Fugitive Poison User ~I Am Somehow Recovering in a World Full of Miasma~

Chapter 58

Chapter 58

“Is something coming?”

I have a really bad feeling about this...

“Rumors say that something big lives in this mine. If all goes well, not only will we be able to upgrade your weapons, but mine as well.”

“That’s if we win, right?”

“If it is a monster that man cannot win against, then we shall retreat. It is not like I wish to die here either.”

Oh, is it an infamous boss monster then?

Something even bigger and badder than Elbatoxin.

Like, if it’s something on Veno’s level, then we should evacuate at one, right?

‘That is a given. And there are monsters that are rarely defeated by humans, no matter how strong they may be... like wyverns. Manticores, too, are only challenged and beaten by the bravest heroes.’

Veno begins to speak in a hushed tone.

Us humans are weaker than I thought.

That’s why they came up with magic like Forced Possession Summoning, I guess.

‘But if one were to wield a sacred sword, such as the Karma Blaze, it would be a different story. Even I would be no match against it. And, if wielding weapons made from dragon parts or other high-rank monsters, thou standest a considerable chance too. These “boss monsters” are not undefeatable after all.’

Man, that’s an inconvenient truth. I guess that’s why they targeted you too, huh?

‘Aye, that is likely.’

It might sting a little, but... can’t you pluck off a few scales for us? We can give them to Wayne to make us some new equipment. It’s the ultimate crafting material, right?

‘’Tis a shame, but due to the effects of Forced Possession Summoning, no parts of my body can pass through this dimension.’

What, despite your number one and number two being able to pass through?

‘Even I am unsure of the details of how it works. If thou truly desirest, I could force through the spell and potentially alert our pursuers.’

Ugh... you really like to put me in my place, don’tcha?

‘It would not be such a bad idea if the situation calls for it. However, I cannot ascertain how near they are as of now.’

While Veno speaks, the source of the thumping footsteps widens the shaft and it finally shows itself.

It’s a giant, about five and a half meters tall, fully clad in armor.

Its proportions aren’t like a human’s, but rather much wider and heavier.

Oh? I thought it was armor, but it looks more like a mineral. A very pure mineral perhaps?


Its name pops up in my field of vision.

Safkrym then grabs the hammer it has strapped to its back to have it at the ready.

Behind their boss are his minions wielding bows and arrows.

Following its lead, we ready our weapons too. Celes looks at me and shoots me a look with her eyes saying, “We should be fine.”

Is that right? But... are you including me in the fight too?

I know that you’re super strong, Celes, and Arleaf isn’t far behind you either.

But will I be fine with me and just my Poison Cooking buff? I’m worried for Muu, too.

‘... I came to check out this unusual presence and who do I find? Lil’ Veno Yveval, the Defiant, trapped in this vessel. Perhaps this is a good opportunity to make myself better known.’

“Hmpf... if you knew your place, thou wouldst turn tail and run. To overestimate yourself is... rather foolish. So, this is the den of an upstart? A place where humans roam freely and a hideout for thee when stronger monsters come along. Absolutely repulsive.’

Just like with Elbatoxin, Veno gets into a quarrel this time around too.

In the middle of it, Veno explains how Safkrym gained fame. Originally, its name was Pure Orichalcum Magic Armor King.

But over time, it gained Mana and strength, becoming the Safkrym today.

‘You don’t need to act brave. The weak human you call your vessel cannot possibly be as strong as I am.’

‘What can I say? Thou hast yet to understand thine own self. Monsters who live alongside with humans tend to be overweening. How distasteful.’

‘Dragons like you are all talk. I can never understand why you lot are so full of yourselves.’

‘Proud, I may be, but because I know full well of my standing, I still breathe. Dost thou not understand, fool?’

‘Have you forgotten that you’re branded as a backstabber?!’

‘He wanted to create a world for no one but himself. There was no way I could accept that cold-blooded tyrant. I consider the title a badge of honor than a mark of shame!’

‘Enough! I will shut you up then use your parts to build myself even stronger!’

‘Thou shouldst have said so from the beginning! I shall have thee understand thou art smaller and weaker than any human!’

And, as always, Veno struts like he’s better than everyone.

You know, that’s just gonna come to bite us in the ass, right?


Arleaf looks over, confused as to how she should make of the situation.

Yep, he was like this with Elbatoxin too.


Safkrym bellows with a mighty noise and swings his hammer. Pretty quick for a heavyweight.

But Arleaf easily dodges it and, it goes without saying, Celes does too.


Muu couldn’t react in time. It holds on to its cap tightly while being sent flying and I sidestep out of its trajectory.

Muu tries its best to stay away from Safkrym while gunning for the minions who were trying to snipe us.

“Take care of them!”


Muu rushes over with his axe held high.

Them minions are nothing that Muu can’t handle.

“It may have seemed sluggish, but it is agile... we may be in for a tough battle.”

With a single hammer blow, Safkrym created a crater in the ground and shakes the mineshaft.

It’s hard to keep my balance in this earthquake.

‘You may have avoided my feint, but you’re in a world of hurt if you think that’s all I have.’

It raises its hammer and begins to close the distance between us.

That’s just nasty how it can move so quickly with that lumbering body.

Safkrym has raw strength; it doesn’t need to rely on dirty tricks like Elbatoxin did.

But Celes remains calm even while we have a lot on our plates.

“Aqua... Shot!”

Instead of casting out a single ball of water with Aqua Bullet, Arleaf shoots out many at once, much like buckshot from a shotgun.

‘It is the advanced version of Aqua Bullet. Though it requires about the same amount of time to cast, it is weaker if the user is inaccurate with it. Of course, if all shots do connect, it is quite powerful although not easily accomplished.’

As Veno finishes his sentence, all of Arleaf’s Aqua Shot manages to find its target.

‘The more Mana invested, the more accurate the homing is. Well done, Arleaf.’

The shots strike with a satisfying clunk, causing Safkrym to glare at her. Though, Safkrym is still charging forward targeting me.

“Let me handle it! Haaaah!”

Celes lets out a powerful shout and brandishes her sword... whoa! She’s lightning fast! Never have I seen someone move that quickly before.

‘Wha—?! How cocky of you!’

Safkrym sweeps with his hammer in a full circle, sending out a strong gust and shockwave.

But, not only is Celes unaffected, she seemingly rides the wind and waves to cut the monster.

“Haaaaah! Luminous Blade!”

The blade glows as Celes holds it aloft.

It comes down with such strength that it sunk into Safkrym’s armor.

“Tch... harder than I thought.”

‘What?! A lowly human managed to cut me?!’

Hurting the monster seemed to anger it and, in its fury, Safkrym swings its hammer at Celes again.

But Celes avoids the strike by the skin of her teeth, using the centrifugal of her movement to strike back at Safkrym.

Awesome... I’ve never seen such graceful combat before.

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