Galaxy Wars: The Legacy of Light and Darkness

Chapter 219: Time for A Counter Attack

Chapter 219: Time for A Counter Attack

The droid seemed to be puzzled by James' weird answer and surprised by the sudden arrangement he had for the two fleets.

Yet he didn't express his doubts out loud and kept them to himself.

James kept firing his arrows while his two girls kept defending him and the cruiser he was on top of.

"Shouldn't we break free first?" Gorgena asked while trying to be polite and not step beyond her boundaries.

"I think our enemies already understood our aim," James said before sneering, "so the best thing now is to surprise them. Besides there are many queens and kings assembled here."

"But we can't hit them unless we get so near and divide them into smaller groups," Lara said.

"I know," James muttered before adding, "but there is another way to do this."

"Another way?" Stefanie asked in surprise, "I don't think there is another artifact out there to be able to handle them."

"Or perhaps you are thinking of taking them all out and using them at the same moment?" Lara said before adding, "in theory this seems possible but the only question here is you. Can you handle this much artifacts and queens being used at the same time?"

James simply smiled as he only said: "You just wait and you'll see for yourselves."

He kept firing his arrows while he tried to instigate the deep feeling he usually had when going into his strange world. After two hours, the sound of the droid finally came to announce the arrival of the two fleets to their designated position.

"Start the counter attack now," James said while the next moment the cruiser he was on top stopped, started to turn around.

"We are ready to attack those chasing us," the droid said before adding, "I did the arrangements per your orders we will act as the tip of the spear to break the forces into two halves."

The droid then paused before adding, "but I need to warn my emperor, if we fail to break through then not only our fleet will be trapped, but also Dora and Rigo's fleets as well."

"Don't worry and start moving forward at your top speed," James laughed while starting to shoot his arrows everywhere, "and send me more targets I feel I'm on fire."


"I have a very good feeling about this," James laughed while he kept launching his arrows at the directions his droid provided to him.

"Liar, you just made up this plan just now," Lara laughed while Stefanie added, "I can't help but agree with her, hehehe."

"C'mon, you two don't appreciate the beauty of the timely decisions and master planning of me? This is a superb skill, and now we are heading closer to the win."

"Or to perish," Lara sighed, "we can't deal with those queens and kings so far."

"Despite moving closer to them now, I feel the distance isn't shortened at all," Gorgena said.

"They are retreating to keep the distance fixed," Stefanie said.

"Indeed that's the case," James smirked, "and this would result in the end for them to be separated from each other."

"I can see that, but can't see how you'll deal with them if you can't even touch them at all!"

James laughed and said nothing. From time to time he kept providing some directions to the droid while he kept himself busy cleaning out many targets.

The moment they changed their direction, many ships started to come closer and try to hit their fleet. James did his best to hunt down as many ships as he could, but many of his fleet was going down with time.

"On my mark, do a hyperjump to cross the distance separating us from the source of the distant shots coming from the direction of two hundred and zero upon three zero one," he suddenly said and his words startled everyone.

"Now?" the droid asked just to make sure he didn't hear a wrong decision just now.

"Yes," James confirmed, "and give the signal to Dora and Rigo, let them get out of the hyperjump space and start attacks on both flanks."


"Yea, do as I say and stop confirming things like that!" James shouted at the droid and the latter hurried to do what he was ordered while saying:


It was such a bad habit for him to ask many questions and try to reason the orders he received with the status of the war. James appreciated this trait of him sometimes, but other times he just wanted to give him a punch in the face.

The next instant the cruiser entered the hyperspace while jumping to cross a large distance in no time at all. James had already held strongly to the cruiser using another artifact, the lock girl.

She was an umbrella with a unique ability of creating strong gravity fields. James just took her out moments before the cruiser jumped and she instantly attached his body directly with the body of the cruiser.

"Be ready," James said.

"For what?" the girls all asked in unison.

"Not you," he laughed before adding, "I'll vanish the next instant and reappear again to vanish later. Don't be startled and keep the cruiser safe and also keep the attacks running."


The girls didn't understand the meaning of his words but he was now using his strongest card against kings and queens.

"If you think yourselves smart enough to gather on me like this, then I'll feel proud to kill you easily inside my own world," he sneered the moment the cruiser appeared and the next instant his body vanished while those flying up front started to vanish one after another with no warning at all.

"Do you know what's going on?" Stefanie asked while Lara sighed, "I know nothing. All I can sense is that the energy he used to vanish is the same type as the energy making them vanish."

"That means?" Gorgena asked.

"I dunno," Lara sighed before adding, "let's just attack everything around as he asked, or else I bet he will reprimand us for slacking when he returns."

"I feel him quite different that when he was with us," the latest girl to appear, Sirena, said.

"Yes, he is totally different when fighting than sleeping with us," Stefanie sighed before adding, "you should have seen him when I first met him. He was so terrified but he was so immersed in fighting that he even forgot all his fears and kept trying harder to crush his opponents."

"You told us the story dizillion times already," Lara said to hurriedly stop her, "let's stop chatting and go back to work. There were many ships around and they were startled by our sudden jump. Let's kill them all."

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