Galaxy Wars: The Legacy of Light and Darkness

Chapter 142: The Trick Succeeds!

Chapter 142: The Trick Succeeds!

The meeting lasted for a whole day, as the leaders tried to waste time, waiting for the final reply of their superiors, and Rigo and Dora calmly and amusingly accompanied them, knowing for sure their hidden intentions.

But, as the two expected, the leaders hadn't received any reply at all, and that meant only one thing; defiance!

The leaders went back to their cruisers and fleet, as long and stressful meetings occurred there. their superiors informed them of the rebellious act the kingdoms under their banner performed, as none of those underneath their reign and protection agreed on their proposal, and that made the current leaders' superiors angry.

They were the ones who made these kingdoms able to reach this far and strive! After all, who could be in touch with them and be threatened! Who would be protected under their umbrella and lose?!

And now, the superiors just gave them all a direct and rude message, either know your places or we will come and show you how much worth you are! This message was delivered to all, and caused quite a stir in every single large kingdom here.

As such, things escalated to a higher level, as when the fleet started to attack the smaller kingdoms, these large kingdoms thought they could make a surprise move and hit this fleet unaware of their attack to cause a huge damage, or even kill them all.

However, Rigo was here!

Rigo never lowered his guard, especially when he went with Dora to James, where Dora explained her sneaky dirty plan in much detail. The words she said made James more amazed, as he already figured out part of this trap, but not the whole lot of it!

So, the next possible thing to consider was the upcoming clash between these seven forces and these large kingdoms, and they would be dragged along this clash as well!

Rigo then retreated, spreading a huge detection network around the grand fleet, under the excuse of James' empire routine battle tactic. He sent his droids to systems far from here, equipped with the latest tech, these droids were able to detect any fleet heading to the direction of their grand fleet in the range of ten star systems at least.

As for Dora, she really impressed James. So, the latter, ahem, had rewarded her generously for the entire night inside his dorm.

At the end of this rewarding session, Dora was really weak, her body was now fragile and lazy to even lift a finger, as for James he was so refreshed, and he started to feel much stronger after this long love session.

For him, for all of his women, they were all oblivious to what was going on to them, but in the near future they would all realize how lucky and fortunate they all were, reaping benefits from James, whose energy was starting to be unlocked, accumulated, thanks to Luna's sincere actions.

The next day the battle on the first kingdom group started. As these kingdoms were really small, they planned to attack them on batches, with each ten kingdoms together.

The war went on smoothly, and just as they were ready to take over, controlling the whole ten kingdoms' planets, preparing for the monster invasion, Rigo received a message from his droids.

"Grand fleets are heading to your location. One day top!"

The message was simple, and it came from five different locations, aligning with the locations of over twenty five large kingdoms.

So, the large fish had grouped together to attack a shark!

Rigo didn't hurry to make a decision, as he passed the message to Dora, who was really happy by her epic last night, her current first war victory, and now with these good news.

The luring plan succeeded, and the alliance between these large kingdoms and the seven forces had been formally shattered.

As for James, he simply sent the message to Amed, with a simple question: "What is going on here?"

James didn't know that this message had caused great chaos in his allies camp. While they were all confused, busy contacting their superiors to get a response on this situation, James gave Rigo and Dora green light to arrange their defenses, and start launching an offense.

Any fleet would be in its weakest state when travelling in speed of light. There, all the ships would lower their shields, only the energy shields worked, where all other things except for energy surges wouldn't affect the fleet.

And attacks were considered part of these power surges, however the most difficult thing was to determine the set course of the travelling fleet, so you could target it!

The moment you spot it, determine its course of flight, then you could hunt them all like sitting ducks!

The fleet started to arrange its large cruisers, forming a huge formation that attracted the leaders' attention. They didn't need to call Rigo or James, as they figured out that James didn't wait for their reply, and decided to act.

And no one here ever blamed him for that, after all the early reports coming from their superiors' spies inside these kingdoms gave them a large number of fleets joining together to attack them.

This wasn't a mere sneak attack, it was a well planned, very large attack with a fleet that could rival their combined forces with James, or even more!

The next hours, the ships of James' fleet continued to attack the horizon, and in these hours, the rest of the seven fleets joined him, and all opened fire continuously over the incoming fleets.

To hit the cruisers travelling at a speed of light, you need to overcome their defensive energy shields first, then you would hunt down them one by one. This would take time, especially when you don't know the exact location of each ship.

However, even if they didn't know that, the intensity of the fire power here made it clear that if the incoming fleets survived, only a tiny portion of their fleets would be alive, not intact or free of harm of course.

The firing never ceased until one day passed, and the remaining ships arrived here. they were all fragments of the original fleet, couldn't pose any threats with their tattered current state.

And so, the leaders all sent requests to Rigo asking him to grant them the access and right to capture and interrogate these rebels.

Rigo knew this wasn't a simple request, as these leaders wanted just to understand what was going on. they had their faith and iron fist over these parts of the universe, and now these kingdoms just dared to defy their rule!

Rigo knew James wouldn't refuse, as this all fell into his own play perfectly well. But he replied to them that he would consult James first and then respond to them, giving them some long minutes of waiting before complying, after consulting with his leader, and they were all pleased with his approval.

The next thing happened was a run and catch game that lasted for more days. The chase wasn't surprisingly a one sided fight, where every single time they faced any fleet remnants, they crushed them and had their share of prisoners and cruisers.

James wasn't interested in any of them, as he was pleased with the success of Dora's plan. He was very content with her little dirty play, and was very pleased that he decided to make her satisfied.

Through these days, James made sure to reward Dora for her brilliant little trick that made them eliminate the hidden losses they were going to endure, plus securing more regions to his empire with minimal losses.

And so, after capturing the interrogating everyone of those remaining soldiers of these big kingdoms, the picture was super clear to the seven forces, all the kingdoms planned to rebel and even dared to allied together to fight them!

As such, this simple, mere expansion war had turned dramatically into a series of huge wars that would devastate a large number of big fish in this area of the universe.

The deal started with some reservations, making him only take a few weak kingdoms in return for the deal with these forces. But now, it was a war for pride, as these forces were forced to fight for their own picture, discipline those rebels over their rule or else others might have second thoughts as well.

This happening here wasn't only limited to this place, but news would soon spread out, reaching everywhere. If the forces which were mighty and strong appeared weak, more kingdoms would break free of their grasp, making them lose much more than just face.

So they started taking the war here much more seriously than before, and the leaders here received direct orders to be strict and violent with any rebellious forces.

And the sole winner from all this was James, who would take all these areas, without even the need to suffer any loss at all.

So, he was greatly pleased with Dora, and made sure she also would be much pleased than before.

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