was certain that even Wild Tycoon would have a tough time to make a good hit, even if she used all her strength, but could possibly do a scratch.

Shingi could also feel her mana's intensity and aura as she didn't try to hide it, but the opposite. She let it out for others to see how strong she was, and Shingi could tell that she mana wise she could be as strong as Aella. She was lucking the experience that Aella had built through her long life, so Sisver was still an ant compared to the Demi-goddess.

"This is your symbol? What are your rules?" [Sisver]

Shingi didn't expect her to be that calm or giving those responses.

"No, this symbol has nothing to do with me. Mikhail's Rune is still on you, but I have suppressed it for now. My Seal needs Spirit Mana to keep itself working, which you should be able to give it some, right?" [Shingi]

"Spirit Mana?" [Sisver]

Shingi explained to her what Spirit Mana was, and she truly could use some since she was the Floor's Boss. Normally one would use it to heal itself, though, or sometimes to strengthen itself. However, Shingi didn't mind revealing to her this secret, as he had decided to ally with her.

"Come, new friends. Let's feast. Maybe you will actually grow a bit." [Sisver]

She started sounding orders in their languages as people starting running around. Some started assembling a vast table, some brought chairs, all giant sizes, and some started bringing food.

Finally, some people with cages came, and in the cages, some Harpies were more beautiful than the ones they fought outside. The Harpies sang, but it was a normal song this time.

Valyra appeared out of nowhere and was next to one of those cages, enjoying the harpy's song in it.

Shingi went closer to her, and she noticed him soon enough.

"You know, I never thought of giving her a name, even if she is my favorite. Maybe I should give her that name your friend mentioned. What was it again?" [Valyra]

"Teresa." [Shingi]

Valyra nodded and smiled, first towards Shingi and then towards the harpy.

"It's decided then. She is Teresa now. Probably should let Mistress know. She will have a new name to shout now. Can't wait to hear her." [Valyra]

Valyra had a pretty dark smile for a few seconds before her face was back to normal. Shingi had seen her acting like that in the past, but he never got the chance to really connect with her or know much about who or what she really was.

He tried to have some small talk, but she either ignored him or gave him a quick answer. She was even more difficult to deal with than when they were under her trials. Shingi was certain now that she wasn't earnest back then, as if she was, they probably would never gain entrance that easily.

The food was ready, and soon enough, Shingi and his party sat on the table since the chairs were huge for them. Their food was also huge, as they actually had a turkey that had a house size compared to Shingi and the rest.

Still, the meat wasn't tougher than normal meat, and there was wine and some simple pastries.

Combined with the songs, it was quite a wild party.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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