From Player To Npc

Chapter 85: Spell scrolls

Chapter 85: Spell scrolls

Spell Storing Scrolls were the second more essential tools after potions a Player was trying to have with him.

Depending on the quality of the scroll, different Grades and the number of Spells could be stored in it. 

But the highest the Grade of a Spell, the more space it took.

Since Mizuneko was a SCRIBE MASTER, he started on researching the way of making Spell Storing Scrolls, which was the most usual action a SCRIBE MASTER would spend his time to do.

His current ones were the results of his hard work. A few barely could handle a Base Grade Spell stored in them, and most up to four Low Grade Spells, either the same or different.

This wasn't going to affect much their future battles as the Mana Cost of Low-Grade Spells was minimal compared to Base Grade, but it was a start.

He would continue his research, but the Special Ice Mana Gems' creation was more important for now, as it would help with his training on this particular Class and developing his Mana Pool.

The difference between his Mana Pool and Shingi's, even if both, in theory, had two Elements, was that Mizuneko's was considered one as the Air and Water part of his trees have been merged into one.

He still could develop only Water Mana or only Air Mana, but it took more time than using Ice Mana right away.

So since this was a different Element, its compatibility with normal Element Mana was less, so its development would be slower than if they were two separate Elements.

But if he had a Mana Gem producing Ice Element mana, this would progress of his Mana Tree much faster but cause the uniqueness of the mana, and the Mana Gem would make less mana in a specific time still would be faster than usual.

Zhen worked with Mizuneko, and even if Zhen didn't seem interested much in the person, he was interested in this unique mana of his.

Shingi looked over the Spell Storing Scrolls, which were empty, and tried some to check how they were workings.

To store a spell was as simple as casting it, so storing them in the scroll was a little slower than the usual time it took you to cast it.

When stored, writing would be created on the scroll in a language selected by the creator of the scroll.

A few knowledgeable SCHOLAR MASTERS could use coding languages for their scroll so that not just anyone could use them. The language had to be one they were considered proficient by the Gods, the System.

Mizuneko knew only the common language currently, so this was what the writing was at, but Mizuneko tried to study some other languages; it just took time.

He used his CAMOUFLAGE spell as a test one as it was the one he was the most familiar with, so the chance of it failing cause of the low quality of the Scrolls was limited.

He used five of them, and only two were successfully made and were holding three uses each. The other three were destroyed either on his try to put the fourth one.

His Spell was well developed, and it more than a normal Low Grade Spell, but far from what a Base Grade one would be.

Six free uses of his CAMOUFLAGE spell were going to be helpful, especially since others were able to use them without the use of mana.

Of course, the Spell, if not fed with additional mana, would last for a limited time by itself, and different Element of Mana than light may not work, but even the one minute it could last by itself could prove life-saving.

He didn't want to use the one who could handle Bade Grade Spell yet as they weren't easy to reproduce them for now.

"Mister Shingi, may I speak with you for a second?"[Little Phoenix]

Shingi turned towards the young but still older than his NPC self, Blessed One. 

"Is there something you need my help with?"[Shingi]

He was used to him calling him Mister even if he was younger than her. She was also used to talk with him without much problem as with the rest, not including Wild Tycoon.

"Well, I was wondering... is the Master Shingi still around? Haven't seen him in the Inn with the rest of the people he came in, and they didn't know where he went."[Little Phoenix]

It was confused that she was calling his NPC self Mister Shingi and his Player self Master Shingi. He was still keeping a secret from them that the two were the same person as after hearing the reason that this may have happened from Night Wind, he decided not to let any Players know.

He trusted Benjamin, Anna, and Varan to keep this secret, but others, not so much.

"He had to take care of a few things by himself. Not sure when he is going to be back. Why do you need some help?"[Shingi]

She seemed to blush a bit after she thought something and turned around, not facing Shingi anymore.

"No, everything is fine."[Little Phoenix]

She then ran to the corner that Zhen's cat was and started hugging it and playing with it.

Shingi was confused about this reaction but didn't pay it further mind.

He put the scrolls he was able to put his CAMOUFLAGE Spell at his Spatial Ring, and after said his goodbyes for now to Zhen and the rest, he headed out.

He went to the same alley he has ended his SPECTATOR MODE as last time.

He made sure that nobody was around using his detection Skills and even his new ECHOLOCATION spell to be sure of it.

He then enabled his SPECTATOR MODE.

The whole transition seemed to be shorter than ever. There was some delay until his Player body started being constructed, but now it was almost instant.

'Maybe the distance of the two places affects how long it will take'[Ameanum]

He saw his NPC body still being in there, but it was currently unconscious but still breathing.

It was in a comatose state.

He didn't ponder on this for long as he brought out his sword and left it in the alley as he quickly ended his SPECTATOR MODE.

When he was back to his NPC body, he picked up the sword, and he got attacked right away.

But the attack wasn't towards his body, but his mind as the consciousness of the sword wanted to devour this unknown person who dared to touch him.

But Shingi's will wasn't something one could mess with easily.

He had an INT of 16, which would put him at the same level as a Professor Mage of many years of training.

He had the experience of a Player who had encounters with Dragons, Demons, and even Gods.

Most of all, he had the Blessing of Beliss, which was lessening the requirements of any mental tasks he had to deal with.

So with all that, fighting against the Consciousness of Base Grade Equipment could be troublesome but not too hard for him. If it were a Master one, he would be in a dangerous situation.

"'You better calm down Sinhunter. I am your owner.'"[Shingi]

The mental attacks stopped.

"'You no owner. You small and weak. Owner big and strong.'"[Sinhunter]

Before the mental attacks continue, Shingi started sending mental images to Sinhunter through their mental connection used to communicate.

It was simple images to explain his situation of showing Player Shingi dying, turning into a child, and getting back his body but bot fully and others.

There was silence for a few seconds.

"'You owner.You no owner. Me no fight with small owner. When big owner you can wake me.'"[Sinhunter]

After that, the sword stayed quiet no matter what Shingi tried to do.

He considered it to be more beneficial to have the sword with his NPC self, but he didn't wait for it to act like that.

There wasn't much he could do for it now, but it didn't mean he couldn't use the sword at all or it was useless.

It would be the same as using a standard Base Grade weapon, as the consciousness was working on boosting his performance with it; that is why it was considered better than normal Base Grade ones.

He had a few skills he could learn that would help it, but he kept the sword at his Spatial Ring for now.

He went over to the Inn to find Pan to ask for help on making Golems with his Earth mana as he had seen her doing something like that with her mana even if hers wasn't only Earth-Based.

Outside the Inn, he found Hineko, who once again was surrounded by thorny vines.

A crowd had gathered, primarily females, who seemed to laugh at him.

He had a reputation build these past days being around, and it wasn't the best among the female audience.

There were some males also who were laughing at him too.

Shingi, while wearing his Special Cloak, making him seem like an Older teenager and with his Dagger at hand, went over and cut some of the vines and free him up.

The crowd seemed disappointed, and some even booed Shingi, but they left as there wasn't anything further to see.

"Oh, thank you, Mister. I don't know how much longer I could... Master, is that you?"[Hineko]

"What did you do again, Hineko? I thought I heard you learned your lesson not to mess with the people that came with Master."[Shingi]

Hineko removed some of the thorns that were still on his face. 

Those vines seemed to focus there and at a lower part of his body.

"Well, Master, I tried to be helpful, and I swear to my honor I didn't try anything. But Lady Pan was accidentally pushed by a person, and as a gentleman, I had to fight for her honor. I got pushed a few times, but I was able to best him in the end.... until we noticed something."[Hineko]

Hineko swallowed his salivae as he remembered what happened that lead to his misfortune.

"When she was pushed, one of Lady Pan's pouches fell without her noticing. During my fight, I didn't notice it, and I... I stepped on it."[Hineko]

Shingi didn't have to hear the rest of the story.

He was amazed that Pan didn't just kill him on the spot for it.

"You have any idea where she went then?"[Shingi]

Hineko finished pulling out of his body the last thorn. Fortunately, he could adjust the pain level; otherwise, he would be screaming each time he removed one.

"She mentioned the Mayor and wanting some of her tea. I tried to get her there before this happened. She left with Lady Marcy, as the bald dude stayed meditating at his room."[Hineko]

Shingi moved towards the Mayor's office, and Hineko followed him until on the way there, he noticed one pretty female player and tried to start a talk with her.

Shingi didn't wait for him and got to the Mayor's office quite soon. He saw Marcy outside the office, staring at the board with the Quests.

The Quests that were there were the type that was considered useless by most players.

There were gathering Quests but not from NPCs like Volig, who was of great importance and could reward them greatly, but simple townspeople and wanting simple things like meat or skins of beasts, or some herbs, etc.

"Is there anything wrong, Miss?"[Shingi]

He noticed her not looking at them to find something good but looking through them again and again like she couldn't decide what to get.

He wasn't using his cloak anymore, and he was back to his usual look.

"Oh, what a sweet little boy. Are you lost? Do you want me to help you find your parents?"[Marcy]

Shingi didn't expect this reaction as not many people acted towards him as him being a child.

"I am here to visit aunt Aneta. Do you know if she is in?"[Shingi]

He tried to act as a child would, but his acting wasn't the best as he said it in a more serious tone than any child would.

Marcy, though didn't seem to notice.

"Yes, she is in with a friend of mine. I should get with you because my friend can be a little scary to people she doesn't know."[Marcy]

Shingi sighed as he was aware of Pan's personality more than Marcy as he headed in with her.

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