From Player To Npc

Chapter 80: End of the trip

Chapter 80: End of the trip

Pan was in a corner taking a nap, while other than her and Varan, Ameanum couldn't see anyone else in the room.

"Oh, you are back sooner than I thought. It's been a little less than three hours."[Varan]

"Thre...three hours? Didn't you say one hour is a week there?"[Ameanum]

Varan nodded with his usual smirk on his face.

Ameanum had lost time in that place, but he would have never thought of almost three weeks have been of him being there.

After sighing, he left the tooth on one of the empty tables.

Varan took a look at it, examining and bringing out of his Spatial Ring an ink pen and a small vial of ink.

He started painting over the tooth, some Programming Enchantments

Ameanum didn't disrupt him as he knew that even if he spoke to him, Varan wouldn't hear him either way.

He brought out of its sheath his sword and noticed some cracks on the blade but were getting closed.

He could barely feel the consciousness of the sword, and it was getting the feeling of it sleeping.

Even if he didn't actually use it, it seemed it got also affected in the Illusion, which appeared to be shown on the blade itself.

He could maybe help it recover faster if he summoned the Spirit Hammer, but he didn't want to use it in front of Varan, who would possibly get crazy over it even if he wasn't a craftsman.

Varan was a collector of artifacts, so something as rare as a Spirit Hammer would draw his interest, as he had never found one either.

He put his sword back to its sheath, so Varan wouldn't notice its true nature either, as a Growth Type weapon is rarer than a Spirit Hammer.

He started getting his armor out to check if something changed on his body after what happened with the Dragon, and he had found a change.

His whole chest seemed to have writing on what seemed on Dragonic but seemed somewhat different, somewhat ancient.

He couldn't decipher most of it, but he could one thing that seemed to be a name; Choma.

When he said that name, he felt some reaction from the tattoo as a whole but stopped as quickly as it appeared. He felt this unknown power going through him like electricity, but it didn't damage him, but quite the opposite, it seemed to had strengthened him.

But the effect didn't last for long, just a split second, and it felt like something made it stop its effect.

He felt the stare of Varan for a split second, but when Ameanum turned towards him, Varan seemed to still work on the tooth.

But Ameanum could see a smile on Varan's face.

After a little less than half an hour, he heard some movement from the tunnel leading to the room as Marcy and Soryn came into the room.

They have brought some more materials that Varan needed and joined Ameanum and the recently awoken Pan on drinking some of her tea.

Varan was grinding some gems, squeezing some fruits, crashing some seed, and making a substance to paint over his finished Programming Enchantment with his ink pen.

It didn't take him long to finish it as they hadn't finished their tea, except Pan, who was already at her third.

Varan joined them to get some tea, and he seemed pleasantly surprised by its quality.

He was silent and enjoying his tea while everyone was staring at him to tell them how his project went.

He finished his tea, and he raised his hand, which seemed like he wanted to draw the attention of everyone.

But in reality, it was to summon some biscuits from his Spatial Ring to have after the tea.

"Oh, come on? You are doing it on purp..."[Marcy]

She stopped mid-sentence as no other sound was coming out of her mouth.

Ameanum knew Varan's character, and he knew that he wanted things to happen on his own time, so one had to be patient with him.

He finished a few of his biscuits but didn't offer any, even if Pan was drooling for them. But her instincts were telling her not to mess with this person.

"So. Are you guys ready to go home?"[Varan]

Everyone nodded as they stood and watched one of Varan's MANA HANDS starting carving on the ground a Teleportation Circle with the Dragon's tooth.

He put his hand over the head of Ameanum as Ameanum could feel Varan looking into his mind.

He didn't put any resistance as it would be useless either way against someone that powerful.

Varan had been in many places, but he didn't remember all, and the best idea he had for a destination the more precise would be their Teleportation there.

Ameanum felt that he went through his encounter with the Dragon too, but it was over in a few seconds.

The MANA HAND had finished the Circle quickly too, and everyone stepped on it.

"It was nice seeing you again, Varan."[Ameanum]

Varan smiled towards Ameanum, but this time was a genuine one and not so much a smirk.

"We are going to meet again, for that I am sure. Good luck with those people you want to deal with. Also, you better keep your promise.... otherwise I know where you live."[Varan]

Ameanum didn't count the 'threat' as a serious one, but he never knew what to expect with Varan and when he lost his temper.

The portal was active soon as Varan used some of his mana, and everyone fell in it since it appeared on the ground where they were stepping.

They weren't falling as almost instantly they appeared to the other side of it and appeared in front of the Tree Hideout.

Ameanum gave them directions at the town's Inn that the rest of his students were staying.

His group, primarily because of Pan, was drawing some attention and a few from Marcy since her equipment was better than the low-level people around here, even if it wasn't the rarest.

Only a few Guild members of the Whip Masters were having better equipment than her, as not many of their high-level members were around.

Marcy had her hood up, hiding her face at the best of her abilities since she had some past with the Guild.

They reached the Inn in no time as it wasn't too far from the Low Town's main gate.

Hineko was outside looking around as this time he didn't seem to have found his target until he saw Pan.

He moved towards their group, and Ameanum passed next to him and whispered for Hineko only to hear him.

"I wouldn't try it if I were you, young man."[Ameanum]

Hineko looked towards him confused and then towards Pan. 

In the end, he stood in front of Pan, stopping her from moving.

"Hey, babe. I haven't seen you around in the past. Do you want to show you the sights?"[Hineko]

Pan scanned him from his toes to the top of his head.

Then she hit the ground with the butt of her staff as vines grew out of nowhere and surrounded Hineko, especially his face. 

The vines had some thorns too and didn't so much damage Hineko but bringing him pain instead.

People looked towards Hineko, and most seemed to laugh at his fate, and a few thought of him to deserve this as he had made a bit of name for himself on 'talking' with girls.

Ameanum and the rest got in the Inn, and he found at a table Phoenix and Mizuneko having some food in silence.

He joined them by sitting in one free chair, which was most likely used by Hineko not too long ago, as there was a plate with some food at that side of the table.

Mizuneko was ready to shout at the unknown person sitting at their table, but Little Phoenix spoke first.

"Mister Shingi.... when did you get here?"[Little Phoenix]

Mizuneko was surprised by the name Phoenix used for this unknown player as it was the same as their Master.

"Yes, it's been a while. I heard you guys had some misadventures here and brought some further help."[Ameanum]

He pointed towards the bar, where Soryn and the rest had gone to get some rooms.

"You must be Mizuneko. I heard about the plans my student had for you, but I didn't know you have succeeded already."[Ameanum]

He used his EAGLE EYES when he saw them and noticed that Mizuneko's class has changed to Ice Mage.

Mizuneko had one of Zhen's Air Mana Gem for him to train on his Air Mana Manipulation. 

After that, he had to evolve his Mana Pool by merging it with the Air Mana, which was the hypothesis that he was told how to become an Ice Mage. 

Fortunately, in the end, it worked.

But it wasn't going to be that easy if he didn't have the rechargeable Mana Gem. Its mana was purer to be used and had better benefits, and since it was recharging itself, it was perfect for this type of training.

If he didn't have that, he would need to use dozens of normal Mana Gems, which would be too much for most people to pay.

He also had some tips from Shingi for manipulating the mana and helping at the merge, although Shingi himself wasn't sure for anything. Most were some hypothesis of his or of NPC researchers he had met in the past.

Mizuneko was surprised for him knowing this as he hadn't revealed this kind of information to anyone, not even his brother.

"I heard you, Ms. Phoenix, were working on your Profession. But it seems you are still working on it. How is it going? I head a suitable tutor was found for you."[Ameanum]

"It is going well. Master Karemon says in a day or two, and I should have earned at least Apprentice ENCHANTER profession."

Not all professions were unlocked fully, as most of the times were following the same states as a class for an NPC; Apprentice, Base, and final the full Profession.

"Good... you should be informed of the individuals who are messing with the shop. Right?"[Ameanum]

They nodded and informed him that they also were affected.

It was a known fact their relationship with Shingi since they had killed Guild members in the past. They were also seen with him a few times, so they were targeted by them when they went outside the town.

Even if they were able to bribe a few guards, they weren't able to keep them away forever, so they weren't free to do whatever they wanted.

Especially when the Mayor made it clear to them of being unwilling to work with them.

Ameanum had some more talk with them, and Hineko joined them after a few minutes, full of wounds and some thorns still on him.

He asked Little Phoenix if he had any news from Wild Tycoon, but it seemed like she still hadn't sent any message.

Ameanum told her to wait for her to communicate with them for now.

Ameanum said his goodbyes for now.

He left and arrived at an alley close to the shop but free of watchers.

After making sure nobody was watching him, he went OFFLINE from his SPECTATOR MODE.

After the few days of the trip's duration, he was back in control of his NPC body.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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