From Player To Npc

Chapter 93: The return of the Tycoon

Chapter 93: The return of the Tycoon

Since his MARTIAL ART skill wasn't officially Master Grade and not even semi-Master like his MANA SENSE used to be, he couldn't fully use it at his TRANCE ROOM, but it wasn't completely restricted from being used.

He tried the moves Soryn described, and he tried to adjust to his fighting style during the training exercise with the Golems.

He created a Golem with the Defense shape, but since there wasn't any earth there, it was made purely by mana, almost like his MANA DOUBLES but different as it wasn't entirely made by his mana but the mana of the room.

He noticed that he could feel some of his mana if he focused enough and use it in there, but it wasn't recharging as fast as the room's mana.

He still didn't know where this mana was coming from, but not many knew how Trance worked, and the ones who knew were keeping it a secret.

He trained his MARTIAL ART skill by sparring with his Golem.

As time passed, he felt the restrictions on the Skill to get weaker and weaker as, after a point, they were gone entirely.

His MARTIAL ART was finally Master Rank.

Other than some of his crafting and enchanting skills, only his STEALTH skill was at Base Rank.

He was combining it with the CAMOUFLAGE spell, so it wasn't getting increases as much as if he used it by itself.

He couldn't train it here as it was fast from Master Rank and was completely restricted in there.

Since he could use his MARTIAL ART completely know he changed his training to the same he was before having Golems protecting his MANA DOUBLE, which he made with his mana and not the rooms.

The room's mana didn't seem to belong to a specific Element. Still, he could use it for spells needing a particular Element of mana, and it seemed to adjust itself but not ideally or at least not as good as his actual mana of that Element.

But for his DOME OF SILENCE, which was using Dark Element Mana in theory as the shadows powered it, it seemed to work better in here than out of the room.

He wasn't planning to get his Mana Pool to produce Dark Element as it wasn't a good combination to have since he had Light, but he was planning to have one of Zhen's Dark Mana Gem with him to help him cast it when needed.

Time passed, and when he had to end his TRANCE, he had made some significant progress at his MARTIAL ART and GOLEMANCY, which he felt of reaching a bottleneck at that couldn't pass even in there.

He woke up and started hearing the hammering of Volig as the bed was in the forge room. Both he and Volig were used to that type of noise, and it was like music to them, and they were able to sleep with no problem if one was working like that.

He stood up from his bed and noticed that other than him and Volig, there was one more person in the room.

This person was Wild Tycoon, but her equipment was different than before.

She had heavy metal armor covering her whole body and made it hard to understand she was a girl, especially if she wore her helmet.

But now, she had no armor on, just regular clothes close to what Annoue was wearing. She also wore a sleeveless vest with a pair of eagle eyesone eye at each side at the front part of the vest and the height of her heart.

This was a reward for her to successfully earning her special class, the Spirit Barbarian.

She had to find an old Shaman who would teach her to call the spirits to strengthen her body or senses or give her inhuman abilities.

The class was also strengthening her natural defense and reflexes making her fighting better without the need for armor.

Some spirits would try to take control of her through her emotions. That is why she needed the Rage skills, as this Skill gave her some control of her emotion, especially the negative ones, which the Spirits would try to use against her.

Without having that Skill, the NPC wouldn't even consider accepting her as to teach her.

The vest was like a channel for the Spirit to reside while Tycoon was using their power.

Most spirits were taking forms of beasts, and higher ones took the form of other creatures, among them human forms or demon forms.

She was currently seemed to have one Eagle Spirit, which helped to strengthen her speed and sight.

She noticed Shingi getting up right away as her eyes have changed to look like one of an Eagle.

She mode towards him and bowed, which was rare for her.

"Thank you for this gift."[Wild Tycoon]

Shingi was glad that she appreciated it as some considered the class not so good as it was easy to summon a powerful Spirit.

But even the best ones were quite useful if used correctly.

"It's good to have you back. I am sure Phoenix will be glad to see you, but I have to inform you about a few things first."[Shingi]

He was confident that Phoenix didn't know that she was back or she would also be around.

So Shingi started telling Tycoon what happened with the Guild while she was away.

She was in the capsule during all that time and didn't even talk through chat with Phoenix. So she wasn't aware of any of the events that happened while she was gone.

The Tycoon of the past would be ready to charge out and slash everyone, but now she had learned to control these kinds of impulses and not let them control her.

Shingi was glad to see this change in her personality.

This was a great thing about the game as it helped develop some players' personalities even in real life. But it wasn't always towards the best.

"So what should I do? Speak with that Anna person, or do you have something else for me?"[Wild Tycoon]

"For now, keep your ears and new eyes open for any strange occurrence. I will let Anna know about you, and she will let you know if she has any plans for you. But try to stay low profile and possibly raise your level since you took your class. The Dungeon is low level, but if you go by yourself, you should get a good amount of exps. Even the Black Oozes shouldn't be a problem for you now."

The class, other than the ability to use the Spirit's power, had also raised her STR, AGI, and END effects and were boosting them further depending on the type of Spirit she was using.

Her current one was mainly boosting her AGI.

She nodded as she went her way out while sending a message to Phoenix that she was back.

Shingi, after making sure with Volig if the upgrades on the Enchantments were all good he went to the room for the WOODCARVING and LEATHERWORKING to work on them.

There were some at the storehouse and the displays, but he didn't consider them needing an upgrade.

There weren't many Enchantments here, so he was over within the hour, especially since both ENCHANTMENT APPRAISAL and PROGRAMMING ENCHANTMENT were Base Rank and his high INT even without using his Blessing.

After finishing them, he wanted to start creating some wand and staves and had some space for the mana gems to be inserted.

Of course, he wasn't going to make these available for everyone to buy as similar equipment existed and were using some rare High-Quality Mana Gems that could recharge but at a slower rate than Zhen's.

He, of course, would make some for his students with different elements so that they can use more variety of spells if needed.

He would have to make rings, as he did for Hineko, for multiple wands or staves to be stored in it and them to equip them at will.

It would be easier than Hineko's as the user would have mana to empower the ring when summoning an item.

But first, he had to make some designs on the wand to empower the Element of the mana that the Gem had.

He tried it for Dark Element as he remembered the Dark Mana Gem's design and thought he could use some part of it for his needs.

The design of the Mana Gem was supposed to draw the mana of the needed Element and boosting it to produce more in the Mana Gem like a mini Mana Pool.

He needed to adjust the trigger to be manual and not automatic and increase the boosting of the mana and let out more mana.

The new design would be on the wand or staff as it would draw the mana it needed from the Mana Gem attached to it, and the Mana Gemm would take care by itself of recharging the used mana.

This sounded easy in theory, but adjustments like that weren't something anyone could do.

But Shingi never backed away from a challenge like that if there was a chance he would take it.

He made different designs and tried to test them on the stones that he had the Task Handlers Golems of his gathering while working on developing them.

He wasn't going to waste the wood for his experimentation as most weren't standard wood, and they didn't have much for experiments.

He still had one of Zhen's Dark Mana Gems as they didn't need them other than helping developing Phoenix's Mana Tree.

He wanted the explosion to happen only when it was in touch with the Mana Gem and only after to be triggered with some mana of his to start drawing mana otherwise to be inactive.

The explosions weren't that loud, and because the rooms were made to be silent proof as crafting wasn't a quiet process, so nothing could be heard from outside the room.

He seemed to have found a way to adjust it to draw the mana from the Mana Gem and not the environment but creating a trigger for enabling or disabling the process seemed to be more complex than expected.

It took him the whole day of experimenting with almost all his rock as even after controlling the process by getting the rock away from the Mana Gem, each rock could handle it just a few times, but in the end, he found a way.

It wasn't perfect as it took a few seconds to open or close, and that delay could be vital for the Spell that would be cast.

But at least now, he could make some prototypes and adjust them while testing it, which would save some time than if he continued trying new designs like that.

He ate some food brought by Greg for dinner and ate more than usual since he had also skipped lunch.

He made a staff first as it had more space for his design, and when he had the final one, he would make it at a wand.

The wood he used was special wood infused with some mana like Mirtril but wasn't taking that long to be created as Mirthril did.

He didn't give it any particular design and looked like a quarterstaff with the only difference of having space on one of its ends for the mana gem to be inserted.

He summoned his Spirt Hammer and made it a pick hammer and used it strangely even if the unorthodox method had better results than if he used standard carving tools.

He could feel from the hammer a similar feeling as he did from the consciousness of his sword, which he hadn't felt until now.

He wondered if the hammer more accepting him more now after all it has done with it.

He had used it to break what was said to be a Crafting Seal and help upgrade a Growth Type weapon. 

Not a lot of people could tell they have done even one of those things.

He finished carving the design quickly enough, and the Hammer even had made some adjustments to it.

He used it and saw the trigger mechanic was working a lot better than expected.

It seemed like the Spirt Hammer was indeed a precious gift for a CRAFTSMEN and not just SMITHS.

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