Galaxy Wars: The Legacy of Light and Darkness

Chapter 162: Anasta and Dora

Chapter 162: Anasta and Dora

As for James this came as good news for him, as like this Anasta's force would end up being much damaged than the other five, while he would determine the traitors inside this faction, to exterminate them later on before finally adding the whole region under his control.

After all, he was eyeing all these places as his own, even the black crows territory.

As they went closer to the territory of Anasta's force, James called the four for a grand meeting. Anasta was with him, but she didn't sleep with him except for once during her stay in the cruiser of Rigo.

James sat inside the commanding deck of Dora's large cruiser, while Dora sat on his lap, lying her head lazily on his chest, while her face showed a tinge of redness and her breaths were slow and deep.

She just finished a long and very memorable love session that made her almost faint. He had to carry her towards here after helping her in dressing up with some difficulty for them both.

Anasta's eyes noticed this and she had some bitterness inside her throat. She wanted to be there, be his and only his woman! However she was the last to come, with no traits at all, not like Dora, not like the two others.

While she was with Rigo, she started to deepen her relationship with him. she knew how important Rigo was for James, and how trustable his words were; plus he was the head of the military, with many connections and a lot of privilege.

If he supported any girl it would be equal to her own backing! And it seemed he favored Dora, and she still lacked the essential information like: how the two met? How long did they know each other?

When she managed to make Rigo talk about this, she was speechless to know that Dora was the first to know James and more shocked to know she was the last, the last one before her appearance here.

When she heard the story about what James did to her, risking his life to save hers; she was more speechless. In her opinion, this Dora lacked any sense of judgment, or else she wouldn't dare to let some gem like James to go away from her hands simply like that, especially after all that!

She glanced at her deeply, seeing the real truth about her naked in front of her eyes; she was a bold impulsive idiot!

"What are the recent intel about the current war?" James asked, as he was quite busy playing with Dora and training while playing with that lustful scepter.

"the war is really intense, while Anasta's forces lost more than we expected due to an internal turmoil," Rigo said, and Anasta's face changed as she had the same response when she first heard the news from Rigo.

"What are you saying?" James asked, as he wasn't expecting to hear such news.

"That was the hidden card the black crows played to hasten their invasion. Approximately over third of the whole territory is taken, and the front line is extended to cover a very large distance that would make our force be stretched thinly if we complied to their provocations."

Rigo's words were highly regarded for James, who completely trusted his intel. James tapped on the bare back of Dora while thinking. "What do you think we should do?" he asked Anasta who was prepared for that question.

"I think we should remain as one group, head straight towards a place they didn't expect."

"Like what? Have something in mind?" he asked again.

"Like the main territory of the black crowes!" her reply astonished him, and before he refused that on impulse, he paused, thinking more about her proposal.

She had a crazy idea, but when he thought about it he found it quite appealing. "Do we have intel about the homelands of the black crowes?" he asked Rigo, as he was now interested in this plan.

Nothing would force the black crows to retreat except one thing; if their home palace was in fire! Nothing would be considered worthy if they lost the base of their forces, making them a homeless group of people, rebels!

However, there was a catch! The black crows weren't that stupid to leave their homeland unsecured, and so James just asked about this, as without enough force to stand against their fleet then things wouldn't be that hard at all.

However, Rigo's reaction made him realize things weren't as good as he hoped; Rigo only glanced at Anasta, who took a deep breath before saying:

"The black crows were always famous among our dark forces as being the one with the impregnable base, as they built their base inside a belt of black holes, where any single misstep would make you lose everything. So, no light space travel is accessible there, while this isn't all."

"What else other than hell of defensive bloody black holes?!"

Dora woke up at this moment, or she was irritated by her words, as from the shape of it, invading this place seemed impossible for their large fleet.

"There are a cluster of planets all equipped with towns and cities, defenses and people living there. it was rumored that they kidnap people and buy war slaves like we did, and the army stationed inside the black hole is simply massive, well prepared, and never leave the base for any reason."

Her words painted an impossible picture for this idea to be done, and that made James realize something. "What is your secret plan then to demolish their invincible base?" he asked, as he was pretty sure that she was the one who knew all these, then she wouldn't even think of that plan except for the presence of a suitable counter.

Anasta sighed, before glancing over Dora as she pointed to her as she said:

"The key lied with her."

"Who? Me?" Dora exclaimed in surprise, as she didn't believe Anasta, her rival, would point out to her, giving her such a high credit in such a decisive battle.

Anasta didn't like it either, but she couldn't do much about this base, and the mere thought of going to intercept the unstoppable dark crow forces were just a nightmare in itself.

So, there was no other option except for them to go and invade that base, truly threaten its safety to force the hand of the black crows higher ups, and make them recall their grand fleet back home.

"Simply we need your rebellious expertise," Anasta said, explaining her plan next, "we will send in a selected group of soldiers, and their mission is to use the state of frustration and anger inside the planets."

"You want me to start a rebellion?" Dora instantly sat straight like a cat someone just stumped on its tail, "Do you plan to send me in there?"

This question wasn't directed to Anasta but to Rigo and James. The two just glanced at Anasta silently, as the latter said:

"I'm not saying that, I just want you to give me some golden pointers, draw up a perfect plan, and be in charge of it from here, of course."

The words of Anasta didn't carry any speck of peace towards Dora, who just felt much insulted from her remarks, even from just a distance, about sending her like a sack of shit over the street and walking away from her.

Despite her reaction to James and Rigo, she was still angry! Anasta planned to be rude and instigate this impulsive nature inside Dora, or else she would better wrack up her mind seeking for a better idea.

Dora was about to explode on her when James just patted warmly, gently restraining her. She glanced at him and was about to argue, with her fiery nature, but he simply silenced her, forcibly by a fiery kiss over her sweet lips and repulsive tongue.

And instantly all her fire was cooled off, and the old weakness returned to haunt her, making her turn soft, and relax her body without objection inside his embrace, finally saying nothing.

James read what Anasta was planning to do. He already had many reports about the hidden war instigating inside his harem, coming from Rigo's agents, and he didn't care about these skirmishes.

However, doing this in the shade was something and doing this in front of him was another.

He glanced silently for a heavy long silent moments towards Anasta, who had her blood freeze instantly the moment she noticed his stern look and heard his tapping finger on the glass of the table.

He wasn't happy about what she tried to pull! She totally ignored him, forgetting, like all others, his opinion; just like he was nothing. Instantly she lowered her head, with a gaze showing submission and regret conveyed through her eyes.

He liked her, but this silly war between his girls should and always be confined to the walls of the harem, not leaked to the outside world no matter what!

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