Full Attributes Martial Arts (All Attributes Martial Path)

Chapter 104: Royal Sword Flight

Chapter 104: Royal Sword Flight

"If this invisible force is used as a means of attack ..."

Wang Teng secretly thought in his heart while controlling the water flow in the air.

Suddenly, he moved.

The gaze stared at the water flow, the invisible forces continued to compress, the water flow began to condense, and the physique continued to shrink ...

After the volume of the current stream has shrunk by a third, it can no longer be reduced.

When Wang Teng thought, the water flow was pressed into a cone-like shape, and the tip was extremely sharp.

"go with!"

Invisible force forms a thrust!

The spikes formed by the water burst out suddenly, and nailed to the wall severely.

Wang Teng walked over and took a look.

There was an extra hole in the wall, and at least half of the water cone stabbed into the wall.

At this time, as it was no longer controlled by invisible forces, the water flow instantly dispersed and flowed down the wall.

Except for water stains, no traces were left on the walls.

Wang Teng stared blankly at the hole in the wall. He couldn't help but want to laugh, but fortunately, he would hold back in time, otherwise he would surely wake up his parents.

Even so, the excitement in his eyes couldn't be hidden, and his eyes flickered constantly.


too strong!

This is just ordinary water flow, under the control of invisible forces, it has such power.

What if it was replaced by the Force?

After being compressed, and then fired at high speed, how about the power ...

There are even special weapons?

I ca nt think of that power!

Wang Teng took a deep breath and wanted to try to control the power of the Force with invisible power, but it was obviously inappropriate at home.

Just a blow left a hole in the wall. If it was replaced by the original force, I am afraid that I would be demolished.

That's what Er Ha is capable of, so don't mix yourself up.

"But where is the limit to try?"

As he thought, his eyes glanced over, the chairs, tables, wardrobes, and even the beds in the room were floating.

At this moment, all the heavy objects in the room were controlled by him with invisible power and flew into the air.

All kinds of objects are floating, as if weightless.

"It's very easy. It seems that the limit has not been reached." Wang Teng shook his head, controlled various items, and put them back to the original one by one.

After a while, the room returned to its original state, as if nothing had happened.

He thought about it, leaping from the window, leaving the house carrying a Tibetan box, and came to an unmanned grove in the neighborhood.

Looking around, there was no one, and security patrols rarely came here.

Wang Teng inspired the rune of the Tibetan box, took out the sword, and threw it into the air, while invisible power poured out.

Under the control of invisible forces, the battle sword flew around Wang Teng's body.


The speed of the battle sword is getting faster and faster, and the sound of split air is emitted, and soon only one afterimage can be seen.

He controlled the sword to stab at a big tree.

The main trunk of the one person was directly pierced by the battle sword.


"The contestant stabs the sword directly, but also neatly, and the penetration is amazing!"

Wang Teng secretly analyzed, and then reached out his hand, and the war sword slowly flew back, just about to be put away, and his heart moved again.

The war sword turned and landed at his feet, and Wang Teng stood up.

Under the control of invisible forces, the battle sword rose swaying and flew slowly in the air.

"Is this a Royal Sword flight ?!"

Wang Teng could not help but smile.

After two laps and getting used to it, he was trying to speed up, and suddenly a sting came from his mind.

The Battle Sword suddenly fell uncontrollably to the ground.

Wang Teng also fell from the air. Fortunately, he responded in time, forcing his headache, his body twisted, and he fell to the ground.

"so close!"

He exhaled, rubbing his head and saying to himself, "Is this the limit?"

"But it's unexpected that it can last so long!"

Wang Teng thought about it, and put the battle sword that fell on the side into the box of Tibetan soldiers, and then went home with his back on his body.

"I also wanted to try to use the invisible power to control the force, but it was a bit overplaying, so I can only wait for the next time." He smiled bitterly.

Royal sword flying!

This kind of sword fairy method only appeared in the TV series, he can be regarded as a disguised experience.

"It's pretty cool!"


No words overnight.

The next day Wang Teng got up with two dark circles and went down for dinner.

Today is the day for the school to apply for a volunteer.

After eating breakfast, Wang Shengguo urged: "Fill your wishes, and you must know what you have in mind. My mother and I will not intervene. Whether you are applying for the first school or staying in our East China Sea, we support you."

"I see, Dad!" Wang Teng nodded and said, "I also want to see what good news major universities will bring me today."

"It's up to you to consider it yourself. You can handle even the curators of the three martial arts halls, and the admissions teachers of those universities must be able to hold you back." Wang Shengguo laughed.

"The initiative lies with me. There is not much problem."

After finishing his meal, Wang Teng went out and drove to Donghai No.1 Middle School.

A banner hung on the gate of the East China Sea Middle School.

"Congratulations to Wang Teng, my third year senior (8), who has won the first prize in the East China Sea Martial Arts!"

This banner is much more horizontal than the banner at the extreme martial arts hall and the gate of the community.

Look, Rong Deng!

On a fart, you can see a similar big red banner everywhere. Wang Teng no longer knows what to think.

Came to the third high school (8) classroom.

Noisy in the class, as soon as Wang Teng walked in, he was silent for a moment!

"Hey there!"

"Worship big brother!"

"Boss bull pen ..."

Wang Teng was just discussing, and now the Lord is here, and the classmates are excited.

Regardless of whether I was familiar with Wang Teng before, I came around at this time, greeting him with great enthusiasm.

No. 1 champion!

Their third year (8) class actually came out with a champion!

Moreover, the martial arts champion!

Think about it all with honor!

In the martial arts era, the martial arts champions in martial arts had more gold content than those in the general examinations. In the future, their class may have a big man.

Wang Teng couldn't stand this enthusiasm.

"Wang Teng!"

Just then, Fan Weiming's voice sounded outside the door.

"Teacher, you're looking for me!" Wang Teng relieved and hurried out of the classroom.

"The admissions teachers of several key universities want to talk to you in person. Come with me." Fan Weiming said.

"Okay, let's go now." Wang Teng nodded quickly.

"Hahaha, you kid ~ ~ are annoyed by them." Fan Weiming laughed.

"Too scary!" Wang Teng smiled bitterly.

"Who asked you to take such a good test suddenly, martial arts champion, I didn't expect my class to have a martial arts champion, I didn't even think about it before that." Fan Weiming said with emotion.

"No surprise! I'm not happy!" Wang Teng said.

"..." Fan Weiming.


The two talked and came to the principal's office. The admissions teachers who were chatting with the principal stood up and looked at Wang Teng with a smile.

All attributes martial arts

Chapter of full attribute martial arts

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