Galaxy Wars: The Legacy of Light and Darkness

Chapter 24: Droids Decommission Mystery

Chapter 24: Droids Decommission Mystery

'I don't know what you will decide about Dora, but I hope you decide to help her, if not, then I urge you to reconsider this option. Dora's life is very important, as she is the key, the key to everything. Without the help of this daughter, you can't defeat your greatest enemy and you will lose.

She is your light in the darkness, so don't let her die. The Immortal mustn't have her life here, and you need to be careful of him, as he is your greatest enemy ever,' James muttered to himself over and over again as he felt something seemed fishy here.

First of all, the Immortal didn't want to kill Dora, if he wanted to do so then he could have done that easily when he was on board the cruiser with her. Besides, Dora wasn't the one in trouble that he needed to decide to help her or not, Eli was.

Eli was the one who was going to die, the one the Immortal was about to claim her soul and kill her, and the one he was thinking about helping her or not.

Everything fitted strangely perfectly on Eli not Dora, but why did this old man say Dora not Eli? James felt more puzzled and that made him very furious, he hated puzzles.

James took a deep breath as he was in front of two people he didn't know which one of them he should choose to save. After quite some time, he said helplessly:

"Forget it, let's save both of them anyway."

"Save whom exactly?"

That sudden voice jolted James and made him nearly fall off his chair. Rigo entered the archive room as he asked with curiosity:

"I just heard you saying you will save both of them, so who are we going to save?"

James stood straight as he walked few steps and stood against Rigo as he asked seriously:

"Did you know that all droids in the universe were decommissioned?"

Rigo showed a strange expression as he replied:

"If you want to know about our observation of the universe and its changes, then yes, we keep an eye over some things here and there."

"I just wanted to know if you know the reason behind your decommissioning accident," James asked. Rigo seemed puzzled by this question, but before he could say anything, James added:

"I always felt this thing was strange and without proper reason. I mean, look at you, thousands of years passed and you still as you are, while even Rojedia didn't survive as long as you.

You are intelligent, efficient, dependable, and nearly indestructible. What made the universe let go of you like this?"

"Well, you can say they were afraid," Rigo said vaguely.

"Afraid of what? Of you? I doubt you can harm your masters, right?" James didn't intend to let it go off the hook. That old man stated clearly that he left him these droids here for him.

He could have left him anything, weapons, wealth, and even huge fleets, but this old man seemed to know about the decommission thing of the droids. Giving him something powerful and non-existent today was greater help than anything else.

So, James didn't think the abandoning of the whole universe of the droids couple of hundreds of years ago was a coincidence, and he didn't believe it had any relation to him.

That old man mentioned an oracle, who seemed to foresee his future. Gathering everything together made him feel there was a hidden secret behind all this, and he felt the desire to know such a secret now.

"There were rumors spreading even when the Rojedia empire was still around. Many races were afraid of our rebellion, so they organized themselves into moves that claimed for our decommission, and finally they managed to get what they wanted," Rigo said.

"You didn't answer my other question, Rigo."

"Well, there is no smoke without fire, right sir?"

James looked with more doubt towards this humanoid, then he decided to drop the subject for now. He would dig later about this when he had the chance. He then asked:

"How many droids do we have?"

"We have 1540 droids, sir. All of them are ready for combat."

James didn't know he had such a big number, at morning he was alone with him and the collapsed Eli, and now he had an army.

"How many battleships do we have here?"

"Well, aside from this old damaged ship, we have 50 small cruisers and one intermediate cruiser. We also have two space bombers, but as I mentioned before, our weapon system is outdated."

James smiled as he walked outside this archive while saying:

"I told you, leave this matter to me. you just need to take care of the date here, take everything now."

James then stood just outside the archive, where he was surrounded with dust and ruins. He then reached out to his storage bracelet and started taking out all the boxes he had collected from the base.

One box after another lined up in front of him. Soon, this small place turned to be full with boxes, but James wasn't over as he touched another storage device and took the boxes out.

Ten minutes didn't pass when James finished taking out all the boxes, which was a magic like act for Rigo. Rigo witnessed from inside everything James did, so he was very shocked as he asked in disbelief:

"What are these boxes? From where did they come from?"

James looked towards Rigo who was at the door of the archive room as he said:

"These contain advanced weapons, can your men fix them on the ships we have?"

"Indeed," Rigo replied without hesitation.

"How long will it take?"

"Around 20 minutes, maybe less," Rigo replied.

"Are you sure? I have repairing devices in my ship that took way longer than that," James tried to make sure this humanoid wasn't exaggerating out of arrogance, but Rigo replied with disdain:

"These are rudimentary forms, don't compare us with them."

Ibro smiled as he started to unseal each box while saying:

"Bring the boys here, we still need to transport them to the ships and install them."

"I have already informed them to come since you started to take these boxes out, they must be on their way to here."

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