Galaxy Wars: The Legacy of Light and Darkness

Chapter 186: Sirene

Chapter 186: Sirene

James started to rain the hostile fleet with arrows, destroying dozens of cruisers and many fighters before they started to shoot back at him.

At this moment, he was still chased by the grestly infuriated Phoerinho. He was still having trouble dealing with his knife, and just as he was trying to get James into his trap, shots started to fall on him from the friendly cruisers.

"Stupid people!" he exclaimed to himself in shock while the knife took these attacks as being challaenging to her. The next moment the knife stopped resisting him for a bit, while it started launching attacks back at the fleet.

Great slashes went towards the fleet, each was quite enough to destroy tens of large cruisers in one hit! James glanced at this scene and felt his scalp numb.

"Quite scary your queen is," he muttered to himself while doing his best now to escape the incoming threat.

"She is just an aggressive lady, that's all."

"More aggressive than you?" James inwardly laughed at Lara who just sneered and didn't retort back.

The chase kept going like this for a long time. During which James kept luring the enemy cruisers into attacking him, while Stefanie kept all the attacks away from him.

"How long will this continue?" he asked while stealing a rapid glance at Phoerinho.

"It will take longer," Lara replied, before adding, "after all you now distracted her from her master. She will take more time to screw him."

'Hehehe, as long as she kept crushing those arrogant bastards, I don't mind at all!"

He kept his tactic while Phoerinho was cornered in such a position that he couldn't retreat and only could advance despite all the odds.

He knew these losses would be great to his allies. Thousands of cruisers were already destroyed on the hands of his knife alone! And yet he failed to let James fall in his trap!

"I can't stop chasing, or he will run further away," he muttered to himself before taking the risk of holding the knife with one hand and the other held a long spear. "Let's see if you can run away now," he sneered before throwing the spear towards the front.

He targeted the place James was supposed to reach. The next moment James saw a long trail of light passing above his head, aiming for the spot he was heading to.

"He seems pissed off," he wasn't enraged or startled by this, as he laughed on the pathetic tries of Phoerinho.

Without further ado he changed his course, heading towards the direction of the hostile fleet again before returning to his original course. Now he was flying amidst endless attacks from Phoerinho, some even tried to target him with no result.

His speed was fast, and that made Phoerinho more enraged. "Damn you, cursed boy. Why are you so slippery like this?!!" he was now feeling more pressure coming from the knife.

Yet he didn't stop launching attacks towards James, hoping one of them might succeed and fall upon him.

With time, James started to be cornered by these attacks; even some started to fall upon him. Stefanie had it hard to defend him, yet she managed to get him out of all attacks unscathed.

"This man is really persistent," James sneered before glancing at the distant fleet. They seemed much humiliated with all their losses and even summoned more cruisers to help!

This made his attacks easier to cause damage, and the attacks coming from the knife intensified, making their losses escalate to a new level.

No matter what they tried, they couldn't stop James. Even when they sent an entire fleet towards him, formed of fighters and small cruisers; he wasn't fazed!

He attacked, and his arrows managed to hit many of them. Yet the main damage came from the knife, and in addition to reinforcements that came towards his direction at last.

"Rigo, he sure knows how to make an entrance," James muttered while feeling much relieved by the incoming fleet of fighters and cruisers from his side.

The battle turned from one on one fight to a grand fleet fight. And this spot turned to be the heart of this battle; where everything would be determined here.

James kept his initial strategy rolling, despite the fact that many of his fighters and cruisers were caught in the fire from him or the knife.

Yet he didn't hesitate to push forward in this plan. After all this was the only plan he got!

"The knife is getting berserk," suddenly Lara said, while James took a rapid glance at Phoerinho, seeing him struggling harder with the knife.

"Finally," he sighed, as Phoerinho was forced to take back his sword and try to control the knife with both hands; yet he eventually failed!

"Damn you all," he cursed while throwing the knife away and started to head in the opposite direction; running away with his life.

Such a wise decision was taken too late indeed!

The knife had already sat her gaze upon him, and when he ditched her she didn't follow his throw and went fast to attack him from the back.

A deep wound appeared on his back, while he gushed out a mouth full of blood. He took out all his artifacts; an army of fifty artifacts appeared hovering on top of his head.

Yet the knife proved her reputation wasn't groundless!

She easily shattered many of them before finally falling on the neck of Phoerinho, severing it from his shoulders, sending it rolling away in space.

Then she paused!

"What is this monster going to do now? Shall I retreat? Shall my fleet retreat?" James suddenly felt nervous as he thought the knife was sizing him up.

"Don't move an inch!" the nervous sound of Lara came to make him realize how bad his situation was; yet it was too late!

The next moment the knife started to move, heading directly towards him.

"Run!" she shouted, and with his all might he flapped his wing running away like Phoerinho tried to do.

And like Phoerinho, he failed to outrun this monster!

The knife reached him in mere moments, even before he could catch up speed. She stood motionless in front of him, blocking the path of his retreat.

"Damn! I'm screwed!" he tightly grabbed the bow and the scepter in both hands while vigilantly watching the silent monster blocking his path.

"Run the other way!" Lara shouted, and just as he was about to move towards a certain direction, it got blocked again with the knife!

"Damn! It's war then," he was ready to fight for his life here, not ready to fall this easily!

Despite knowing how futile this was, he didn't lose hope in escaping with his head on top of his shoulders.

"Master, don't you know me?"

Suddenly this soft voice came to his mind, cutting off the nervous train of his thoughts.

"What you just called me?" he thought to himself while glancing with surprise towards the knife.

"Master, sigh it seems your reincarnation went astray as you feared!"

The voice came again with such softness that could melt his heart. "Am I your master? The master of such monsters?" he muttered before realizing it wasn't wise to insult such a merciless artifact like this!

"Hehehe, like always you love to call me monster and I will never get tired of hearing this from you, hehehe."

Yet the answer he got made him realize he was dealing with such a bloodthirsty artifact with a psychopathic personality!

"I I don't recall you at all," he honestly thought to himself before adding, "if I'm your master then come to me," he said, cautiously sizing the knife up.

And the knife didn't answer by words of thoughts, as she moved towards him, calmly and confidently like an obedient girl.

And then she stood a few centimeters away from his right hand, the hand carrying Lara. "Scram, this is my favourite place you meager artifact!" and the next moment he heard another tone, a dominant and arrogant one, totally opposite to the sweetness he once heard.

Lara didn't dare to argue with her, as she vanished the next moment. "he is all yours," she muttered before entering again inside his soul room.

"Master," the sweet voice appeared again which caused the hair of James to stand to no end! He held the knife gracefully in his hand, and strangely the moment he did he felt some familiarity with her.

"Feels odd, right?" she said before adding, "I'm Sirene, and I was once one of your favorite out there. Hehehe, the other girls will go insane knowing I met you first."

He didn't know what to say except: "I'm James."

"James? That's a weird name indeed," she laughed shortly before adding with her sweet tone, "I'm pretty sure when we go inside your room, I will be sure to remind you of my great flavor and taste."

He swallowed his throat before an explosion hit him out of the blue! The sound startled him greatly, dragging him back to the real world again!

"Damn you! Can't I have mere words with my beloved man?" and the response didn't come from him, but from Sirene. "I thought of letting you go in celebration of my reunion with my love, yet here you are. Tsk," her angry tone was really different, much different than the tone she spoke with James.

And the next moment James felt his hand move on its own while Sirene sent many slashes towards the distant fleet.

He didn't do anything, or he didn't need to. Sirene did everything for him amidst her roars, screams of anger, and loud dirty curses!

"F*ck you all! I will f*ck you're a*ses!"

She kept raging on them while James' hand kept swaying right and left, sending off such a mighty barrage of attacks towards the fleet near and far.

And suddenly the entire world turned into a world of explosions and ruins; with no ship escaping this fate no matter where it was!

"S- Scary!" and James just realized how mighty and domineering Sirene was, "Yet you are my baby, little naughty monster, hehehe."

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