Galaxy Wars: The Legacy of Light and Darkness

Chapter 101: James Trusting Dora

Chapter 101: James Trusting Dora

Rigo glanced at his nearby leader, sitting there looking at the wall, where the continuous broadcast of the surveillance cameras was playing.

"Is it about Dora?" she suddenly said, making him look, silently, with obvious discontent, to her.

"You know, I'm not totally supporting James in his decision," Islinda continued, like Rigo was welcoming her presence and thoughts, pulling a seat and sitting over it beside him, "for me, either you trust someone completely or not. But, you have to understand, your leader is the most vulnerable person among us, the one who is experiencing all the stress and pressure," she added, while patting on Rigo's arm, in a move that looked intimate from far, "as your role, being his most devoted and loyal vessel, you have to amend what he might break. You also have to disobey him, sometimes, and not do what he ordered you to do."

Rigo, sitting in his place, silent without a word. He knew she was a snake, trying to instigate him to fall into her plot, dirty plot. Rigo faked an affectionate smile to her, as he whispered:

"I have very good info, an important one, but how can I justify the means I got?"

"By telling him the truth," she patted more warmly over his arm, "I will support you, standing in your back, and try to soothe his anger. Don't worry, I'm sure he will understand."

Rigo just smirked into himself. who was she thinking he was? A newbie? Someone just born in this era? He laughed shortly inside himself, as this was a funny thing he was facing.

However she had a point, he had to tell his leader about this info.

"Leader," Rigo said, attracting James from monitoring the wall, "I have some news from Dora."

James' eyes tightened, as he hurriedly asked:

"What news?"

"It's an old history about a man, she suspects he is the traitor."

James didn't speak, as he just nodded, motioning for him to continue. "It's the same man we already are suspecting."

Dora was still holding his arm when he said these words, as she suddenly moved herself away, slowly, yet she seemed quite nervous. Rigo, from his close by position to her, managed to feel her change in mood, even momentarily.

This little snake was taken aback when she met a snake king, one that bested her by limits she didn't yet fully understand. She, silently, eyed Rigo from a different angle. Who said droids were stupid? She always heard this saying, and this was always a stigma in the long lost history of droids. The one in front of her was better than most of the well experienced men she ever met in her life.

In fact, she felt she could easily push this stupid droid away from his place, beside his leader, to be alone with James, playing him in the way best suited to her interests.

However, she now realized how foolish she was. She glanced at James, briefly, to find he wasn't that mad, or satisfied. He had the impression of knowing hidden things, but he didn't care about this, or he just didn't want to speak with his butler in front of her.

She sighed, she greatly underestimated the two in front of her. She first thought James had reached his place, from nowhere, by the help of Dora. Islinda had some excuse in thinking so, as Dora was the only person here with royal origin.

However now she was trying to rethink everything she planned before, as it seemed she needed to start from scratch again.

"what history?" James asked, without showing any anger. He wasn't stupid, as he guessed what Rigo did. it wasn't just a mere fluke, that Dora would speak of the same man they just suspected, mentioning her bad history with him.

He was her, and she didn't mention this man or this history once before, thus someone must have tipped her, and made her recall these past events.

"This man was exiled by her mother, despite having good position before," Rigo said, while looking at his leader's eyes. He didn't know if James knew what he did or not, but he hoped if he did, he wouldn't interrogate him in front of Alex and Islinda.

"Good work,' James suddenly muttered, patting on Rigo's shoulder. This sudden move startled Rigo, who knew all about the reason behind the hit. He just smiled, nodded to his leader, thanking god for his mercy to grant him such a wise one.

Islinda just eyed the two with some frustration over her face. She couldn't believe the reaction James had, especially when his right man had disobeyed his orders. James just glanced shortly at her, before he looked back towards the live broadcast of the cameras.

He knew she also figured what Rigo did, but he wasn't that angry about what his right man did. After all, he hoped Rigo would always mend his mistakes, try to make his orders more favorable to his favor. He knew, after seeing the situation from a different angle now, that keeping Dora in the dark would eventually backfire on him, and he knew exactly who would leak this note to her.

He just bypassed this problem with the help of his right handed man, and so he wasn't angry, but grateful.

"Tell her to be careful, and not act rashly, not yet," James said, as he was still focusing on the group heading to the vital parts of this cruiser.

Rigo did what James asked him to do, as he was grateful, Dora was also grateful for the trust James was giving to her. She thought he might hide some info from her, or something worse.

Despite being in her own cruiser, surrounded by her own me, she felt she was alone, even James had Rigo by his side, but she had none. The presence of James here and the help he was providing, even if it was something related to his own benefit, was appreciated by her.

Maybe in the future, when she obtains her own army again, she would leave james' side, or even do worse. But for now, all she needed to do was to be a good girl, listen to his words, and never arouse any suspicion around her.

She kept glancing at that bald man, while asking herself why James didn't come here and kill him. it was obvious, pretty obvious, that he was the traitor. Her wait didn't last long, as all James was waiting for happened. the men that baldy sent, were all exterminated, under the careful guidance of Rigo.

James' droids proved their worth again, as they killed all their enemies with no casualties at all. However, from Dora's men, nearly half were exterminated.

James didn't care about such losses, as he only cared about victory. As everything was settled, he looked at Islinda as he asked:

"Shall we move now?"

"You were worrying about those weaklings?" she said, with obvious disgust.

"They aren't just weaklings, if we killed their leader and they had bombs, we would have been in serious trouble now," James said, as he looked again to the screen, checking there was no hidden team anywhere, before asking:

"Shall we move now?"

"Sure," she said, before pointing to the screen showing the goods bay," what about those? Who will kill them?"

"No killing," James shook his head, "they will act as prisoners, or slaves, whatever best suited our cause," he added.

"Why not kill them? they are, after all, source of equal danger like the ones you were just wary of!"

"You don't get it," he said, as he pointed to the two spots on the screen, "this place is near the hyperdrive engines of this cruiser. any slight mistake there and the cruiser would be stopped, cracked open from the middle like a burst egg. As for this, it's just a no place, a goods bay that could be isolated from the main ship at any time."

"And sacrificed?" she asked, carefully assessing his deepest intentions.

"Nope," he simply said, without adding another word, he looked towards Rigo, nodding his head to him. Rigo knew what to do, as the first order he gave was to Dora, informing her about the move.

Then, he contacted his men outside the deck. The situation went smoother than anyone thought, as this baldy didn't struggle much, especially with the sudden appearance of Dora's men and James' droids.

Once they approached him, he knew he was done for, so he didn't struggle for much, or he lost the will to fight at this moment.

His death came swiftly, on none other than Dora, who left his body high, letting it drip a long line of blood, while waving it to anyone else.

She knew she could only gain their trust for now, as long as they were under her control and care. Once they reached their destination, each force would seek their own path.

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