From Player To Npc

Chapter 87: When past knocks at your door

Chapter 87: When past knocks at your door

Shingi was surprised by the notification as he didn't expect to get GOLEMANCY, but the simpler version CREATING GOLEM.

GOLEMANCY was a Master Grade Spell, so he didn't aim for it yet, maybe when he unlocked his Class.

But it made sense as probably Pan was using GOLEMANCY too, and since he copied her, it made sense to learn the same spell and not its weaker version.

He was ready to cast it to test it, but there was a knock on the door, and Karemon entered the room.

"Excuse me, sir, but Mistress asks for your presence."[Karemon]

Shingi noticed right away not only a difference in the tone of Karemon's voice but also his eyes being having less light.

These were signs that he was under mind control.

Hearing the title Mistress and Karemon, who was resistant to mind manipulation as a Half-Demon, he was confident he knew who he was referring to.

A person he considered he would meet but didn't want to.

He didn't have much choice as he headed out to see that Pan and Aneta were sleeping in a corner, and in the middle of the room, the was a female figure.

Her clothing had some similarities with Night Wind's as they had some modern touches, which seemed strange but not weird in this fantasy-like world.

She was wearing a long black dress with golden lines at its end and her sleeves. The dress was open at the back, revealing most of her back as also the front part was adding to her chest area but not revealing too much.

She had pink lips and nails, and her hair was brown with some black at the end of it.

She had a large scythe at the back of hers as she also seemed to have a remarkable base that magnetized the Scythe to keep it in place. The base was tied with leather ropes that were going around her stomach.

When Shingi stepped in, the black eyes of her were drawn to him.

At the same time, Karemon fell to the ground after he punched himself unconscious.

This was Ardent Scythe, another of the New Gods like Night Wind.

Shingi had worked with her a few times, and every time he regretted it because of her extraordinary power. 

She had the ability to Mind Control everyone except other New Gods.

Of course, she had some restrictions from the higher-ups, but the line was easy for her to cross. That was because of her background as the only child of the company's Founder behind the Game.

She smiled seeing Shingi and started walking towards him, but she stepped over a part of her long dress and fell over her face.

Besides doing what she wanted, one of the worst things Shingi had to deal with when working with her was how clumsy she was.

She had revealed their location when they were trying to stealth or ruined negotiations many times, even if at the latter she should be an expert with because of her power.

She stood up and moved her nose with her fingers as she seemed to have hurt it a bit.

Some light was released from her sleeves as an Enchantment was enabled, healing her a bit.

Her Father gave this something as he knew his daughter and didn't want harm to her if he could help it, even if it were in the Game.

"I see Night Wind wasn't able to keep a secret from you. Did you threaten him that you would fire him"[Shingi]

She smiled towards Shingi as her eyes turned on what of affection.

"I think you should be a good boy to massage, big sister."[Ardent Scythe]

She turned around and removed her Scythe, letting it on the ground as Shingi's body moved on its own to follow the order given to him.

He wasn't utterly mind-controlled as he knew what he was doing but couldn't stop himself. One usually wouldn't even see what he was doing while under mind control and not even remember them when the control was over.

"I was surprised by what little Wind told me, but it made me happy that you weren't gone. But also sad that you didn't try to communicate with me. But I am here now, so no worries." [Ardent Scythe]

Shingi was full of worries as he couldn't just let her control him, but there wasn't anyone here to help him as even Pan seemed unable to fight her power and was put to sleep.

"You know I heard that this form of yours is supposed to have a sister; that can't be. Will tell daddy to delete her as you need only one big sister."[Ardent Scythe]

At that point, Shingi was frozen in place as he felt familiar energy freezing him, but not affecting Ardent Scythe, who seemed confused on why he stopped her massage.

The door opened, and in came Night Wind.

"That is enough, Scythe. You can't just do what you want and even control him like that. That is against wh...."[Night Wind]

In the middle of his sentence, no sound was coming out of Night Wind's mouth like he became mute.

This was a special privilege Ardent Scythe's character had other than Mind Control.

Night Wind silently sighed as he pulled out a stone with a rune on it and pointed it at Ardent Scythe.

The Rune released some purple light as the same symbol appeared at the back of Ardent Scythe.

Then she seemed to be in pain as the symbol on her back was burning her.

This was a particular way to deal with here designed by the mother of her as she knew how hard she was able to deal with sometimes.

Her mother was the lead programmer of the Game to do things like that behind her husband's back. He wouldn't let something like that done to his precious daughter.

Shingi felt the mind control stopping affecting him.

"You ok?"[Night Wind]

"Could be better. I see you still can't hide things from her."[Shingi]

Shingi was heavy breathing as the energy of Ardent Scythe that was controlling him tried to take complete control, and he was barely keeping it from succeeding.

If Night Wind were late a few more seconds, he probably would not be able to stop it anymore.

"Not completely my fault. People started complaining about that Guild in the town bullying everyone from visiting the local blacksmith shop, and I may accidentally tell that this should be over soon since it was there. Of course, one wouldn't mind it much, but you know how curious and persuasive she can be when she wants to learn something."[Night Wind]

Shingi sighed as he understood very well what Night Wind was talking about.

Ardent Scythe wanted to hang out with him almost all the time, and he had to talk with her mother quite a few times to speak to her.

Ardent Scythe was interested in him because he didn't care much about her background, and he wasn't accepting any of her gifts either in real life or in-game.

In the beginning tried to help her in-game since she was, in theory, his Boss's daughter, but she didn't have the patience most of the time, and things were getting chaotic quite soon.

The worst accident was when she had an entire town deleted from the Game after telling her Father to do it because one merchant there didn't give her a discount on a cute dress it had.

She couldn't use her power on simple merchant NPCs to get better deals, but NPCs like Aneta were affected by it.

"You should talk with her, or she won't let you go, you know." [Night Wind]

Shingi sighed as he turned towards the silent Ardent Scythe, who wasn't in pain anymore as Night Wind had disabled the Rune's effect.

She stayed quiet as she understood the situation she was in.

"They may awake soon. Come follow me; we are going somewhere more private to talk."[Shingi]

He left the office as Night Wind and Ardent Scythe followed him.

He got to his house, which he hasn't been at for a while since he woke up after meeting Mikhail.

The place was somewhat of a mess as nobody was cleaning it but had just some dust here and there.

He cleaned the kitchen with his FILTH EATER spell for them to sit and talk.

Shingi explained his situation and had to calm down Ardent Scythe a few times when he referred to Annnoue or the Guild, making his life harder. She also didn't like it when he mentioned any other female figure like Little Phoenix, Wild Tycoon, or Anna.

"So, as you understand, this has to do with the Dark Guild, which even your father doesn't seem to be able to deal with."[Shingi]

Ardent Scythe didn't like it, but she knew it was true. She was repeatedly told by both her parents not to mess with them, which was rare for them to do something like that, especially her Father.

"I may not be able to deal with the be I can still help you. I can give you resources to mess with their plan easier."[Ardent Scythe]

Shingi was deep in thought as it was true that he required resources for his plans, and he didn't know how much time his last plan had given him.

"I can get some resources but have to happen in secrecy and not in major amount or will draw too much attention. Night Wind should be in charge of it as he can be stealthy enough for even me not being able to detect him."[Shingi]

Night Wind seemed to get ready to argue for why should he be the one to deal with it but stopped himself as Ardent Scythe stared at him with eyes that one would swear were throwing daggers at him.

"I...i am happy to help you, my friend."[Night Wind]

"I probably don't have to say this, but my existence has to remain a secret. This goes extra for you, Scythe. Your parents can't know about me, or they probably will experiment with me, and most likely, you will never see me again."[Shingi]

Ardent Scythe seemed terrified on the thought of what Shingi told her and nodded in agreement, and she seemed more serious than ever.

Shingi cast an Earth-Light MANA HAND of his and pat her head as he used to do with Annoue.

She seemed to like this.

"Now I have a question for you, Scythe."[Shingi]

She snapped out of her feeling of comfort as he was ready to hear what Shingi wanted to ask her.

"Your dress. You didn't have it last time we met. Annoue have described the Player who took the Quest for my cure as wearing a similar dress to yours. Was it you?"[Shingi]

She started recalling what she had done around that time Shingi was talking about.

"Well, the dress isn't unique, as there are five others like that but without the special enhancements. I have acquired three of them, but not sure who has the rest. As for the Quest, I wasn't in this Kingdom until last week for at least a year."[Ardent Scythe]

Shingi summoned a piece of paper and pen from his Ring and started making a list of items Zhen and Volig could use and some for himself and his Students.

He organized them in batches and when and where they should be delivered.

Now Ardent Scythe just wanted Shingi to fulfill a favor of hers since she was a 'good girl.'

To sleep with her.

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