Galaxy Wars: The Legacy of Light and Darkness

Chapter 40: The Sirodoid Dogo

Chapter 40: The Sirodoid Dogo

James knew she was daring him, and he was already considering this seriously, so he replied instantly:

"Sure, why not, a one man mission won't differ from two then."

Rigo jumped at this moment saying:

"Then I will come with you."

"No, you will stay here and do another mission," James opposed directly to his decision, as he added, "I need you to look after the ship here, start searching for the locked up children to save them."

"Then let the troops out there help you," Rigo refused to give up, but James shook his head again refusing his suggestion as he explained:

"Going in full force here won't help, we will try to sneak into the ship unnoticed, so more numbers won't do any help."

"No, let him come," Dora suddenly said while pointing out towards Rigo, "We will enter our ship using my little cruiser, and then we will sneak our way into the depth of the ship."

James looked strangely towards her as he asked:

"If so, then why do we need him?"

"It's because we don't know where that," She paused before she regained her control over her disturbed emotions again, "that device we don't know where it's hidden. Bringing him with us will make things easier."

James knew her words were logic, but he felt uncomfortable leaving the ship like this without his most reliable man, so he ordered:

"Make five small cruisers come here immediately to guard here, and select one of the droids here who can make good calls in time of stress and let him take over this ship."

"Affirmative," Rigo replied as he went again in his usual strange silent state. James and Dora just glanced at him waiting for him to finish his arrangements, while Dora whispered softly:

"They are a dreadful weapon if used properly and their loyalty isn't misplaced."

James didn't reply, as he knew there was a dark history behind these droids, or else why the whole universe decided suddenly to let them go and continue without their aid?

It didn't make sense to him, as he now knew how powerful they were, at least they were more trusted, and far reliable than any species out there in the galaxy. James didn't care about their history, as he intended to depend entirely on them.

He planned to save Eli, then take this pure girl and escape to the farthest point in the galaxy where they would be safe from the clutches of the empire, away from all this mess.

He needed money and manpower to live like a king, and now he solved one of those two problems. As for the money, he would figure something out later.

"It's done, supreme leader," Rigo suddenly said, pushing James out of his own dreams for the future. At the same moment, another droid appeared, he wasn't a humanoid, but rather a Sirodoid.

Sirod was a race that resembled humans but doubt tall and size, their bodies were full of muscles that looked really intimidating, especially that one that just appeared as he had all his body covered in tattoos, weird looking tattoos with different colors and shapes. James looked at him with question as Rigo said from behind him:

"He is Do457Go7852."

James looked with interest towards that sirodoid and said:

"I will call you Dogo from now on."

"Thanks for this generosity, supreme leader, I won't fail you in this mission."

James knew that Sirods were famous for their rare combat abilities. James trusted Rigo's judgment, as he really needed a war commander at this moment.

He didn't question this sirodoid ability to lead his ships in a war, but James hoped to avoid war as possible, as winning or losing wasn't his main goal here, so he made this point clear by ordering:

"Your primary goal is to protect this ship, and find other children kept hostages at the far end of this place."

Dogo understood James' intention, so he replied without hesitation:

"Affirmative supreme leader, I will heed by your orders."

"Good, Rigo handed him the map and the route to those children," James ordered.

"What should I do with these kids, supreme leader?" Dogo asked.

"You do nothing, after you save them you will gather with the fleet and then wait for my mark, then we all will move away from here," James planned out their future steps.

"Are you going to escape and hide away?" Dora said sarcastically before waving with her hand, "That's just typical of you."

James looked with a faint smile on his face as he said:

"What do you mean by typical of me? You know nothing about me to say that."

"Oh, I just judged you for what I know," she said with the same irritating tone.

"What do you know?" he said, crossing his hands over and looking with no interest at all towards her.

"I mean for an army deserter this move isn't surprising at all," she said with a sneer.

"You are just simply irritating, touchy girl, but I won't make a fuss over this. You have your own ideals to defend, and I have my life to keep. Now, are we going to do this or you are afraid and try to waste time perhaps?" James replied calmly with each word he said was like a slap over her face.

He didn't like arrogance, especially an arrogant girl like her. She started teasing him, but she ended up feeling unwell, so she pushed him to the side and moved out from the commanding deck as she said:

"Follow me and don't delay or else I will leave you behind."

James looked back to his two aides as he ordered:

"Wrap things here fast and then follow me."

"Affirmative," both replied in one tone. James then moved outside the deck passing through the corridor, to reach the heart of the ship, but he didn't manage to spot Dora, so he muttered:

'This crazy touchy girl is really impatient.'

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