Galaxy Wars: The Legacy of Light and Darkness

Chapter 198: The Start of the War!

Chapter 198: The Start of the War!

"There we will start our assault, moving first to this area before fanning out, creating a defensive line before retreating and killing any hostile fleets coming from behind."

He kept pointing to the map, while everyone nodded. "This will be tough," Rigo muttered.

"That's if not the fourth fleet kicked in from behind and kept those rear fleets busy," James said before adding, "we need to be swift, merciless and decisive. The Terasses race already conquered these areas so recently. They don't have much support there."

"My rebel tactic!" Dora's eyes shone brightly as she understood what James meant by that.

"Sure, these tactics are what will define our victory from defeat," he agreed before adding, "we need to spread out our soldiers to instigate trouble. If possible send them towards the last one fifth, make even the reinforcements busy!"

"What if they didn't care about all this?" Islinda suddenly asked, "after all they aren't those hot headed ones and have no mind to think for them."

"That's what I'm depending upon," James evilly smiled, "I just want them to fall into debate, plus that mind knows exactly how risky it is to lose the supporting lands and fighting two wards at two fronts."

"That if he was caring about the Terases empire," she added, "I think he isn't!"

"I'm with you, but if we gave him a reason to keep them, we will make him do what we want."

"A reason?" Rigo asked.

"Like a rumor that one like me appeared at the Terases empire," James said before adding, "such rumor will make him quite hesitant towards sacrificing the Terases empire."

"But there is none out there but you!" Luna said, trying to keep their minds up.

"A rumor doesn't need a real proof dear," Dora said before laughing, "I like this plan. Hard to execute but lovable!"

"Who will play the decoy role?" Rigo asked. "One of my droids?" he added.

"Sure, they are the ones who can muster strength enough to cause miracles," James said before adding, "yet I preferred one of the girls to do so, but" he glanced at the girls in front of him.

"Are you worried about us, perhaps?" Luna asked while laughing in a sexy way.

"Not only that," he shook his head, "you can't summon your dragon strength at any time! If you can, one of you would be the best candidate to go."

"We are still weaker than you, monster, hehehe," Luna joked while other girls didn't speak and only shook their heads.

"Now, it's time for us to move," James said, "Rigo sent one of your men first on one of our fastest cruisers. Make him infiltrate this one fifth deeply and start doing some magic."

"Hahaha, I will provide him with some toys to have more fun," Rigo liked the idea and was amused by this. "When should we move?" he asked.

"Two days from now, but your man should move now," James instructed, "also send a legion of well trained soldiers on Dora's techniques. Let them spread the word everywhere; let the rumor be hot before we come knocking on their doors."

"I will," Rigo promised, "but won't they suspect anything?" he added.

"Well, if we put the aim of this campaign to kill that rival of mine, then no one will suspect a thing," James answered.

"And this will also help to make that man take the bait," Islinda said before laughing, "I like this dirty plan of yours."

"Hahaha, that's an honor," he said before he heard a bang coming from inside the planet they were so close to its surface. "Damn! Those assassins never end!" Luna complained while everyone glanced at James who sighed.

"Stay here, I won't take long."

He moved out to fight those intruders while everyone started to discuss further in detail the plan he provided.

For him, if everything went like he said, they would have great victory and crush that Terases race fast.

Honestly he could take a softer approach, less risky and tend to fight the Terases race fleets and destroy them slowly.

"I can't waste more time here, the alarms I get are increasing in frequency," he said to himself while heading towards the surface of the planet on board of a small cruiser. "Sorry guys, I have to pressure you this far," he helplessly smiled, as if he had the choice he wouldn't select this risky plan with many variables.

The fight didn't take much time, and when he returned to the cruiser, he found Rigo and Dora already missing.

"They went to arrange the matter of the spies and more issues regarding the plan," Islinda said before directly looking him in the eye: "Why are you on rush here?"

She wasn't narrow minded like others. For him, he considered if someone really understood him perfectly and could read out his mind then it would be her.

"I have to finish them fast so that man won't cause much trouble to us," he lied, and despite her knowing he was, she didn't comment further.

"Alright, my work is done here," she said, "let me know if you need anything more."

"The fourth fleet is the key to our victory," he seriously said, "please finish it as fast as possible."

"I will," she then moved outside and only Luna was there with him. "Didn't you miss your little toy?" she seductively asked while moving slowly towards his seat, "c'mon, let's have some fun while others work, hehehe."

The idea seemed to arouse her a lot! The two started a long love session that didn't fulfill James until he entered his busy soul room and started playing with the army of girls inside.

After one day he was content, and then he opened his eyes and started looking for the arrangements Rigo, Dora, and Islinda did.

They did brilliantly with their tasks. The fourth fleet was almost over, only needing a couple of days to be finished and then the fifth fleet would start to take shape.

As for the droid sent to infiltrate the Terases region, he was in the way. The distance between here and there was vast, needing over a week to cross at least without any pause!

James revised all the plans and arrangements Rigo and Dora prepared, and he approved them all. For him, everything seemed quite organized, and it was time to set the fleet of and start this war.

"Go and always keep in touch," he said to Rigo and Dora while sitting in his own cruiser. He watched the fleets taking off, and sighed. "I came across such a giant step, and now it's time for me to take another."

He glanced at the planet nearby where he just killed a group of assassins who came to kill Islinda. "Tsk, they never get tired of this!" he shook his head before closing his eyes and preparing to enter his mysterious world to kill another elder and gain himself a queen and many artifacts as a bonus.

Rigo and Dora started their journey heading to two different destinations. Per plans, they would reach there and then divide into many smaller fleets, fan out and control many key areas in that part of the grand sector.

The first mission was to control a small sector each, using this as a firm base to amass more troops and cruisers then start to move from there towards the nearby sectors.

"Eat them bite by bite," James said these words in the last meeting, and each of the two memorized them to the heart.

The flight took eight days until they reached their destination. Midway they received some good news.

First their droid sent inside the Terases empire started to gain reputation fast. His deeds were considered magical, as he used a simple trick of conquering a planet and announcing it secretly as part of James' empire.

Then monsters would appear out of nowhere!

These monsters weren't a common term for the people, so when this droid acted and killed them with the help of his supporting teams, they thought he and his men were invincible.

He started making propaganda, declaring himself to be the selected person by the universe to end the tyranny of emperor James. For people, the only tyrant was the Terases race, yet these words traveled fast and reached many ears and places in days.

This caused a stir, something that even exceeded James and his leaders' expectations. According to plan, James issued an imperial edict, ordering his fleets to set off and go there to kill this imposter!

These news traveled faster than the news of that man, adding more momentum to the droid and making his place unshakable in the eyes of many.

He proved his strength, he challenged James, and James considered him an imminent threat! All these factors together with the news of two grand fleets setting off towards the Terases empire made everyone there believe the droid wasn't lying.

Then the droid received orders from James and Rigo: Hide!

This was phase two of the plan, creating chaos inside the Terases empire by making his droid vanish from their radar. This would force them to divert more resources to find him as soon as possible, while he would pop up from time to time to remind them of his presence.

If they found him, it would be a matter of time to know his origins. So, James, Rigo, and others reached this three phase plan; appearance, disappearance, and then frequent appearances from time to time.

Like this they would turn the lie into a fact, and this fact would soon turn into a legend everyone would believe and hope to witness.

As for the team that came with him, they didn't stop releasing the news, jumping from one planet to another, from one system to another, making the deeds of the droid and his challenge fresh in the minds of everyone.

The power of words was much stronger and deadly than the power of guns; that was a proven fact tested in this war!

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