Galaxy Wars: The Legacy of Light and Darkness

Chapter 85: Mass Murderer Is Dealing with A Psychopath

Chapter 85: Mass Murderer Is Dealing with A Psychopath

Charles thought he was the only one watching, but his mistake came from the move Rigo did once he got connected to the navigation unit of this cruiser.

The system he installed proved it worth when Charles tried to sneakily monitor them. Rigo received a notification from the system about unauthorized access to the cameras in the commanding deck.

It wasn't hard for Rigo to get a picture for the one who was trying to monitor them, and when James knew of his identity he decided to play along to see what intentions he did have.

In fact James was surprised first when he learnt about it, and when he confirmed that by seeing the live broadcast of Charles, he became curious of how he survived so far.

He also was more curious about what Charles needed to do. So, James decided just to keep monitoring him and granted him access to monitor them. it was weird as both were watching each other, while the hunter turned into the prey and vice versa.

When Charles went to plant a bomb there, James ordered Rigo to send a couple of droids to that place secretly and they reactivated the system fire. So when the bomb exploded, James wasn't worried as he had the card he could use.

Rigo was responsible for managing this part of the operation, as the fire system was delayed for a minute before it was activated. During this minute, Rigo recorded several short clips and used them as a proof to cause panic inside the deck.

James was sure Charles wanted panic here, but he didn't know his target until he approached Eli. At first James thought Charles' target would be Alex and Islinda as he was also spying on them.

When Charles boarded the train to here and triggered the bomb, everything seemed to be pointed towards Dora.

Luckily for James, Dora was next to him next to Eli. So when Charles skipped Dora, there was only one person left here to think about, Eli.

And that was something James didn't see coming, so he wanted to know why Charles wanted to speak to Eli this desperately.

"Follow me in silence without causing a stir," James said as he took out a gun from his storage device and pointed it directly onto Charles' chest.

"Ok, I don't want to lose my life like this, please be gentle," Charles said with a weird calm and funny tone like he wasn't threatened right now by a gun.

"Charles?!!" Dora just noticed what was happening behind her back as she recognized the face of Charles.

"What are you doing here?" she said before she noticed the gun pointed towards Charles' chest by James.

"James, this is Charles. Isn't he supposed to be a friend?" she said with growing doubt and confusion.

"If you want answers, then follow me," James said as he pushed Charles towards a nearby hidden room inside this deck. This room was supposed to be a resting place for the queen, however Rigo found it and informed James about its presence.

It had no value until now, as it was suitable for James to start talking privately with Charles.

"I-I can't leave now with all this mess," Dora muttered as she hesitated for a moment before she decided not to leave. The place was already in a mess and there were many of those who were trying to kill here.

Everything was in chaos, but for James and Rigo everything was perfectly fine. Rigo had clear instructions to act when things got more messy, and this was in James' best interest.

James now had complete control over the cruiser's system, and by eliminating the toxic head of those shitty leaders, he could rule the place without any problems.

James led Charles towards that hidden room, and Rigo stayed there keeping an eye on the about to explode situation between Dora and the rebels leaders.

Both sides were now starting to call their followers in masses, and for sure Dora's numbers weren't favorable compared with all the combined rebellious forces here.

Rigo wasn't standing idle as well, he contacted his men and distributed rules over them. they were now seizing the train which linked the two ends of the cruiser together.

If these two forces wished to come here and make a difference then they would take a long time in doing that. Rigo didn't need all that time, as the moment of his actions was drawing near.

Amidst all this, with everything fitting in each place, one person slipped off James and Rigo's preparations.


She was the only person whose Charles words transformed her. She had deep grief and was trying to amend it, however these words were like a curse to her.

All the anger and hatred inside her began to boil on the surface again. there was nothing she could do to control all these emotions except following their lead and giving them control.

Doing that made her move amidst the current chaos to stand on unseen spot to eavesdrop over James and Charles, as at this moment James just finished asking Charles a question.

"I told you, this isn't your business. But you know I'm more interested in knowing how did you figure me out?" Charles replied with his arrogant and calm tone.

James found it weird, as the Charles he recalled was somehow modest than the one in front of him. the old Charles was trying to help Dora and rescue her from her mother, but this Charles was somehow not caring about anyone but himself.

"Just help me here, you escaped from the burning cruiser of Dora after you bombed her. How did you end up being here?" James asked his question again.

"I told you, I have no mind to tell you bedtime stories," Charles said in a mean tone.

"What do you want from Eli then? I caught you sneaking around her," James said trying to find a way to get any useful info from this strange person.

"Eli? C'mon, don't tell me you care about her after you killed all her friends and family," Charles said.

"How did you know all her friends and family were killed by me?" James faked ignorance as he asked with doubt.

"Really? Do you think I didn't see what you did back there? honestly I didn't know how you did it, but I can guess part or two," Charles said.

"Part or two, that's funny as you know nothing about me or what happened back then," James said shaking his head in disappointment.

"C'mon, we aren't strangers to each other man. Did you forget about me? we tried to save Dora back then, right?" Charles said these words as he was laughing, but when he tried to move from his seat James' gun put him back again.

"I know Charles I met before was someone kind, not this sneaky snake in front of me," James said as he pressed his gun over the place of the heart.

"Oh, playing tough aren't you? You too didn't give me the vibe of a mass murderer from before, and that was a total surprise what you did to this weak little girl.

You know, if I was her then I would have started to plan killing you. It's a pity you are using some old time droids to safeguard you," Charles said with a short laugh as if he wasn't worried about his life being compromised.

His words made James understand the true intentions of Charles, he was planning to use Eli to assassinate him. This was some brilliant plan, as Eli was trusted by him. if Eli wanted to kill him, then she would have many opportunities to do so.

James knew he couldn't trust anyone anymore, even Eli. This snake's words made Eli hard to be trusted again.

James' conclusion was on the spot, as the nearby attentively listening Eli began to have some dark thoughts. Just before her mind could plan anything, James said:

"And you planned to do this with the use of the other two, right?"

"If you are referring to Alex and Islinda, then yes," Charles said with a big smile over his face, "if you think you can get anything from me then you are mistaken."

James didn't take the words of Charles for granted. Something inside his guts kept warning him from this version of Charles, like there was some deep secret hidden behind this annoying childish face of his.

James wasn't out of options, as he took out a syringe with a long thin metallic needle. The syringe had a dark green fluid that was illuminating brightly. Charles looked strangely at this syringe while James said:

"Let me introduce you to the mind breaker. According to my right man's words, this fluid could mess up with any brain, even those who think of themselves as above others. You know what I mean, right? People like that Immortal and Dora's mother."

"Why are you using this hideous thing over me?" Charles said with some solid tone that came out shaky despite his efforts. He was afraid, and his over confident face turned somehow pale.

"Well, you said I was a mass murderer, so why should I deceive myself and not behave by my nature? I presume you recognize this serum, which means I don't need to explain anything more.

I just need to remind you that some collateral damage might happen in the process. Sorry, it's not my intention to harm you but you know mass murderers like me don't give a shit about a single person's life, right?" James said with a loud laugh that made even Eli nearby to get goosebumps.

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