Fugitive Poison User ~I Am Somehow Recovering in a World Full of Miasma~

Chapter 56

Chapter 56

Our enemies aren’t the followers of the Sacred Yggdrasil; it’s Saint Yggdra, the nation with it as its state religion... I mean, I guess so.

“Muu muu, muuu.”

Muu doesn’t seem like he cares at all.

“Let us eat.”


It’s not like I have anything against other religions. And even if I did, it wouldn’t do me any good.

“Alright, give it a try.”

We immediately begin our meal.

“Hmm... what an odd texture, this fish. But it’s good.”

“I’m glad you enjoy it.”

“The meat too... it is juicy and tender. I have had something similar at a noble’s feast.

Celes critiques between bites of food.

“It’s strange, but good, Yukihisa.”


“It’s good, but the texture of the fish is not for me.”

Arleaf criticizes my faux-eel while forcing a smile on her face.

“Indeed, it has a peculiar flavor, but I enjoy it more than the meat. The skin on it is well-charred and I bet it would be great with some ale.”

Well, different strokes for different folks.

To pair grilled eel with bread is certainly odd. Too bad Arleaf doesn’t like it.

Let me try it too.

Mm... it’s not definitely not great when compared with the plain salted version.

It’s quite a good substitute for eel if you’ve had it before though.

And even the well-marbled meat is a little strange.

“Perhaps it is the savoriness, but it is delicious. I am thoroughly enjoying my meal.”

“Mm... maybe it needs more time in the marinade.”

I get that just because the meat feels marbled doesn’t absolutely mean it’d be yummy.

Not only does everybody have their own taste, but getting rave reviews is a whole different animal.

It’s understandable. Kinda like how sometimes you might think a dish is good, but you’re not sure if you’d order it again.

The tenderized meat definitely got more umami and more delicious, but maybe the umami feels almost artificial.

Well, transforming this ugly duckling into a swan is all I can do.

“By the way, how much money do you think this meat costed?”

“Hmm? Quite a sum, aye? It is fit for the wealthy and the nobles.”

“The truth is that each piece was only about 10 lag.”

“Wha—... these are but meat scraps then?”

“Yep, just plain ol’ Mimosa Wild Boar. And the toughest cut to boot.”

“What the—?! But, it’s so...”

Celes shifts her bewildered stare between me and the boar steak.

“Surely, you jest! There is no way this grade of meat would be sold for so little...”

“Ah, I have my secrets. But think about it. Would I so freely serve such expensive meat?”

“Hmpf... you are the Cohgray who cured Master Wayne after all. For you to be able to craft so delicious a steak would not be unthinkable.”

Oh, that’s a good segue.

“Spoilers alert, but I used a watered-down mixture of Wayne’s medicine to marinate this meat. Ah, but, of course, it’s safe to eat.”

‘... I understand thou wishest to brag but do carefully consider thy situation.’

Veno interjects as to warn me.


Arleaf looks kinda disgusted. Oops, I didn’t mean for that to happen.

“The same medicine, huh? The villagers say Wayne has been molting...”

Celes doesn’t show so much a hint of caring. She, too, must have thick skin.

That’s a high-rank adventurer for ya; brushing it off like it’s nothing.

“It’s hilarious to think nobles have a taste of something this cheap.”

There’s a way to enjoy the cheapest of ingredients, don’tcha think? That’s some food for thought.

I pause to think before speaking again.

“Well, money isn’t everything. Cheap can be good too. Plus, it’ll fill our bellies so that we can go fight afterwards.”

“That’s certainly true.”

We continue our lively meal together.

They might like it, but a Japanese palate might not necessarily be good here.

‘It is a matter of opinion, I believe.’

When in Rome, they say. But as long as I enjoy it, I’m happy.

‘Thine taste may be important too. When we have the time to relax, perhaps it would be a good idea to showcase thy delicacies.’

Not a bad idea. Let’s do that when we get the time.

“Umm, Yukihisa?”

Arleaf takes out a box from her backpack.

Oh, that’s right. My buff has almost expired and I’m eating already as well.


I take the bento from Arleaf and open it up.

The Hamburg steak from inside waves a hello to me. I stab it with my fork and begin eating., Arleaf’s Poison Cooking makes me instantly stronger.

“Hmm? What is that? Is there more food?”

Celes noticed our exchange.

“Ah, you packed lunch for Cohgray? Just for him?”

“No, umm... yes.”

Arleaf answers Celes just as I’m swallowing my food.

Oh, this is a sticky situation.

“Hmpf... is that Hamburg steak? May I try some too?”

“No! I understand you may be very powerful, Celes, but you would be risking your life!”

Arleaf replies with nary a pause.

But of course it would. We committed genocide in the sewers with her cooking.

It’s beyond just poisonous. This is beyond the realm of human consumption. No way she’s getting a bite.

“Heh heh... a special lunch filled with love for Cohgray, then? I had not expected this.”

Celes pokes fun at Arleaf.

It’s really no joke though, eh?

“It simply looked delicious is all. They say sharing meals builds bonds of trust and I would like to be comrades with you all as well.”

“I feel very guilty for not letting you have any, but...”

Taking advantage of the situation, the remaining bite of Hamburg steak jumps out from the box!


Its target is Celes!

Shit! I immediately reached my hand out, but it was a swing and a miss. Just as Arleaf was persuading Celes, the food jumps into Celes’ mouth.

“Mughhhhhhh?! Mu! Muuuuu—”

I’m aware that Celes isn’t a myconid, but for some reason, she sounds exactly like Muu right now. She tries desperately to grab the food out from her mouth.

‘Hurry and have her spit it out! She shall perish!’



‘Quickly, concoct an antidote! This is a matter of life and death!’

Under Veno’s command, we began tackling the problem of the flying Hamburg steak.

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