From Player To Npc

Chapter 42: First Dungeon - Part 3

Chapter 42: First Dungeon - Part 3

It didn't take them long to stop moving as Hineko noticed something and stopped the group. There was a slight opening on the wall that they would normally miss, but he trained his PERCEPTION with tips from Shingi. His skill wasn't as good as of Shingi as he also had noticed it but didn't say anything as he kept testing them and knew it wasn't a trap.

"This seems too small for any of us to pass as it isn't bigger than Ms. Phoenix's hand. Also, I don't see any way to open it; what about you, Master?" [Hineko]

Hineko had spent some time with Tycoon and Phoenix and seemed to bond with them even if Tycoon seemed annoyed with him, especially when he was near Phoenix or talking to her. Also, he always called Shingi a Master, even when he said it wasn't necessary. Still, at least he didn't say when anyone other than them was around.

"Hmm... it doesn't seem like it was made to block the way or cover something, but just that someone dug that small tunnel through the wall. Most likely was created for the Oozes as they will be easily able to use it. But making something like that, I can think only one to had been behind it." [Shingi]

This wasn't something a simple Ooze would do. This was clearly the work of one with some INT, and they had met only one like that.

The Ooze with the transformation ability.

These types of Oozes were more INT than the typical Oozes and were getting more INT the more they got fed with their victims' memories. Since it was able to speak while transformed, it definitely was fed quite a few times and had high enough INT.

"It is too dark to see the other side, and opening the way will take too much time. Unless any of you have any ideas." [Shingi]

Shingi knew that an individual wasn't able to solve all the problems all the time. Some could consider solutions faster than him or consider a way he hasn't, and he was ok with that. As long as it wasn't something crazy, he was willing to try it.

"How about we put Phoenix through the hole?" [Mizuneko]

Everyone turned towards him, and Tycoon was ready to punch him, but he raised his hands to defend himself and spoke before she harmed him.

"I mean, let her use her Shadow Abilities to move through the hole. She may be able to make a Spell, like that." [Mizuneko]

Wild Tycoon continued staring at him as Mizuneko could swear that he felt like blades were getting out of her eyes and stab him, but that was just in his mind.

"Hmmm... interesting approach. It may actually work." [Shingi]

All of them were surprised, especially Mizuneko, as he really didn't expect Shingi to consider what he said. He himself wasn't sure why he suggested it. Still, he understood that Shingi liked for them to share any ideas no matter how silly or crazy they sounded.

"But my ability to control Shadows isn't that good. I can handle a Low-Grade Spell, like SHADOW BOLT, but barely and what you suggest should be not less than a Base Grade one. Creating one would take too long even if I could do it." [Little Phoenix]

Everyone got silent, and Mizuneko knew what she said was true. He was a Mage too and had more experience than her as he had played the game more, so he knew that this was really a thing that wasn't possible for her to do for now.

"What is your current INT, Phoenix?" [Shingi]

She was somewhat surprised by him asking something like that but answered either way.

"I have 13 INT." [Little Phoenix]

Shingi seemed to start thinking something after hearing this piece of information. Still, it was just an act as he already knew about her stats since he could see her Status whenever he wanted since she was his student, but only if she could see her. But he hasn't shared that he had a skill like that, so he had to act accordingly.

As for Phoenix's INT, it wasn't a surprise of being that much lower than his as Mages started with INT 12, and hers was increased by 1 cause of the Shadow Training he put her through.

To tell the truth, Mizuneko was surprised that her INT was 13 as it took him quite a while to raise his and knew that she wasn't playing the game for long. Still, after thinking of who was the one who helped her training, he put that thought aside.

"Hmmm... it may be close, but it could work." [Shingi]

"Don't tell me you can do what the wet cat mentioned." [Wild Tycoon]

Mizuneko was angry about how Tycoon talked for him and how she used his in-game name, but he knew not to get on her bad side, so he didn't say anything.

"No, I can't, but I can allow Phoenix to be possible successful. It could be an interesting experience for her, and if she succeeds, we will have a great tool for the future." [Shingi]

Then they made a temporary camp just a little further than the hole but hidden enough so if any Ooze came at it or from it wouldn't notice them.

Shingi started training with Phoenix. It was quite similar to the training she had done until now to gather the Darkness element type. Still, this time, instead of gathering in one place, she had to put it all around her body. It was similar to how his INVISIBILITY worked. Instead of making a layer surrounding her, she had to merge with it and become one with it.

Of course, they didn't focus on the whole body right away but trained to cover her hand first.

As time passed and a few Oozes have started passing, Shingi let the rest of the party fight them while the two of them kept their training. Fortunately, no strong one appeared that needed Shingi's attention but mostly Black Oozes and a few Yellow ones so they could handle them without any problem.

And so close to six hours passed. They finally had success as Phoenix's whole hand was turned to shadow by merging with the darkness element she manipulated. Her MANA MANIPULATION was close to 36, so not too far to be considered Master Rank. Of course, without doing something that difficult and without the help and tips of Shingi, she wouldn't be able to level up her skill that much.

But even if she was now able to turn her hand to Shadow, her current limit. It wasn't considered a Spell from the System.

"I don't think we can move further than that. We have already spent too much time on this." [Little Phoenix]

She felt a little sad about keeping the rest of the party, but she was happy to hear that it seemed like Tycoon could pass her challenge as there seemed like quite a few Oozes passed and wanted to use the tunnel.

Shingi smiled towards her and had a look at everything was alright and under control.

"Well, now it is where the true test of your skills gonna start. And you want to turn back?" [Shingi]

Phoenix didn't know what to say and didn't understand why Shingi was continuing with this plan. No matter how useful that spell would be, could it worth the time they lost. They could always train on it some other time.

But for some reason, her spirit was raised, and she had a feeling that she was able to move on and succeed even if she couldn't understand why she felt like that.

"I am gonna use a special technique that Master passed on me that is gonna help you, but to work, one of my MANA HAND have to always be in touch with you. If it gets away from you even for a second, the blessing will be gone, and I can do it only once, so be careful of not getting separated by it." [Shingi]

He had spent some time gathering some Dark Element mana from the surrounding and used it to create a Dark element MANA HAND, which looked like it was made out of shadows. He commanded it to touch Phoenix's shoulder, but she barely felt it touching her, just having this weird feeling of something around that space but not the same as getting touched. It felt almost like something was breathing on her shoulder over and over again by multiple angles.

Then after Shingi was certain that everything was under control, he enabled his unknown Blessing's active effect raising the INT of Phoenix from 12 to 29.

This wasn't a low number at all, as the maximum a player has ever reached one of his stats was 30, meaning she wasn't too far from it. Of course, some tried to pass the limit of 30, but it seemed like the System was restricting them from succeeding, but there was no explanation of why that was the case.

Shingi had tried the Blessing on himself, and it seemed like he really wasn't able to reach 32 but was limited to 25 instead but didn't know why his limit was 25 and not 30. Even Annoue's was reaching an INT of 28 when he used the Blessing on her, so she didn't seem to be having the same problem as him.

The Highest Level Arcane Practitioner Shingi knew had an INT of 27. He was an NPC that actually was one of the most important figures in the Circles of Magic. He was the reason for the creation of many new spells and enchantments. Now that Phoenix was having more INT than even that individual, if she couldn't make a Base Grade Spell, there was no hope for her as a Mage.

Phoenix was surprised by the feeling and, after checking the System's notification letting her know of the Blessing's effects. She may have been a beginner, but even she understood how game-breaking this blessing was.

So she focused on feeling and manipulating the mana around her and, more specifically, the Dark Element in the shadows, and she was surprised at how easy it was.

MANA MANIPULATION was a mental skill, so it was mainly affected by the INT of its user. Her INT was that high her control of the skill was like the difference between Hell and Heaven.

Mana gathered her and started surrounding her at a great speed like it was putting no resistance. In a matter of few seconds, she was surrounded by a sphere of darkness. She started manipulating it and making it take her shape and first become like a second skin.

This didn't take too long either, and she started focusing on slowly merging herself with it and turning herself in Shadow.

At the same time, Shingi was concentrating on connecting his MANA HAND with Phoenix's mana to keep a connection with her so that his blessing will be kept active.

And so, in the matter of almost a minute, Phoenix was standing as her form was losing its shape.

At that point, Tycoon came and tried to grab her but instead, she passed through her like she was a ghost.

Phoenix turned towards her fallen friend to check if she was ok, but Shingi drew her attention.

"You should hurry. I can't keep my spell too long for your current form, and without it, things won't be good." [Shingi]

Phoenix nodded and focused as her body lost its shape, became like a living shadow, and started making its way through the small tunnel.

For a few seconds, everyone was just starring the hole and waiting for something to happen or to hear something, but nothing happened.

And then some grinding happened like stones moving. A secret door opened that no one, not even Shingi, had noticed.

It seemed like it was perfectly part of the wall, being very well hidden.

At the other side of it was Phoenix, who was at her normal form with the Shadow MANA HAND of Shingi still touching her shoulder.

"I found a switch, everyone." [Little Phoenix]

She said that with a rare smile on her face, her smile disappeared when Tycoon came to her and hugged her.

"Don't ever do that again." [Wild Tycoon]

She whispered it so none but Phoenix would be able to hear, but for Shingi, it was like she was shouting it.

Shingi went through the secret door and saw that it led to a small room, and in there that there was a corridor that was continuing further in the Dungeon. He focused his senses to check if any creatures or any traps were around, but it seemed like none existed.

He paid extra attention to the walls if there were more secret doors he missed, but he couldn't notice any for now.

"Should we follow that way? Quite a few Oozes seems to uses it, so maybe something worthy to investigate is in there." [Mizuneko]

They all nodded on that, but Tycoon stopped everyone before they start moving.

"We should take some rest. This tired a lot Phoenix and so should have Shingi." [Wild Tycoon]

Since they were at the same party, she was able to see the current MP of Phoenix, which was almost empty. Her SP seemed to have gone low also, and even if she wasn't able to do the same with Shingi, she considered his situation shouldn't be much better.

It was true that he had lost quite some MP out of it cause controlling the MANA HAND that was made completely out of Mana not coming from his Mana Tree wasn't that easy. He even used some of his SP but not at the same dangerous level as Phoenix.

"We will take an hour of break. It should be more than enough. No need to use any potions as overusing them would lessen the effects considerably ." [Shingi]

They had used a few MP and SP REGENERATIONS potions during their training since it was using both of those, so it was better to rest naturally for now.

He used the switch that Phoenix had found to close the secret door while they were in and went into a corner and took out of his ring a pillow and started taking a nap.

The party was surprised by his action, especially of him having prepared something like having a pillow with him, which they had never considered. Still, they didn't have the luxury of having a Spatial Ring as Shingi did.

Phoenix sat in a meditate-like stance, which was quite different than Shingi's and Annoue's. Still, she was comfortable with it and had similar effects and especially increasing slightly her MP regeneration.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, the one who broke it was actually Hineko.

"I know it isn't really my place to ask something like that, but how did the two of you meet. I mean before... our adventures in this word begin." [Hineko]

Tycoon was surprised by that question and seemed like she was ready to answer in her normal way of minding his own business, but Phoenix raised her hand to stop her from doing it.

"We can share our story but only if you share yours? Isn't that fair?" [Little Phoenix]

Hineko seemed surprised by the response, especially Phoenix being who gave it, especially since she was her shy self, but he didn't mind.

A long discussion and sharing of stories began as they kept their voices low, not to be heard by Shingi.

But little did they know that he wasn't really sleeping, just pretending, and he was able to hear everything clear like he was next to them.

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