Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance

Chapter 30 - Whatever, Gael

No matter how much she tried, Angela couldn't write a single word the entire afternoon after what happened with her and Gael. She sat at a coffee table in her suite, laying her cheek on top of her arms, and staring at the rain outside her window. She was too stressed about everything. Not to mention, in her momentary weakness, she had set up a date with someone she didn't even like that much. What was she doing? She was better than this.

The sky was so dark at seven in the evening. Anytime soon, and Francis would ring her door for the soirée at the resort's club. A lot of people were stuck on the island just like her, so the resort arranged a soirée, giving complimentary drinks to the guests.

While other guests wanted to be here, she wanted to go back home—away from Gael—away from the man who had been causing her to act like a loon.

Out of all the men whom she had dated in the past, he was the only one causing her to act like this—and she hadn't even dated him. Why was the world forcing them to collide when they clearly weren't a fit?

She dragged her gaze towards her buzzing phone on the table, and she pressed the dismiss button to stop the alarm. She could just cancel the date with Francis. She should call him right now and tell him she wasn't interested. After that, she would take a nice, long, and warm bath, then crawl into bed, forget about tonight, and sleep.

What was there to prove? Did it matter what Gael thought of her? It's not like she wanted to impress him. She huffed and got up from her seat, kicking the foot of the chair when she stood because she was still annoyed at what he said. His words got into her nerves and caused her to act rashly, which prompted her to make that call. Now she was in a dilemma whether she should call Francis to cancel or just push through with it.


At exactly eight in the evening, the doorbell rang at Angela's suite. She opened the door and saw Francis outside, looking so fresh and neat. He sported a pale blue button-down shirt and black pants. His black, curly hair looked soft as he styled it like he just tossed it with his fingers. The boyish smile he had under his sharp nose made her smile. He was actually cute now that she noticed him, and now she felt bad for using him.

She couldn't call and tell him she wanted to cancel. She was about to but changed her mind at the last second. So here she was, dressed in a yellow beach dress and all dolled up for a 'date' she was already regretting. Convincing herself that maybe this wasn't bad after all, she curled her mouth upwards and stepped out of her room.

"You look nice," he complimented. "They don't have flowers here, or I would have gotten you one. But I got you these." He pulled out a couple of glow stick bracelets in pink and green. "Actually, I didn't even buy them. They were handed out at the club when I passed by. Figured I could swoon you with this instead."

Angela laughed. Okay, he was cute and funny. Maybe tonight wouldn't be so bad, after all. "Thanks, I like them. Though… I don't recall telling you I was a fan of glowing stuff. How did you know?" she rode on his joke.

"Ah…" Francis placed a hand over his chest and dramatically sighed. "I'm not about to tell you that I can read minds, that would be too obvious." She rolled her eyes but smiled at his words anyway. "Shall we?" he asked, offering his arm for her.

She hesitated for a bit before hooking her arms with his. And just as she did, Gael passed by them as he was on his way to his room. She locked eyes with him and then a second later, saw him shift his gaze to Francis. Angela swore she saw his grey eyes went a shade darker.

The club was packed with resort guests—it was loud, energetic, and full of people with smiling faces and drinks in their hand as if there wasn't a storm outside. Francis introduced Angela to his friends composed of four men and three women; all of them came from California. Apparently, he was the only one who came to the island without a partner.

It had only been a little over an hour since they got there, and while the others were having fun, Angela could only fake her smiles and sip her virgin piña colada. She wasn't in the mood for booze that night, so she opted for an alcohol-free drink.

Whipping out her phone from her purse, she noticed a few missed calls and some texts from her best friend.

[Antonina: Where are you? I thought you were coming back tonight?]

[Antonina: I've been calling you. Are you okay? Call me back.]

Angela felt a tap on her shoulder, and she turned to see Francis with a curious gaze as he asked, "Everything okay?"

"I need to call my friend. I'll just step out for a bit."

"Do you want me to go with you?"

She waved her hand in front of her and declined, "No, it's okay. I'll manage. You stay here with your friends.''

When Angela stepped out of the club, she felt relieved as if she could finally breathe. The storm was still angry and the rain didn't stop, so she walked a little further and found a covered patio with a three-person outdoor swing. Once she sat on it, she called Nina, who answered on the first ring. She told her best friend what happened to her and how she got stuck on the island. She had to mention Gael but she spared details that Nina didn't have to know.

"Wow, such luck." Nina sighed. "Wait, why are you refusing to ride with this… What's his name again?"


"Yeah, that. So why?"

"He's… It's complicated, okay? I just can't be in the same room with him. He's obnoxious, so full of himself, and just… I just don't like him."

Angela heard Nina's snort from the other line and she knitted her brows. "What?!"

"You don't have to like him. It's just a plane ride, Anj. Can't you lower your pride and be good to him until you hop on his plane? You aren't this hung up about other people you don't really like. What's so different about him?"

Angela chewed on her lip, not knowing what to tell her friend. "You really think I should do that?"

"It won't hurt you. If you really must hate on him, as soon as you land here, you can curse him all you want." Nina laughed. "Have I seen this guy before? Do you have a picture?"

"Why would I have a picture? And why are you so curious?"

"Because! You're so pent up about this man, it makes me wonder why. Wait—is this the same guy from yesterday?"

"What guy from yesterday?" Angela straightened up in her seat.

"The hot guy who has a hot voice!"

"He's not—"

"Don't lie to me, Anj. He's hot, isn't he?"

Angela cleared her throat, unwilling to admit anything. "Regardless of whether he is hot or not, Antonina, we're not 'it'. Okay? We're like fire and ice. We don't mix. Can we drop the subject?"

"Fiiiiine…" There was a short silence on the line when neither of them spoke. And Nina's voice came back again, "Hey, Anj…"


"Actually, I was contemplating if I should tell you, but I guess it doesn't matter now."

"What is it?" Hearing her best friend hesitate like this, Angela suspected that it must be a little serious.

"I guess staying there for a few more days is actually better for you. Take all the time you need to reset your mind." Nina sighed. "He's in town. I saw him last night with his friends. So don't hurry coming back here, okay?"

Angela couldn't say anything after that. What were the odds that on the same night she was reminded of him, he was actually back in Mayne City?

Nina didn't have to say his name, and Angela already knew who she was talking about. It was none other than Evan Leos, her ex-boyfriend from years ago.

She subconsciously brought her hand to her neck when she suddenly felt uneasy. Could her day be any worse?

"Hey, Anj? You still there?"

Realizing that her friend was still on the phone, she cleared her throat and said, "I have to go now. I'll call you again." She ended the call and sent a quick text to Francis, telling him she wasn't feeling well and that she wanted to turn in early.

Angela took a few deep breaths before a smile formed her lips, a contrast to the reddening of her eyes. "You're okay, Angela," she told herself before she got up and headed to her suite.

When she was a few meters away from her door, she saw a woman coming out from Gael's room. She saw him smile as he said 'thanks' to the lady whose cheeks blushed as she left.

She caught his gaze again but she looked away and unlocked her door. She was determined to ignore him until she heard him remark, "Trouble in paradise? Your date was a bust, so you came back alone so soon, huh?" His cold, teasing tone was evident.

Angela's hand froze on the doorknob. She turned to face him and was ready to lash out but she stopped herself. "You know what? Whatever."

Gael raised a brow, taking in her red-rimmed eyes. He was about to ask her if she was okay but she spoke before he could even do so.

"Whatever, Gael. I don't care what you think of me. Just... leave me alone." And she entered her suite, leaving Gael out in the hallway, confused and concerned.

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