Galaxy Wars: The Legacy of Light and Darkness

Chapter 192: Returning to The Capital

Chapter 192: Returning to The Capital

"Are we there yet?"James asked Rigo while glancing at the speeding up space around them. They were moving fast, yet the universe was really huge.

A week had already passed. During which James had more fun that he expected with the new girls.

The addition of two queens acted like a boost to their lust. He felt quite satisfied with everything the two girls started doing inside his soul room.

As for the sexy arena, it became one of his favorite moments ever!

"We are almost there," Rigo replied while glancing around. "Haven't they got back yet?" he asked, referring to Dora and Anasta.

"No, they will need more hours," and James smiled proudly as he replied.

"Sigh, we need to find you more then," Rigo laughed before adding, "I can find more if you like."

"Sure, I agree with your vision," and James laughed with him.

Rigo didn't lie, as in less than a couple of hours the fleet had arrived successfully at the capital.

"Wow, Islinda sure knows her work," and James was speechless at first when he saw all the extra structure being built around the planet. "Are these meant as stations? Is the planet this crowded?" he asked, while pointing out towards the many small rounded platforms appearing around the planet.

"She might have an explanation for that," Rigo didn't know what to say, yet he was pretty sure Islinda wouldn't do anything pointless.

She was the smartest out of all girls his leader had.

"I know, she is more capable than others," and James just agreed with him.

The next thing that happened was going into the planet itself. In contrast to James and Rigo's expectations; the planet itself was extremely crowded!

"This is a scene of what a capital of an empire should be," and Rigo praised, "it seems the planet was full so she had to adapt."

"Nice move indeed," James agreed, "take us to the palace."

The main ship entered the planet, guarded with a couple of other large ships to secure it. The remaining fleet stood outside the planet, waiting for further instructions.

Rigo spoke with James about this before coming here, they had no perfect plan to their next moves. So, it was best for the fleet to be stationed nearby, until they reach a conclusion regarding the future path James would take.

And James intended to turn his teeth towards the direction of his biggest annoying rival in this grand sector.

He wanted this grand sector to be his in the end.

The main palace looked slightly different than before; it became grander and more elegant. Blocks of buildings around it were removed, turned into subsidiary facilities to be used by the main palace.

And the entire area turned to be part of the imperial palace.

"Soon she will take the entire city!" James laughed as he was surprised by all these changes while he was away.

"Islinda did a great job here," and Rigo stood on her side again.

"I know," James evilly smiled before adding, "and she should be properly rewarded, but" he paused, recalling the disturbing threat of that arrogant youth. "I need to ask her about some things first."

"We also need to plan the defenses well," Rigo said.

"We don't need to worry too much," James smiled, as his eyes shone brightly, "I know exactly what the next move of that arrogant one is."

"Here?" Rigo asked.

"No, he will come here for sure, but first he has to do a decoy."

"The Terasos race," and rigo got his meaning at last.

"Yup, they are the wedge that will crack our forces and make us over occupied. But we will crush them before they come at us."

"War?" Rigo was the most enthusiastic one here about going frequently to war. If it was up to him, he would take his tent and camp in the middle of wars all his entire life.

"Sure, and if my guesses are right, we will have wars at three different fronts at the same time."

"This" Rigo's face changed, yet James added, "don't worry, we will figure all the needed ships and soldiers out," he then shifted his gaze towards the palace they were landing in its back garden, "after all this place is now full to the brim with treasures we accumulated all this time."

James wasn't the refugee who was running away from the military camp, he was now a mighty emperor. His physical strength and personal lethality were tested a second time hours ago in that strange realm.

He crushed another master of the shrines and gainte one dagger and a lot of artifacts.

He was sure his girls were having their fun right now; a reunion for the queens, more girls for the others to play with, and finally more artifacts to consume.

His ladies were toxic, eating away each male artifact they find to increase their strength afterwards.

Even him was eaten, partially and he enjoyed it in return.

"Finally you are back."

The moment he stepped down the cruiser, he found islinda waiting for him saying that. She wasn't alone, as he noticed six girls standing behind her; all were stunning beauty like her.

"I just came as fast as I can," he replied, before turning his fiery gaze towards the new girls, "who are they?"

"These? They are my new assistants," she chuckled while adding, "they are helping me in everything related to the growing business of our empire."

"Nice choice indeed," he said before joking, "will they help you with me as well?"

"Perhaps," and the answer she gave made him quite enticed already. "C'mon, you came from a long ride," she paused before glancing behind James. Only Rigo was there. "Where are my lovely rivals? I mean Dora and Anasta."

James helplessly smiled as he knew this wouldn't end well. "They are resting."

"Oh," and she elevated her eyebrow for a moment there, "for the next week, you are mine," she said it in a way that left no room for negotiation.

"Sure, trouble is coming for you ladies," and he laughed, enjoying this kind of special treatment.

As they entered the palace, they headed directly to the throne room per James' instructions.

Islinda didn't know what happened inside the travel, so Rigo took the liberty to speak and tell her everything.

"Oh, I didn't know I was this priceless and demanded," she chuckled before adding, "I was thrown away by my uncle, betrayed by my trusted people, and now an enemy of mine wants to make me his hostage tsk," she sighed while her face showed how much annoyed she was.

And worried!

She was extremely worried, as if the enemy of her empire learnt about her presence, then her empire would know.

Her uncle would know!

"Or were they being sent here by him?" she thought to herself, not knowing what was the truth here.

But everything led to one simple end "We need to grow stronger," James said it out loud and clear the moment he sat on his throne, "and we need to crush any resisting forces inside this grand sector, starting with the Terasos race."

"I heard they attacked you and you exterminate them all for me?" she said, while her face showed extreme redness and her tone expressed her embarrassment.

This touch from him, even coming from such far distance, really quivered her heart and soul.

She didn't imagine he would do all that for her!

What she didn't know, and if she did she would hit James hard, was that he didn't do that for her; he was forced by Sirene to kill every single one of his enemies.

"To do that, we need much more treasures," yet she added, trying to clear up her mind from any embarrassing thoughts.

"Don't we have many already?" James felt weird about this.

"Sure, but this might help to create another grand fleet; no more!" she replied, stressing on her last words. Rigo had already told her briefly about James' plans, making her think, wrongly, he was preparing for her uncle's arrival.

"We need three then?" Rigo asked, trying to make sure he understood her right.

"We will need five," and the words James said made the two instantly silent. "We must prepare the largest fleet ever, something that we won't need to take the trouble amassing again," he added, while a map of events began to shine in his mind.

"This" yet Islinda didn't know what to say, "we don't have the means to do that."

"Lack of resources or connections?" he asked.


"Then push forward, we gained many territories already. Sell them all and leave none for us to use."

He then paused before adding, "after winning this war, we won't need to rage wars inside the sector; turning it to our own farming lands. All the riches and resources here will be ours, and we will start attacking other grand sectors nearby, expanding our reach and reign."

His words were grand, yet no one here thought lightly of them. They all knew how this man had this luck along his side, turning his bad situation into moments of glory, always.

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