Galaxy Wars: The Legacy of Light and Darkness

Chapter 133: Dora

Chapter 133: Dora

"No, as one of my leader's ladies, come, my lady," he said, kneeling on one knee, in an act that made her tears well up her eyes, reddened her two beatufiul gems in her head, making her look more dejected and desolate.

'Why did I let you go alone?' she muttered, while standing, with no power at all, from the throne, letting the heavy cold crown she inherited from her mother to fall on the ground and then walk away.

The moment she did that, she felt like a heavy, very heavy burden was let loose finally off her chest, and now she was living another life, her own true life.

"Lead the way, my old friend," she muttered as she helped Rigo stand. Her friends should never bow to anyone, even to her, not anymore!

As for Rigo, he came here without telling James anything. He knew James wouldn't tolerate such impudence, but he didn't want him to have any ill intentions or feelings towards Dora, especially when there were such beauties already on his side.

So, he came here, detouring from the main fleet, coming with enough forces to burn these three planets upside down. He was astonished when he saw the reports speaking about the current lousy state of these planets, so he changed his mind.

He only hunted the rebel forces down, while keeping the original planet's inhabitants alive, joining their planets to James' rule.

As such, the planet started to spawn monsters, and his forces were kept partially here to keep order and peace. The presence of another ruler was extremely and warmly welcomed from the locals, as they already tasted the worst under the rebels' choice and barbaric rule.

Dora entered the main cruiser of Rigo, to exclaim in surprise to the massive fleet that he led home. Rigo said nothing, as he feared for her if she knew this was only part of the huge fleet, not the whole thing.

Dora was asking herself, in wonder, how James and his few of followers, who left her large cruiser in small and medium sized ones, hunted down and threatened to be killed, had reached all this mightiness in this short span of time.

She also marveled how the rebels, who once lived like true kings back in the days, had diminished to such a state.

'Perhaps some people were born to be leaders, not inherited it by blood like me and them,' she sighed, as she knew this was the only possible and logical explanation here.

"My lady, you can rest here, and you are free to come and go as much as you like," Rigo said, while he selected the most comfortable room inside his whole cruiser, James room, "this is James room," he added, trying to make her understand his meaning.

"How can I take this? He would be enraged if he heard that!" she muttered as she shook her head, refusing this gesture from Rigo.

"My leader had grown and matured a lot since you last saw him, he now had his own harem and he knew how to treat a woman of your caliber," Rigo said, trying to be bold in his efforts, "I'm sure you deserve a man with prosperous future like him, as he deserves someone special like you," he added, before opening the door of the room while adding, "you can stay here until we reach home, then you will stay in my leader's palace."

She felt his words were so direct and somehow rude, but after what she already saw, she accepted his own words, and even appreciated his warm intentions.

"Fine," she finally made up her mind, "I will stay here then," she added, as she turned to look at him while muttering with extreme honesty, "thanks for all you have and still doing for me."

Rigo just smiled, as he already knew what core she was made of, "you shouldn't have let us go alone," he muttered, while going back to the commanding deck.

She just stood there, watching the shadow of his figure, before muttering as well, "I know that already, it's my greatest life mistake," she then entered the room, closing the door on herself, while muttering with great determination, "and I intend not to commit the same mistake ever again."

The trip to James' place took a couple of days after this little detour. Away from this, nothing major happened to Rigo, however James was destined to welcome another change, as another ambassador came from the black market, suddenly like that, with great warships that numbered to hundreds of large cruisers.

He was leading an army, and suddenly that army appeared on his doorsteps without any warning at all.

"How did this happen?" James muttered, as he asked the droid leading the defensive forces here.

"Our detecting abilities had severely affected by the current expedition," the droid replied, in great shame, "if supreme leader wants it, then my life should be the appropriate price for this incompetence of mine," he added, while kneeling on the ground, waiting for James' decision.

"Stand up, I'm not a bloodthirsty ruler or something," James just said it, waving his hands towards him, to make him stand up, "just learn from this mistake and develop our surveillance abilities to max. We have many channels now, and enough wealth to support our aims. Just contact with Islands, and get things done," he added, with a greatly annoyed expression on his face.

He wasn't afraid of this invasion, as he had Rigo coming home, plus all the fleet parts under his disposal now was enough to defend this place for days, no matter what the invasive force tried to pull.

"Invite that newcomer here, let's see what he had to say, and send for Islinda, I need her to be with me now," he said, as he was sure there was a bomb waiting for him.

Things went as he wanted, and in less than one hour, the ambassador came to stand in front of him, acting humbly as he bowed his head while saying:

"Apologies supreme leader for intruding here without warning or prior notice, but this is an urgent matter of the balck market."

"Anything black market wants, I will satisfy at one, just tell me what bothered you to come here, mr?" James asked, replying with kind, not very weak words of his own.

James sat on his main throne hall, in the planet controlled by Islinda, as she was now standing on his right, while Luna stood on his right, looking more lively and hot than ever.

"I'm sorry to disturb you again, my name in Amed. The black market supreme council had long known about your deeds, and they are quite pleased by the presents you sent to us before, and they express their thanks to you about the efforts you did to transform here to such a gold mine," Amed said, telling all the good things so far.

James was surprised by what he heard, as he never knew about Islinda's move to send some presents to the black market supreme council, just after the previous ambassador came here to threaten them.

She suddenly understood they weren't alone here, and James' strength, despite being magnified rapidly, wasn't enough to stand against such force, not yet.

So, she acted, on her own, using part of the endless riches she gained from auctions, and gifted them to the black market supreme council, trying to please them.

"That's really nice to hear, and I didn't imagine that to be met with such force knocking on my doors like this," James said, expressing his discontent over the huge fleet that came to support the ambassador's visit to here.

"It's just a minor thing, as I was going to invade some forces nearby, I apologize if this fleet had disturbed you," Amed said, with great diplomatic skills, which made James feel the great difference between the two ambassadors.

"Oh, if you want my help, then I can help you with that," he offered, not of kindness, but of greed.

"That will be another matter to discuss, but we greatly appreciate that help," Amed said, before adding, "but there is a little matter that we heard, and I came here to just know the details about it," he then paused as he added, "not long time ago, you destroyed our partner in the black market territory, sir Henry's kingdom, is that true?" he finally asked the real reason of his visit to here.

"Sir Henry?" James asked in ignorance, that was genuine, "May I ask which territory we conquered? As per your knowledge, we conquered a lot of planets recently, but never heard of this Henry," he added.

"It's the five hundred planets kingdom that you just conquered, supreme leader," Ames said, with a calm face and tone, "inside our black market, there is a code that no one should trespass on others territories. I think you know the significance of that law.

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