Galaxy Wars: The Legacy of Light and Darkness

Chapter 138: Islinda Vs Luna

Chapter 138: Islinda Vs Luna

He couldn't control his happiness or excitement at this moment, so he grabbed her in his arms, carried her all the way to his room, and did a very passionate, deeply intimate, very hot session of love for a couple of hours.

After he finished, he let her sleep inside his arms covered with a very thin, semi-transparent precious piece of silk that made her naked body look much more tempting to him right now.

However his mind was busy thinking of this, this final dream of his to repair his precious scepter! It was time to repair his scepter, and start walking on the path he was destined to venture through!

After an hour, he slipped from her sleepy embrace, and went outside to his commanding deck.

"Send the word to Islinda, make her prepare a large mining group of workers, and all the advanced tools to extract and refine ores. Make her also prepare a very secretive location, with enough guards to face a whole army if needed! And let her relay to me when she is ready."

The words were received by Islinda down below, and from the tone of them, she realized something was fishy here. she thought of sending back to ask for more info, but she had this feeling she would know everything so soon, and what she would know would really startle her.

She started to do what he asked, and in less than a few hours, everything was ready. The empire James was now ruling was very prosperous, very strong, and very rich. Many wanted to gain the favor of James and Islinda, and anything Islinda asked for was instantly done, even with the cheapest of prices.

She sent the news back to him, and when he read her message, he smiled in content. Luna was just walking slowly, lazily, getting into the commanding deck, headed directly to his lap, as she threw her soft flexible body over his as she said in a very sexy tone:

"You naughty James had all this passion and kept it hidden from me? naughty, you are a naughty boy."

And he just chuckled, while kissing her sweet lips once again.

James just played for quite some time before he finally said:

"I have already given Islinda the order to prepare enough support for your mission. Tell me, do you want me to tell her to send all of them to a specific planet?"

James told her about his planning and orders for her. Once she heard all he said, she smiled, evilly, as she replied:

"No, let me go personally to her and I will take everything and start with her planet."

James just nodded, as he then stayed for a couple of hours with her, before she hurriedly left to go down to Islinda. She was really quite impatient, but she also felt James was different, much different with her than before, and she liked this new James.

"I didn't know you two had much better fun than me!" she muttered, as she realized she had more time with him, but they already had it better than her!

She went down there, exited her small cruiser, went towards the palace where she entered the throne room of Islinda, where she was sitting there, speaking with everyone, answering their requests.

The moment she entered the hall, Islinda's eyes picked her at instant, however she didn't even give her a second glance. She thought James must have sent here to ask about something, no more.

When Luna went near her, so easily as she was already famous and well known to be one of the great leader's harem, she said in a wide smile:

"James sent me to receive my own men, are they ready yet?"

"Men? What do you mean by that?" Islinda signed and stamped one document, before looking for another. She simply replied without even sending a single direct glance to her.

"The preparations for mining, didn't he already send you the message a couple of hours ago? hurry up and deliver them to me, I have an important and crowded schedule already!"

This time, Islinda raised her head and gave her a very long, and deep glance. "Are you going to deliver them to whom may I ask?" Islinda asked, trying to know who would use all these preparations. "For me, of course," Luna's swift and calm reply came with a very teasing expression over her face.

Islinda's face showed her extreme shock for quite few moments, before she hurriedly regained her composure. "Are you sure it's you?" she asked.

"Sure, it's me, do you want me to call him for you to confirm?" Luna asked.

"No need," Islinda briefly replied, as she knew she couldn't be lying on something so big like this, risking getting James' wrath. "What do you plan to do with all of these? If you don't mind telling me?" she added, while she hurriedly sent a message to her assistant to make the secret preparations ready.

"I don't mind, but I should only whisper," Luna replied, as she climbed few steps separating the seat of Islinda from her, before whispering softly in her ears:

"Thanks for your kind advice previously, as without it I would have ever stayed the loser gypsy among all of you. I will go now, and if you were so desperate to know about my secret great task, then go ahead and ask him directly, my love, kiss."

She even kissed her cheeks, making Islinda's face get reddened at once, returning to the back, before looking towards her in new lights.

She greatly, gravely mistakenly underestimated her!

Luna then moved, heading outside to receive those who would be helping her. As for Islinda, she hurriedly sent a message to James, asking about this secret, top secret mission of Luna.

"God ore!"

Only a simple sentence was all she got, and she at once realized what was going on here. 'So she is able to find this legendary ore? Interesting!' she muttered to herself, as she already knew what god or was, and how important it was to any kingdom or empire.

However what she didn't know was its importance to James, as he was desperate, so desperate to get his hands on it so he could finally fix his scepter.

As James stayed in his large cruiser, everyone else was quite busy, as Islinda kept her daily tasks, before she received a message from James telling her to come and stay with him tonight.

She was already so eager to that, and after the current and highly dangerous provocation from Luna, she couldn't be so confident from herself anymore.

She had to leave a mark, even in his sexual life.

As for Dora, she was quite busy receiving her new fleet, getting accustomed to her new assistants, and Rigo was always beside her, helping in everything, and that made her quite comfortable and more confident in her ability to take part in this battle and win it!

In the middle of this, she received the recent update about what Luna did. Islinda's message made Dora quite angry, however she also felt this was for her own good.

If she was the only one threatening Islinda, then she would take the full toll and concentration of this hard to deal with witch! She was sure Islinda wasn't as cute or calm or friendly as she seemed to be, but she also had to admit, she already had crossed miles ahead from here.

And so, she decided to let this matter escalate, so Luna would be enough to disturb Islinda, taking her focus every once in a while away from her.

So, Dora just sent a ranting message, promising she would go now to James and speak with him.

Dora didn't go to James, of course, and Islinda knew this act was foolish, but she didn't send a warning to her not to do so.

It wasn't until night when Islinda lied , panting, after a very long and very intimate session of love with James that she learnt Dora never came, or even sent him a message!

That made her realize the small lamps around her were trying to turn into wolves! She smirked, inwardly, as she was already a huge old alpha wolf in this pack, and she wouldn't allow any sheep to grow fangs!

"May I ask about helping Luna in her task?" she suddenly asked, proposing to help her.

James just turned to give her a long glance. He sensed there was something already going on between his women, but he didn't realize what it was, not yet!

"You are very busy with your tasks, so absolutely not."

"If I'm so busy, then you can send Dora to help her. Dora mentioned once she wanted to train her new fleet before going out to battle."

This was her true aim, and James just thought about it for a moment, before saying:

"Good idea, I will send a word to her after I reach the commanding deck."

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