Galaxy Wars: The Legacy of Light and Darkness

Chapter 183: A War for Islinda!

Chapter 183: A War for Islinda!

He glanced around to see no one there around him. "Those two" he shook his head before standing up, dressing his clothes, before heading to the commanding deck with a busy mind.

He now understood the size of danger he was facing. "Six months, that's too soon," he shook his head, before realizing he didn't even know what this tournament was about!

"Would Islinda have a clue?" he thought of her, as she was the only one who came from a higher place than here. 'But she didn't know what ability I have," soon he let down this idea.

Asking someone about something didn't know was stupid. He went to the deck to find no sign of the girls. "Tsk, they ran so fast, these two" he sat on his seat and his mind was now more fixed on gaining more girls for his harem.

"Is there any update?" he casually asked while closing his eyes. Many things were raging wild right now inside his head. "A strange fleet couple of hours ago, and now a huge fight is happening between us and them."

The simple words he heard gave him a scare! Jolting his relaxed soul awake as he sharply turned to the droid and shouted:

"What?!! Show me everything, hurry!"

He shouted and the droid wasn't distressed as he knew these news should make his leader nervous.

The next thing happened was the appearance of a recording on the hologram. The pictures broadcasted there showed the appearance of a large dark hole, like a whirlpool, in a certain spot in the space nearby.

Then a large fleet appeared! What attracted his attention was the symbol these ships had! It wasn't anything similar to a flag he had seen or read before in the old records he read before.

"Are they the Terasos race?" he muttered, and the droid replied: "They aren't from any place around here."

James squeezed his eyes as he focused on the symbol they had again on their halts. "From another grand sector?" the answer came so sudden to surprise him more.

"That was what Rigo also thought of," the droid replied, before adding, "and when they appeared, they stayed there for an hour and sent a transmission."

"Show it," James said, before asking, "where is Rigo?"

"Leading the frontline, sir."

The droid replied while he played the transmission they received.

The moment it was played on the hologram, a face of a middle aged man appeared. He was wearing a tight military suit, with stern face and stiffen stance gave James a melancholic feeling.

"He is a military big rank, a general perhaps," he muttered, and the next moment the man spoke, confirming his guess.

"This general Yonan, leader of the southern fleet of the Erkansos empire. I came to get a single person and leave. Obey and live, be fools and will receive the cannons and death in return.

This person came from outside the sector, has no family or backup. So don't try to resist and hand Islinda over to us."

The short broadcast was cut after that last word of that rude general. James was really enraged to the point he stood from his seat, with his aura changing like never before.

"They want my Isli?" he muttered, "did he say she has no family? She has no backup?" he turned to his droid and asked.

And the droid just swallowed his dried throat, as in front of him a giant head of a dragon appeared with his eyes glaring angrily at him.

"Rigo has has contacted lady Islinda and she said she said that this empire is one of the affiliated ones to her empire's biggest enemy."

The droid was already on the verge of collapsing, stuttering yet managed to say what he had of info. "Ah, they want to use her against her own empire, a tool for their purposes, a hostage and a prisoner," James calmly said, yet his tone was really intimidating.

"Who do they think themselves are?" he shouted angrily and amidst his rage he grabbed the hands of his seat, and the hands just popped up, broken under the pressure of his mighty hand.

And this scene made everyone very frightened! They knew their emperor and leader was strong, yet not this threatening!

"Rigo summoned the fleet and now war is raging," the droid said before hurrying to turn on the hologram again, playing what was currently happening.

The ships of the invaders were really higher in quality than his ships. Their cannons were much stronger, and their shots could destroy a middle sized cruiser into tiny pieces!

Jamed glanced for a few minutes at these pictures before he calmly muttered, "Lead the cruiser to the front line."

"And the rear ships too?"

"This ship only," he said before glancing at the broken seat and harrumphed. "Bunch of greedy bastards!" he then recalled something. "What about our new allies? Are they with us or they retreated like cowards?"

"They they are fighting alongside us."

"Good, at least they have some balls," he muttered before standing with his hands clasped behind his back watching the live broadcast.

The image of the dragon didn't vanish, instead it kept solidifying! The more he watched, the more he became enraged! "You eye my little darling? I will show you she has a backup here, so strong and arrogant that would shred you all into pieces!"

He then sat, crossed legged, before closing his eyes. The next moment he appeared inside his soul room, with the two girls playing with each other.

"What's wrong?!" the moment he appeared there, the atmosphere changed and became fiery hot. The two girls stopped what they were doing instantly while Lara asked.

"Prepare yourselves, we got a fleet to crush."

He didn't say more, and then he vanished, leaving behind two girls exchanging silent glances before they started taking note of what was going on outside.

"Oh, they want one of his girls," Lara sneered, yet Stefanie muttered, "this is hilarious! Who do they think he is?" she shook her head while glacing at Lara, "I sense the aura, do you sense it too?"

Lara went silent for a moment before her eyes shone, "yes, an elder is here! I'm pretty sure this will turn into an interesting outcome," she laughed before adding, "I want to see if he is really up to his bold words or not."

"Tsk, he will kill anyone standing in his path."

"Even an elder of a shrine? I doubt that!"

"You just don't know him."

"Really? Wasn't he the one stuck with me in a fight? I know him pretty well."

"You are wrong," Stefanie said before closing her eyes and events of distant past replayed again in her mind, "for his girls this man would turn into a crazy monster already."

"We will see."

"Yeah, we will."

James wasn't aware of this minor clash between his two artifacts. The moment he opened his eyes, he checked the fight first, before asking: "Where are we now?"

"Ten minutes and we will arrive there," the droid replied.

"Good, when we have two minutes to arrive, stop the ship."

He then turned to leave.

"Where are you going, leader?"

"To the goods deck." He simply replied before adding, "send someone after to close the door."

He then exited from the commanding deck. He went to the train directly, and took it to the goods deck where he stood in front of the closed door of this huge place before waiting for the cruiser to stop.

The moment the cruiser stopped, he didn't delay and touched the red button to open the door. The siren rang announcing the opening, and the next moment his body was sucked to the outside.

He wasn't wearing anything but his clothes, yet his body sustained the deadly conditions in this place. He glanced at the area he appeared at before waiting for his body to stabilize itself.

He was heading towards the direction of a grand fleet, with many fighters, small cruisers fighting everywhere. As for the large ones, the war was a long ranged firing between the two.

He waited for a few minutes before muttering to himself: "Come out!"

The next moment one hand held a long scepter with a jewel in its center. The other hand held a long and curved golden bow. It looked majestic with this luster over its surface and these fine engravings all over its curved body.

"You look nice, Lara," he thought to himself.

"Don't flirt with me now, this fight isn't going to be easy," she said before Stefanie stepped in to clear the doubt, "there is an elder of a shrine in the enemy ranks."

"Oh, that's why they acted this arrogantly and with such overconfidence?" he shook his head before thinking, "how strong is he?"

"I think he won't be stronger than the Immortal you once fought," Stefanie said, and this answer made Lara have some doubt. "Did you fight the shrines before?"

"It's a long story," he simply thought, "Stefanie can tell you about it later," he smiled as he wasn't fazed to know the presence of one like the Immortal inside the enemy ranks.

In fact he was excited, as this would be a good chance to test out his current strength.

"Time to put in a good show," he held Lara and thought, "how can I use you?"

"Just pull the string," she said.

The moment he did so, an arrow of golden color appeared in the bow. It was one, and when he pulled the string more, it turned into a group of ten.

"This is good," he thought before adding, "time to create some bangs." He then let the string loose, sending these arrows fast towards the distant fleet.

"Oh, I feel slightly tired," he thought as the moment he released the arrows he felt some weakness haunting him. This was new as he never experienced such a reaction before.

"Using me is taxing," and Lara proudly said.

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