Galaxy Wars: The Legacy of Light and Darkness

Chapter 56: The Traitor Fell for Her Own Dirty Schemes

Chapter 56: The Traitor Fell for Her Own Dirty Schemes

The traitor glared at him for a moment as if she was tired from his attitude, then she moved towards Dora's sleepy body and pointed the scepter on her forehead as she tapped gently over her head while muttering:

"Child of the guardians, wake up and answer the call to your soul."

The body of her daughter shivered slightly before Dora opened her eyes slowly. She was like a sleeping beauty waking up after a long sleep and amazing dream.


Dora muttered with a weak voice that seemed so tiring to speak this single word. The traitor tapped again with her scepter on Dora's forehead while saying:

"Don't worry my child, everything will be alright. Let your soul be free and set ablaze any darkness in the way."

For the second time Dora's body shivered, stronger this time. Dora took a few moments until her body calmed down again. Without the ties around her body, arms, and legs she would have fallen from the seat.

"Mom, what is happening to me? Why do I feel the fire inside me?"

Dora's voice came stronger, with some pain in it while she was asking her mother. The traitor didn't pause even for a second as she tapped the scepter again over Dora's forehead while muttering:

"Let the fire burn and expel all the pollutants from your body. Shine brightly and let your light enlighten my holy scepter with your light and fire."

Dora's body shivered again, vigorously this time. her body continued to shiver for minutes, and finally it began to convulse. White foam began to come out of her mouth with a look of terror radiating from her eyes.

The terror and torture didn't last for long, as a wound opened in the middle of Dora's forehead with a long thin line of blood dissipated from that wound heading straight towards the scepter.

The blood passed from one end of the scepter heading directly towards the crystal in the middle of it. The clear crystal began to shine with strange vibrant red light to paint the whole deck in red color like blood.

It was like a small red sun had appeared in there, which was a sign warmly welcomed by the traitor who ignored her daughter's screams of pain.

"What are you doing, mom? Why are you torturing me? why are you standing beside that bastard?"

Dora's loud, yet full of pain and doubt voice echoed in the whole deck. Her words were met by a wave of laughter and applause from the Immortal who said to the traitor:

"Do you want me to tell her or do you prefer to do this yourself?"

The traitor mother looked with amusing look towards her daughter as she said:

"My foolish daughter, do you think I was just a normal person that fell in love with your father? Your guardian of the phoenix dear father was just a target for me, a target I selected and played from the day of our first meeting till the day of his death."

Dora's face began to twist more with pain and shock. She was still not able to believe what she just heard from the woman in front of her, from her mother.

"W-What did you do to my mother? Where is my mother you damn imposter? I will kill you, all of you," Dora screamed with deep pain mixed with anger.

"Hahaha, that girl is really funny. She is thinking we replaced you, that's hilarious," the Immortal said.

"Don't bother, she will die anyway in the next few minutes," the traitor said as she held the scepter high while checking the crystal with a stern look. Something seemed off here in this scepter.

"What do you mean by that? Are you really my mother? W-What did you do? Did you kill father and now you are trying to kill me?" Dora was heading straight for mental breakdown as she screamed with manic tone and tortured features.

"Your father? Do you think your father was an angel? Wake up foolish girl, you are a child of an eldreman and elderwoman of phoenix guardian clan and shadow ice clan.

The two clans of your father and mother are rivals, enemies for the same purpose, to live longer and grow stronger. You are just a mere side product casted by us to serve our purposes.

If I didn't kill your father with the help of the Immortal here then your father would have killed me by his friend. Either way you would have ended tied up here on this cold seat waiting for death to come upon you.

Your father or your mother won't make any difference, as both of us aimed for your blood and soul. You were doomed the day you were born."

The mother didn't care about the feelings of her daughter as her mind was occupied by something else. The scepter wasn't working as it should be, which was something weird.

She looked towards the Immortal in doubtful eyes as she muttered:

"A light scepter can't reject the blood of this child, what does this mean? What have you done? I will kill you!"

The mother was viciously threatening the Immortal, who didn't show any expression on his face except a wide grin from ear to ear, then he laughed. His laugh was so irritating that even that traitor didn't withstand it, as she screamed on his face:

What are you laughing at? What scheme did you do, bastard?"

The Immortal seemed to go crazy, as he didn't stop his laughs instead he laughed more loudly and wildly. He was an exact copy of a mad man, a man who lost everything, or won it all.

"Damn you, I will kill you."

The traitor then waved the scepter towards the Immortal, however a weirder thing happened, the scepter didn't follow her commands, instead it began to float like it was strung with invisible threads that manipulated it.

"What are you doing? Do you plan to steal her away from me like you did with her father?" the traitor said with a shivering voice as she stepped a couple of steps to the back. She smelled the scent of scheme, dirty scheme that smelled bad.

"Don't worry my dear, everything will be over soon. All the materials needed for finalizing the two weapons are ready, and now the strongest weapon ever made in our history will be done thanks to you and your foolishness and greed."

This voice didn't come from the Immortal, but from one of the men who carried the body of Dora inside the deck. He was a young man with a well known face to the traitor, however Dora's mother knew that voice didn't belong to that youth.

"W-What are you doing here, Ricaro?" she muttered as her body trembled faintly but visibly from shock and fear.

She knew the identity of this man, a very dangerous man that she couldn't imagine to face right now in this critical moment.

"What? Is this the warm welcome I expected from you? C'mon, don't show me this face, you should be proud. You are going to make history."

The youth body changed drastically to show another body, a body of a warrior. He had bulging muscles, with a four meters tall body and long hair that was gathered together to form three long bundles.

He was Ricardo, the head of the shadow ice clan. He was a man known for his cruelty and cold heart, a man who was known as the son killer as he once killed his own son to gain strength.

His appearance here changed everything for her, as she saw her own death approaching especially when that scepter changed direction in midair and pointed now to her forehead.

She was doomed.

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