Galaxy Wars: The Legacy of Light and Darkness

Chapter 167: A Brutal and Bizare Space Battle

Chapter 167: A Brutal and Bizare Space Battle

The fight seemed from far away a losing battle for the black crows, but strangely they didn't retreat, not even tried to escape.

This strange behavior came to make everyone watching this fight be startled and amazed. James and his top commanders never thought such a dark force to have this stubborn loyalty; even when everything was lost!

James was standing at the entrance to the protected base, glancing at the massive devastation occurring inside by his last attack through the big transparent screen covering part of the commanding deck.

"Many were lost, and much more are being killed. Most of your cruisers are broken, and many have exploded already. Why are you persisting like this?" he muttered to himself, asking questions regarding this strange stance of his enemies.

However he wasn't worried at all, slightly disappointed as he wanted to have part of this large force, but now it seemed quite impossible to have a single fleet from it.

No matter how much destruction and damage happened to this force fleet, that didn't negate the fact that the size of this fleet was really gigantic! James had thought before that once he crushed the last act this force pulled, the other cruisers would either run away or succumb to their fate and surrender.

But now, with this stupid and persistent struggle they were doing, he had no hope in having a single fighter, not even a large cruiser!

Even the soldiers who he sat his eyes upon; those well trained and much experienced soldiers, would die eventually in vain! He just hoped amidst the constant pressure his forces would keep exerting on this broken fleet, some wouldn't resist the urge to survive and a wave of surrender would happen.

But as he watched more of the ongoing fight through the holographic screen, this hope started to fade away, making him shake his head bitterly, not knowing how to describe this foolishness or even give a reason to it!

They were fighting viciously and crazily, losing all sanity in the middle of this heated fight; good soldiers died in this pointless struggle, and many advanced ships were destroyed pointlessly.

For James he knew his forces were above their enemies in everything, but the enemy's strange stance made him quite puzzled.

As he started to closely observe their actions, a strange feeling started to swell up in his heart, a feeling of confusion; there was something else behind this fleet's weird actions, something he didn't know of yet!

"What is going on with their minds?!!" he asked himself again after the passage of six hours of continuous fighting. During these short hours, his enemies lost almost half of their remaining fleet, while the remaining half wasn't faring well.

Most of the surviving ships had holes in their decks, and many fighters had their engines burnt down from the shards coming from each attack on their corresponding cruisers.

This fight was going from bad to desperate, and yet no one had ever surrendered so far to him!

"Amazing," he said as he was looking at all this with wide open eyes, "Are they aiming to annihilate every single one of them?" he muttered, while sitting on his seat, with Anasta sitting in his lap, doing nothing but breathing slowly while her face was so red out of her aroused lustful spots all over her body.

"The thing I knew about the black crows is that they never surrender," she said while catching her breaths with difficulty, and in the half of her broken sentence she released a muffled moan that she couldn't control.

Her words had given him some proper explanation about this strange attitude, but he never believed this was the real motive behind this madness.

Those who wouldn't surrender would be either the diehard loyal troops of the black crows, and their numbers would never be in such great numbers like what this stubborn fleet was initially.

Or they were formed of legions of those inhabitants inside the base, those prisoners by their families and loved ones. For them, right now, they had no reason at all to follow the orders of the black crows blindly and foolishly like this!

If he was one of them, then he would instantly seek shelter at his forces, especially when it was obvious who would be the final victor, and who would end up ruling the remaining survivors inside the base!

He glanced at her before taking a sweet soft bite of her lips, making her more drowsy, before saying:

"I can see that clearly, in fact I didn't expect their fierce resistance to last till the end."

He glanced at the outside scene of destruction before glancing at the holographic presentation of the ongoing fight in this place of the space.

"Supreme leader, there are fluctuations appearing on our deep space scanners."

Suddenly this voice came from one of his main associates, a drone selected personally by Rigo. He didn't think much about this, as he knew the allies who were hesitant to step in this dirty bloody fight had finally decided to come.

"How long will they take to arrive here?" he asked, without paying much attention even to his screen, only his eyes were filled with the sweet bulging lump he depressed his face entirely in while sucking away the small pyramid in its centre.

"Ten hours, and they seemed to come from distant places, not from around here."

"What do you mean? From where are they coming?" he asked without much attention while his two hands were busy squeezing more of this lump, making Anasta's moans couldn't be held back anymore, while tears started to appear faintly in her eyes out of plausible pain she was experiencing.

"They seemed to come from the direction of the central place of this grand sector," the droid replied while James' ears picked his next words attentively while finally paying much attention to this incident. "They seemed to come from the Terases empire direction," the droid said, and James lost all the good mood he currently had, raised his head from Anasta's chest while glancing over the droid.

"Are you sure?"

"I ran the check ten times so far, all came to confirm these news."

James stopped talking, thinking about this sudden change in events. He raised his head to glance at the stubbornly resisting forces of the black crows. "Now I can see your doing, black crows," he muttered before he turned to glance at the droid, directing his words to the entire deck:

"Send for Rigo and Dora, tell them about these news. Give the order to every single fighter and cruiser we have; all must push forward, all without exception."

"Even those who are preparing to invade the base?" one of the droids asked.

"I said ALL without exception, are you deaf?!"

He shouted back, angrily yelling at the droid who turned around fast and returned to his work. As for the others, they did the same, while Anasta sensed the sudden change in James' mood and his anxious behavior, so she tried to sit straight, weakly depending over her two arms but she couldn't even raise her body an inch higher!

He just caressed her neck and chest with his right hand, while with the left he started to manipulate the holographic image in front of him, examining the current situation of the whole fight.

And what he saw didn't like it!

"So they were desperately defending this area, trying not to let our big cruisers in," he muttered to himself while squeezing more over Anasta's lump, making her return to moan again, without any strength left in her.

"Compare the two coordinates, and tell me they are the same," he said to the droid who spoke first about the deep space scanning results, as he pointed towards the area tightly secured by the enemy's ships.

"They are the same, supreme leader."

"Great, give the order to Rigo and Dora, make all attack this area, our biggest cruisers must penetrate this tight defense, while others will escort and defend it."

The droid was about to open his mouth to say a word, but the glance he received from Kames made him swallow what he was about to say.

"Affirmative," was the answer he gave to James, the answer James loved to hear at this decisive moment. "I was slightly careless," he muttered to himself, as he thought victory was in his grasp, but the reality proved otherwise.

And this wasn't all he got from warnings.

'You need to stop fooling around and start training,' the sound of his scepter appeared suddenly in his ears. 'Your rival is coming, almost a day off from here,' and this news was added to his list of recent bad news he was receiving.

"At least I will have fun," he smirked as he carried the about to collapse Anasta and head outside the commanding deck. "Send for Dora, make her come here urgently," he added, before vanishing inside the long corridors outside the deck.

For him, he had a long training session awaiting for him.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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