Galaxy Wars: The Legacy of Light and Darkness

Chapter 188: A Threatening Message

Chapter 188: A Threatening Message

The fight turned into a chase, and James was forced to follow his crazy knife to the end. At last all the cruisers were crushed, and nothing remained.

"See? This is me venting out my happiness, my love," and the moment she finished all her screaming and shouting, she said in a very seductive tone, like a caring person.

"Sigh," he just shook his head before adding, "go inside for now. I will come to you later."

"I will wait then," she said before moving his arm to come closer to him, in a move that gave him a scare, "and I will make sure you taste something you forgot for a long time ago."

"Ahem, sure," he tried to act cool and collected, yet his voice came out quite nervous.

"And I will be waiting," then she finally disappeared, making him heave a sigh of relief. "Don't be this stressed like that, I'm your first girl after all and I got your back," and Stefanie just said before vanishing as well.

"I hope you can protect yourself," he bitterly laughed as he knew what Stefanie did when Lara came.

"Wow, my soul room must be crowded by now," he said before muttering, "what are they doing inside?" he resisted the urge to take a fast glance at them.

He was tired, exhausted from all this fighting and running. He just needs to go back to a regular means of travel in space; his cruiser.

So he changed his path of flight and headed directly to the nearby fleet. Rigo moved his cruiser to meet him, and then he was finally relieved from this strenuous flight.

And once his feet touched the ground, his dragon form changed back to human. He stood on the cold floor, feeling strange about being human once more.

"Being a dragon was something cool after all," he shook his head before taking the train to the main deck.

Until he reached the deck, everyone he met looked at him in such veneration. Yet he didn't care for that. All he cared for right now was a good bath, a good bed, and good soft company.

"Welcome back," Rigo was the first to meet him, and then Anasta ran to throw herself in his embrace. "I was deadly worried about you," she said and she meant it.

"And me too," Dora refused to budge and said, trying to express her emotions yet paled in front of Anasta.

"Tsk, Luna is the perfect rival for you," and in the middle of Anasta's care and sincere words and touches, Dora inwardly cursed her.

"How about the base? Have the rescue team finished their task?" he asked after sitting on the main seat, having Anasta replacing Luna as he played the girl.

"They are about to finish," Dora said, trying to remind him of her existence, "I'm supposed to go and aid them," she added, before being silent. She wanted to say I was so worried about you so I didn't go, and James just understood what she wanted to convey.

"Good, find someone to replace you then," he smiled before adding, "the two of you will stay for me today."

"Well," Rigo said, before adding, "Should we stay here or go back to our capital? Islinda is much worried as well."

"Tell her the developments and set course home," James agreed on Rigo's suggestion before adding, "also make our allies send a delegation each. I will have a grand meeting with them later."

"Sure," Rigo and the other two girls understood what he intended to do. With the sudden appearance of those outsiders, things started to be more serious for him.

"Let's go," he then stood from his seat, craving for his dorm. "Wait, there is a message sent from deep space," yet Rigo stopped him in such an urgent tone, "it seems coming from outside our great sector," he added as he went to the communication unit and stood there for a couple of minutes.

"It's coming for you!" Rigo was surprised, as he didn't know the name of his leader would be known far and wide outside their great sector.

"Alright, play it then," James didn't care about that, yet he wanted to end things here fast to sleep.

The next moment the hologram showed a face of a youth, not too much older than James.

Yet he looked arrogant, as if nothing in the entire world was worth his gaze!

"I was told this transmission would arrive to you, so listen to my words well and think carefully about them; James the cursed child. You have something that belongs to me.

Islinda hails from such a noble origin that even staying at your empire would be tarnishing to her reputation. I know you have tasted a tiny bit of my strength, and I have seen all you have got.

I'm frankly disappointed! Your power can't even be compared to one of my butlers! And your pathetic groupy of planets that dare to call themselves an empire is a shame to all true empires in this world.

You are a lie, and everything you stand for is a lie. It's best for your interest to surrender her willingly, as I will generosity grant you what you desire. Yet, if you became this arrogant child, then like your daddy I will come and discipline you by death.

You have fourteen days to consider, and a brand new fleet will visit your home. I know where you live, and I keep eyes on you and on my beauty. If you tried to be funny and hide her, I will know.

Think well and give your answer to my commander. It's an honor for you to set eyes on someone like me. Scram!"

The tone, the words, and the attitude of this youth made James forget all his exhaustion and felt greatly enraged. His dragon shadow appeared once more, and this time the dragon was furious.

"Who the hell is this person?" James pointed at the hologram fixed on the face of that youth.

"I don't know," Rigo shook his head before adding, "despite his arrogance, I see we treat this very seriously."

James agreed on Rigo's words, yet he was really infuriated at the moment. "Damn him! Can we send a transmission back?"

"No, we can't!"

Rigo swiftly replied even without thinking. He knew that youth was arrogant and rude, yet he had the backing to be so.

His leader was still green, needing more time to grow stronger. If he let the two clash together this early, then his leader would end up dead!

Everything would be lost!

"I can't permit such a thing to happen," he said to himself.

"Rigo" James was furious, yet he realized what Rigo did.

"We really don't have the tech or the means to do so," Rigo insisted, and honestly he wasn't lying.

"Tsk," James was furious before glancing at the two girls who were feeling his rage, strangely as if it was theirs. "Set course to home, everyone will come with us, everyone," James said as he put his arms around the waist of the two girls, "and send a word to Islinda, make her pay everything and amass much more fleets and soldiers."

As he was about to leave he paused. "Make her do this in secret, send them away from our capital. And Rigo" he glanced directly at his eyes, "we have spies."

"I will do my best," Rigo lied again, as this was something no one could control!

The number of visitors to his capital on a daily basis was enormous; impossible to monitor or control.

If his enemies wanted to plant a spy, they could easily do that in the form of a merchant! Or much easier they could do that through buying one of the merchants off.

James went to his dorm where he vented his anger with the ladies for many hours before finally his exhaustion beat him and he went to deep sleep.

He was angry, and his anger made the girls really depleted after he finished with them. So they also slept long and woke up even before he did.

Just as he opened his eyes, he was startled to stand erect with much vigilance; he wasn't inside his dorm. He wasn't at his cruiser! He was in a huge garden that had no end.

"What the hell?" he was shocked to see this scene that looked entirely real to him.


He slapped his face to wake himself up, yet he found that he wasn't dreaming! "What is going on here?" he checked everything around him in much vigilance, yet he found nothing of danger here.

In fact this place provided him with such tranquility he never felt before. "This is dangerous," he muttered, as this place could even cloud his own senses and judges. "Show yourself," he shouted, "no matter who you are," he muttered to himself while thinking back to how he appeared here.

"Don't be afraid, I mean no harm to you."

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