Galaxy Wars: The Legacy of Light and Darkness

Chapter 176: A Sudden Heat between the Two!

Chapter 176: A Sudden Heat between the Two!

However, she didn't share him the same opinion and patience.

"So you want to play it dirty, huh?"

She suddenly shouted from behind, with an anger and frustration that made James feel somehow doubtful.

"Are you sure she won't be a problem to me?" he asked, and Stefanie instantly replied: 'Don't worry, if she did that on her account then she would lose her power and turn into a mortal."

"Then why do I have this feeling of worry?" he muttered while going as fast as he could towards his fighter.

He wanted to stay away from this crazy master!

"Run away as fast as you like, if you don't give me my sword back right now I will make sure you will suffer enough for that!"

Again he felt the same doubt and worry. There was no need for him to ask Stefanie, as she would reply with the same words. just as he was about to reach the fighter, a strange beam of light appeared and hit it before he even touched it.

And the next moment a silent explosion erupted, sending him flying back from the debris expanding everywhere.

"My suit!" he glanced at his suit to find many holes in it. "You bitch!" he cursed while glancing at her. She was standing at her place, holding a bow with a light arrow.

"I told you, no matter where you run to, I will make you feel despair!"

James had to treat this seriously. "Don't you just say she can't touch me?"

'Ahem, she technically didn't touch you.'

"But she messed with my things!"

'As you messed up with hers, and that doesn't count to be a violation to the universe rules.'

"I'm beginning to hate her and you!"

'Oh no, please don't. I have a perfect solution for that, hehehe.'

James paused, as he felt how evil the idea in her mind was just from that last mischievous laugh. "Tell me then."

'First I need more energy to evolve, and so I need that stupid sword for that.'

James got his corners of the eyes twitching when hearing her words. 'Not like you think, I just want to eat it.'

"Oh! You can eat the males of you to evolve? Wow! A spider cruel lady you are!"

'Hehehe, you can consider this is the easiest and most direct way to evolve.'

"So you need my permission to do that?"

'I need you to stain it with your blood so I can eat it away.'

James didn't want to do this in front of this crazy lady, but he had no choice. "If you don't retreat and stop your childish actions, things won't end well for you."

"Hahaha, for me? you must be delusional! I'm the one promising you this, dear."

"Sigh, such a sexy body and fiery temper, sigh."

"Give me my sword back!"

"This one?" he took the sword out of the scabbard, yet feeling the hard resistance of the sword to be in his hands.

"Give it to me now."

"Or what?"

James' reply strangely had the tone to make her pause and feel worried. 'He can't do anything to me, not without a bond created with him being superior to me. then why do I feel such worry?' she thought to herself before smirking as she said:

"Or this little fleet of yours will be killed one by one on my hands."

This time James lost all hope of reconciliation with her. She was crazy, and she intended to kill his own and hard acquired fleet. This wasn't acceptable under any logic.

And simply like that she made him remove all the doubts inside, and start moving his hand over the tip of the sword.

"What the hell?" she muttered in confused tone and face, while glancing over James while injuring himself with the sword. "Are you a masochist? Sigh, I know you have something wrong in your dirty little head of yours!"

She then pointed to his pierced suit where air was escaping from inside it forming long thin disturbed lines. "You should amend your suit first, maniac!" she sarcastically commented, while laughing at his bitter state.

He didn't answer her remarks, as he muttered to his scepter: 'Will you take time? I doubt she will give me a sec the moment she realizes what I'm doing here.'

'Just ten sec, and she won't be able to touch you.'

'She will attack my fleet.'

'They are just pieces of metals, don't worry. Nothing dear is there.'

'My girls are there!!'

'Oops, alright, I will try to make it shorter, hehehe.'

He was quite positive she did this on purpose. "Girls," he shook his head while finally moving his bleeding arm away from the sword. "Just one sec, I will heal my wounds and then confront you," he said as he started to rotate around himself like an idiot.

He was trying to buy time, yet the moment Stefanie started working on the sword, the entire body of the master jolted, got stiffened, then she roared with much pain.

"You damn despicable thief! Are you trying to feed your ugly girl with my handsome sword! I will kill you! I will kill every single one dear to you before coming and kill you!"

"Humph, you can't do anything like this. If you do, you will lose your strength."

"And you think I will sit here right handed watching my precious getting eaten by your bitch? I won't! I will kill every single one of your dear fleet in front of your eyes! Hell I will go to your so called empire and burn it to the ground like paper burnt into ashes!"

James felt a little hesitant, yet the agony on her face and that crazy tone in her words made him realize she will do that! 'We must handle her, better kill her!'

'I have the best solution, much better than what you have in mind,' Stefanie muttered before adding, 'ten seconds from now, try to stall for time or stay calm no matter what she did. also try to get as close as you can to her.'


'Just do it, I have no much time to waste. If I want to eat this bastard, I have to do it now or else my little window will be gone.'

'Alright,' he shrugged before starting to fly towards the crazy master. The moment he moved, the moment Stefanie started, the face of the master changed.

"It's your choice then, have the same agony as mine!"

The next moment she held her bow and instead of a single arrow, there were dozens there!

"Crazy bitch!" he cursed out loud, and this didn't make her stop, instead she launched the attack with a vicious laugh. "Taste the same bitterness as I have," she laughed while taking another dozens of light arrows and preparing to aim at his fleet.

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