From Player To Npc

Chapter 9: Master Blacksmith

Chapter 9: Master Blacksmith

Ameanum kept walking in a corridor, and not too much time later, and he was at the entrance of a room. There wasn't a door so that he could see the inside of the room right away. It was a forge and a quite big one as it could fit 7 artisans, although there was only one currently.

The man was a dwarf with a well-kept beard, and like most of the dwarves, he was quite wide, but it wasn't fat but pure muscles. He wore simple pants and an apron and was currently fully focused on carving with a chisel on a shield. He was currently putting some enchantment on it.

The dwarf was so focused that he didn't notice Ameanum getting into the room who didn't get too close as he didn't want to throw off his work,

And so, after a few minutes passed, the dwarf using a towel, started clearing the shield from any of its material that has remained on the shield.

"It seems your hands have become more delicate after all those years." [Ameanum]

Hearing a voice out of nowhere, the Dwarf turned towards it with an angry expression initially but was changed by one of surprise right away.

"Who are you to dare... MASTER, is that really you?"[Dwarf]

The Dwarf stood up right away and reached Ameanum and hugged him. Ameanum could almost feel his bones breaking by the strength of the dwarf.

"That is enough Varic, or you will make me a disabled man."[Ameanum]

Hearing that, Varic let him go right away.

"Master, where were you all those years? I heard that you were killed, but a blessed one shouldn't be killed, although I have heard of some disappearing over the years." [Varic]

Of course, Varic referred to players that they were called blessed ones since they had the ability to respawn. And it was true that some were gone over the years cause they moved to other games or didn't have enough time to play anymore.

"Well, it is a long story that we may talk about it some other time. But what I can tell you for now is that the Dark Guild has to do with it." [Ameanum]

Hearing mention of the Dark Guild, Varic's expression changed to one of anger.

"Those little children tried to mess with my Master? I will show them what..."[Varic]

But before he completes his sentence, Ameanum stopped him.

"THAT IS ENOUGH. You aren't to do anything against them for now unless they get after you. They currently think I am out of the picture, so I am gonna use this to my advantage." [Ameanum]

Varic understood this way of thinking and his expression changed of that of a pity for the ones who tried to mess with his Master.

"Well, either way, I am here for two reasons."[Ameanum]

"Whatever it is, you just have to ask, and I will do everything in my power to help you with"[Varic]

Ameanum smiled at that response. Right in front of him, there was a Master Blacksmith, a man that most players would pay anything to talk with, and that person was currently calling him a Master.

But it made sense. Ameanum, over the years, has researched the game and has shared his research with both players and NPCs. And, of course, one of the NPCs was Varic himself.

When they first met, Varic was someone exiled from his clan, and since he was quite young, he didn't have his crafting abilities quite high yet as they were at the low Rank back then.

But Ameanum helped him, and at some point, Varic's skills passed his own.

The skills that worked for players were that they had level instead of rank, and each level up was giving and increasing a benefit of the skill.

The first 10 levels were unlocking the same benefits as the Low-Rank skill of an NPC would. Then up to level 40, it was the same as the Base Rank, and from 41 to 100, which was the max level, it was of the Master Rank. Of course, the higher the level, the harder it to get to the next one.

As far as getting to the point, the same as Grandmaster Rank, it was considered not available to the players. Still, Ameanum knew that it wasn't completely the case.

It was true that when you reached 100, you couldn't level up the skill anymore as it was the cap. Still, after fulfilling some requirements depending on the skill, you would break the skill limits and evolve it into a more powerful one. This kind of info wasn't known by many, and Ameanum didn't know of anyone who had succeeded in breaking the limits of a skill.

That is other than him.

Most of his skills were Master Rank, being over level 70, with the majority being at level 90. Most of the others left were of 35 to 40 level, so considered the same as Base Rank.

But he had one skill that was level 100 and evolved, and that was his PERCEPTION that has evolved into EAGLE EYES.

By evolving the skill allowed him to know the information of players, NPCs, or items just by looking at them. Of course, the more powerful the one he was using the skill on was, the less info he was getting.

As far as his SMITHING Skill, it was currently at level 90. The last 10 levels were the more complicated to pass as each needed a different set of requirements, which of course, the System wasn't sharing with the players.

But at that level, he could create some repair hammers that could repair pretty much anything. Those were the same kind of hammers he was using after the fight with the Dragon. Of course, by being a special type of hammers, they contained the knowledge of their creator. The greater the creator's skill, the greater their benefit, so they didn't need to be used in a special way. He was using it into a Legendary Armor back then, so the repair they could do was limited with each hammering; that is why it took him several to repair it fully.

"Well, as I said, I am here for two reasons. Firstly to check on you, my friend, and the progress of your skills. And secondly, I need a set of equipment but nothing too fancy. We don't want to draw too much attention" [Ameanum]

Of course, he had already drawn attention just by getting in here that easily in front of that many players. Still, none would connect with his real identity as it never was a known fact of his relationship with Varic.

"Well, the equipment is something that can be taken care of easily enough. As for my skill's progress, you will be surprised." [Varic]

Saying that Varic started moving towards a corner of the room. A cloth-covered something. As Varic removed it, there was a safe, and Ameanum was surprised as he recognized the material it was made of. It was of Mana Glass.

Mana Glass was a material made completely by mana. Different mana was giving different benefits. From the color of the one in front of it, which was dark brown, it seemed to be of Earth element combined with Dark Element, a combination that made it indestructible. Not even a full-grown dragon would be able to make even a scratch on it.

But creating Mana Glass was something that very few people knew of how to do, and it was something that would cost a fortune and that to make a small box. To make a safe that was one meter in each dimension, it was something that not even the treasury of a kingdom would be able to cover.

But to tell the truth, Ameanum wasn't too surprised as he knew even if Master Blacksmith weren't considered powerful as Grandmaster ones, that didn't make them weak. And that was because not all Master Rank ones were considered the same. There were some whose work was better than others.

Still, even those considered to be at the top of the Master Rank comparing them with Grandmaster ones were the same as comparing the strength of a human baby and an Elephant.

And so Varic opened the safe, not even trying to hide the combination from Ameanum, and inside there was just one thing. A longsword.

But its appearance wasn't something too crazy, and it seemed simple enough until Ameanum used his Eagle Eyes on it.


Unnamed Longsword(Growth type)

Description: A longsword created by Semi-Grandmaster Blacksmith Varic. Its abilities are of Low Rank currently but can be grown up by the user.


"A ... a growth type weapon?!?" [Ameanum]

Ameanum was surprised by the weapon's type, and as he turned towards Varic, he noticed a smirk over his face.

Growth type equipment was lost through history on how to create and was more precious than Divine equipment. And that is cause at some point, even Divine equipment may become too weak for the user, especially if they are low level. But a Growth Type could keep growing in power and was limited only by its user.

But that wasn't the only thing that surprised him but also Varic's title.


Of course, that didn't mean that he was as good as a full Grandmaster Blacksmith, but he has pretty much considered having broken the way to reach that Rank.

"Hehe, I knew Master's eyes would recognize it right away. Well, what do you think? Is this a good start for your new equipment?" [Varic]

Hearing that, Ameanum was surprised for a second, but knowing Varic it wasn't something unexpected. He didn't want to keep his best work locked away but he wanted to see it used, but only by someone worthy.

"Well, who am I to say no to a future Grandmaster" [Ameanum]

As he said that, he gave a bow towards Varic, but soon enough, he felt a hand at his shoulders that pushed him to get back straight.

"You know that I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you, Master. So you are someone who never has to bow to me."[Varic]

Hearing that, a smile appeared on the face of Ameanum as he understood that his old friend's personality hadn't changed even now.

"Well, it is weird of you calling me a Master, especially since your skills are way higher than mine, so why don't we change that?"[Ameanum]

"And how would you like to call you Master?"[Varic]

"Well, let's go with 'friend' for now. But suppose we are in front of others, specially blessed ones. In that case, you can call me Shingi if it is needed. Still, we probably shouldn't be seen talking to its other a lot, or we will draw unnecessary attention." [Ameanu]

"I understand Mast... I mean my friend. As far as armor, I don't have something as fancy as the sword, and since we don't want to draw too much attention, I can give you one of my simple works." [Varic]

"That won't be necessary."[Ameanum]

"But why?!?" [Varic]

"Because if I am seen getting out with a full set of equipment made by you, we gonna draw too much attention and also your simple works aren't really that simple if you compare it with what a normal blessed one would have. But this sword will be more than enough for now."[Ameanum]

"Well, at least let me give you some money to buy armor from someone else. That wouldn't be that risky."[Varic]

And before Ameanum even answers, Varic had run in an unexpected speed for someone of his size towards a drawer nearby. Unlocking with a key that he had in his pockets, he brought out a pouch about the size of a fist and brought it over to Ameanum.

Taking the pouch and checking it, he noticed that it was full of gold coins. He normally wouldn't like to borrow money from others. Still knowing Varics' personality he didn't have many choices. Especially since this was an amount he could probably easily earn back.

And so the pouch disappeared, and if someone were to pay careful attention would see a tattoo on his neck, of a pile of coins, that wasn't there before.

That was part of a blessing he had taken by the God of Wealth, which allowed him to put any amount of coins into a special pocket dimension that only he had access to. After completing a Chain Quest, he earned this that led to having an audition with the gods themselves and being rewarded by them.

But that wasn't the only blessing he had. There was one that Varic himself was jealous of Ameanum having, and that was the Blessing of the God of Alcohol. That blessing was giving him high resistance against poisons and toxins. It made it nearly impossible for him to get drunk, which was something that every dwarf would be jealous of.

With his newfound weapon and wealth and having some small talk with Varic, Ameanum was ready to go.

"Is there a different exit? Cause I think it would be too troublesome to use the way I got here." [Ameanum]

As it turned out there was actually a false wall that was leading outside on an alley. So Ameanum made his way out through the alley wearing a simple cloak with a hood that Varic gave him to be sure not to be further noticed.

And so he made his way outside and around, and as he got at the front of the shop, he found the two people he was looking for: Wild Tycoon and Little Phoenix.

They were fortunately out of the shop as the shop seemed to be more full than normal as people were waiting for something to happen.

And so he slowly made his way towards them, trying to be as quiet as possible, and when he got next to them, he spoke towards Tycoon.

"We shouldn't spend more time here if we want to help Phoenix level up" [Ameanum]

The two girls were surprised by him appearing out of nowhere as they were too focused at the shop. And so as Ameanum turned around and started making his way towards the nearby gate, they run after him.

"WAIT... are we just gonna let the fact of what happened without saying anything?"[Wild Tycoon]

Turning towards her, Ameanum's face was as serious as ever.

"What is to talk about? I went to take some equipment" [Ameanum]

"TAKE SOME EQUIPMENT?!? This is a Master blacksmith we are talking about. Not anyone is taking some equipment from him" [Wild Tycoon]

Ameanum didn't give any further response after that, which made Tycoon even angrier.

But then the person who said the least amount of things spoke, and that was Little Phoenix.

"Ehm... excuse me. But we have.... to change our plans"[Little Phoenix]

At that point, both Tycoon and Ameanum stopped and turned towards Phoenix.

"Eeeehm, I need to log out as I need to take care of some things" [Little Phoenix]

Hearing that Tycoon was clearly disappointed like her day turned to the worse.

And so Phoenix gave towards them a bow and started running further into the town.

A player could pretty much log out from anywhere in a safe zone, but it was suggested to first get a room at one of the inns as it would give some extra benefits for the next time to log in.

Of course, Tycoon followed her friend, forgetting fully of Ameanum, who had just stayed where he was for a minute, and that continued his way towards the gate. Even if his plan changed and he couldn't join the two girls at their leveling up, that didn't mean he couldn't continue with his plan.

Since this was a beginner's town out in the fields, there should be a few people who he could check on their progress.

But after a few minutes, a notification window appeared.


SPECTATOR MODE is OFFLINE. Logging character out


And so everything turned black once more, and the weird feeling of becoming lighter and then heavier again has returned.

And so he was back to his NPC body currently being at his bed where he was on when he enabled the Spectator Mode and having Annoue next to him who was currently asleep.

'What the hell just happened?' [Shingi]

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