From Player To Npc

Chapter 216: The notes

Chapter 216: The notes

This strange feeling lasted for a split second, but Shingi was certain about what he saw. Of course, he had to let time pass so that he won't be close to the danger zone by using the Spirit Element, but it seemed that his new companion had actually found the clue he needed.

"So? Is it what you wanted me to find?" [White Biscuit]

Shingi nodded at him. Shingi got impressed that he actually found it by noticing a slight detail like that. He didn't know if he would notice it that fast.

"So what now?" [White Biscuit]

Shingi thought about it. He didn't need the help of White Biscuit for anything else currently.

"Want some help with your training? I have read some of the notes I found of my brother. Maybe they can help you." [White Biscuit]

"Notes? From where?" [Shingi]

"His place. After he had disappeared for a few months, they called me to go take his stuff. My parents wanted to throw them, but I kept some of them. I found a notebook that contained some weird coded messages. Took me some time, but I think I had found the way to decode it, even if he kept changing the code every few pages." [White Biscuit]

This statement impressed Shingi once more. He knew that his brother was smart, but they didn't spend enough time with each other to know how much. They mostly were seeing what Ameanum was working on at that time, except for playing the game.

Ameanum enjoyed his brother's help at those times but didn't consider them to be close to each other.

"They may be helpful. Thanks. Have you shared them with the Strom Guild yet?" [Shingi]

White Biscuit shook his head to deny that statement.

"Why? I am certain it will grant you some good points if you gave them something like that." [Shingi]

"But it isn't something that belongs to me to give it to others. But I am certain that he wouldn't mind for you to have it." [White Biscuit]

It was true that his past self didn't want the Guilds to know of everything he had found, as there were cases of people trying to break into his apartment for this reason. So he had to move now and then, but he could afford it.

As for what he wrote in the note, he couldn't remember everything in it. However, it contained information from the start of the game, since its launch, which was a little over two decades ago.

This meant that over 100 years had passed since the Tower and the Blessed Ones appeared in this world. Nevertheless, it was impressive that the game lasted, being popular for that long, and it still seemed to be popular to a degree.

Some of the notes there were things that others had noticed or things he remembered, but he was certain that there were things that not a lot knew, that probably even those big Guilds hadn't discovered after all that time.

"I guess you don't have it on you. Right?" [Shingi]

He nodded.

"I can bring a copy to you in a week or so. The original is impossible to bring it here." [White Biscuit]

Shingi understood the reason, as these weren't digital notes but physical ones, so he had to rewrite them here to pass it to them.

"I appreciate it. One week is fine. Even if all preparations are ready by them, we will have some time to study them after getting in the Tower." [Shingi]

Those notes would be more helpful than the ones he kept in his hideouts in the different kingdoms, as the ones in the hideouts were about the Tower mostly. That was why he didn't spend time to go around them, as he knew that things in the Tower would have changed, and it seemed the case was more than he had assumed in some cases.

"You should return to Quick Thunder and give him a message. Some things we are going to need have changed. Let me write the list first." [Shingi]

With the new piece of information, Shingi had a new approach and plan, so adjustments were necessary. Most likely, some of the items he put in the list would not be needed, but he put them to be safe. He was confident that they didn't mind the cost.

He noticed that his Spatial Ring seemed to let him summon things from in it a bit slower than before, meaning that the room was affecting it as well. But at least it didn't prevent it from working entirely.

He wrote the new list and gave it to White Biscuit.

"Ok. so how do I leave?" [White Biscuit]

Shingi just pointed at the water.

Zhen had left just a couple of minutes after they got into the room. Shingi could tell that the tunnel wasn't too long to get at the other side, so White Biscuit could easily swim to the other side, while he might have some trouble as his senses wouldn't be the best underwater.

"There is no other option? Like calling that friend of yours to come and get me?" [White Biscuit]

It was then when Shingi remembered a detail about his brother.

He couldn't swim.

He had an unpleasant experience at the beach, which made him afraid of the water and swimming.

"Sorry, but I can't call him. I can call one from Blue Moon Guild to come and help, though."[Shingi]

"That that won't be necessary."[White Biscuit]

Shingi knew that his little brother found it embarrassing of others to find out that fear of his. He was taking some deep breaths, and Shingi could hear him mumbling to himself, things like 'it is going to be alright' or 'it is just a game.'

Shingi decided to help him, or he would stay like that for hours.

He used some of his Air Man to surround his brother, almost like making a MANA DOUBLE of White Biscuit, but around his body.

The final result was more transparent than the actual MANA DOUBLE.

It didn't seem to be considered a new Spell from the System, as there was no notification.

"What are you doing?" [White Biscuit]

"Just help you to breathe underwater. This will contain enough air for the entire way. It will also not let any water in, so you won't need to dry yourself afterward." [Shingi]

Shingi could detect that White Biscuit was thankful and even gave him a little bow.

This seemed to be enough to persuade him to get in and get to the other side. Even if he wasn't a great swimmer in real life, people could do things they couldn't do out of here.

It took him more time to get to the other side and outside the water, but Shingi could hold the air mana field active the entire time.

And so he was left alone to continue his training, which he got back to it right away. He continued working on his Air Element and started with six mana spheres to get used to the tempo once more. It didn't take him long, and he finally moved to seven.

His plan was, for now, to get them all to eight, which was the max he could reach with his Fire Element, and then work on raising them to ten. If he reached the eight spheres of perfect control on all of them, he wanted to earn one more Element.

He had Dark and Water left of the Basics, and he would leave Dark for last, as it was the most difficult one. Also, it will be easier to earn it in the Tower than outside of it. He wanted to at least have six out of the seven, counting the Spirit Elements available. It should help with the Evolution of his Class, or so he hoped.

He needed one more for Air Element, and then he could work on Light Element, for which his limit was six spheres.

Hopefully, for every Element other than Spirit, he could have his clothes design and benefits focusing on that single Element. So he currently had all of them supplied with Air mana that made them very light sky blue.

He had to take some Mana Potions, which he didn't mind using as he could easily resupply since he was in Carda.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the case for his students as the box from his mother was in his Spatial Ring, meaning they couldn't send them any items. As for trying the same 'hack' as they used for Mizuneko to have the 'switch place' scroll, it wasn't an option as it would draw too much attention.

He had just a week to train, as he had to return then to Volig to help him with their new project, that he wanted to have some progress with it before he had to leave.

Hopefully, the Guilds won't be too lucky on gathering the materials needed too soon.

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