Galaxy Wars: The Legacy of Light and Darkness

Chapter 208: A New Fleet Joins the Fight

Chapter 208: A New Fleet Joins the Fight

"Spread the words to Dora," he suddenly said, "make her press forward with all her might."

"And the losses?" the droid had the courage finally to ask about this.

"Deliver the newly formed fleets to them," James casually responded, "plus we will crush the rebellion here soon then divert part of the fleets over to them as well."

The logic in his words made the droid unable to refute back. James stayed in the deck for days, while watching the ongoing brutal fight at the frontier, and the inside battle against those rebels.

Yet after a week, everyone in his empire knew of his brutality against those opposing him. Many planets were annihilated when they refused to lay down their arms.

Everyone thought he would lean towards a softer approach, as he was known to be soft and womanizer.

Yet when he showed up his true colors, many started to think again about rebelling against such tyrants.

And so the frequency of the rebellious moves started to show signs of decline at the end of the first week.

As for the front battle, things got much complicated during that week.

The Terases race had suffered great losses for days, on the expense of massive losses in James' two major fleets as well.

But starting from the fourth day onward, new fleets started to show up. These fleets were brand new, with many of them showing some advanced technologies that weren't available before to the Terases empire.

"I believe they had support of that man," Dora said in the group call with Rigo and James, "or else how can we explain this sudden development?"

"I believe we should decrease our marching speed," Rigo suggested.

"No, keep pressing forward," James refused this suggestion as he added, "we have two ready to move out fleets here, plus three fleets were already sent to you and would take less than three days to arrive. I also have things here stabilized for now, so I can just let some of the fleets here and send them back to you."

"This" Rigo hesitated, "wouldn't that make you vulnerable?" he added.

"No, don't forget I still gather up arms and ships all the time. Every three days we can amass a giant fleet. Plus those droids of yours are still here gathered up and doing nothing."

"Is this enough?" Dora asked, "will you be secured?" she added, expressing her worry about him.

"Don't worry, nothing can touch me right now," he confidently said as he was pretty sure that witch wouldn't allow her investment to be killed this early and in the hands of others.

"Alright," he said, "now go back and start hammering those aliens with all your might."

The fight kept raging wildly on all fronts while James was only thinking about one thing; what was the aim of that man?

And soon at the end of the week the news from Terases empire came to explain everything.

"Emperor, the recent reports speak of extensive search about our man," the droid suddenly said as he added, "they deployed almost all of their old fleet everywhere, showing up generous rewards for anyone providing them with info about this man."

"Wow, so they tried to stop us until they found him?" James said before laughing, "great, make our man jump from one system to another. Let them be maddened by his moves."

The droid was speechless for a moment before adding, "is this safe? This way they might find him easier."

"Don't worry," James said, before adding, "just make him jump all the time and be extra careful."

"Ok," the droid returned to deliver the orders, not only to the droid but also to Rigo.

"He wants to keep them busy. Hmm I see," Rigo managed to read James' thoughts just after reading the message a couple of times. "This might endanger the entire operation of that faked rival of his, but it would still buy us some valuable time."

James wanted to make the Terases empire busy looking for his man. This way he would guarantee that the old fleets of the empire wouldn't join the war yet.

Despite being weaker to the new fleets coming from the outside, he knew these fleets weren't weak compared to his own. He wanted to clear these new hostiles first before facing the rest of the fleets.

"You know you are a good leader," the witch suddenly said after some time of silence. "I watched your moves and to be honest; I'm impressed."

"Thanks a lot for your compliment," James tried to be courteous here, "by the way, any news about the tournament?" he asked while trying to shift the topic about the approaching tournament.

For him, his alarming sense kept escalating in frequency during the past week, making him feel that it was almost upon him.

"It's still early," she muttered, "you have around one month," she added, making him be much relieved for a second there.

"Thanks," he said before turning his full attention to clear everything inside his empire.

The size and the frequency of the rebellious moves declined greatly these past days. He knew he couldn't kill them all until he destroyed the Terases empire, but at least he knew there was no much danger there.

As for the assassins sent by Islinda's uncle, he kept killing them in the middle of clearing up the rebellion.

The confrontations between his armies and the newly joined Terases armies proved to be difficult, yet he managed to kill them all in another week.

It took Rigo and Dora much effort to do that, and both even lost their entire fleet once before being resupplied by the constant reinforcements sent from the capital.

As for James, he thought of walking there himself and joining them, but he didn't.

"I need someone capable to guard the fort and girls," he muttered while he checked on the status of his girls from time to time.

They were still eating non-stop, and he didn't send anyone to stop them as he waited patiently until they would all turn to real dragons.

Up till now, their bodies still showed that semi-transparent shadow of dragons.

"New reports," the droid said before adding, "the droid was finally caught and he is now secured in an unknown location to us by the Tersases empire," the droid added.

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