Galaxy Wars: The Legacy of Light and Darkness

Chapter 95: Dora's Other Personality, A Lioness

Chapter 95: Dora's Other Personality, A Lioness

They returned again to the bifurcation where they started at. James just glanced at Rigo, nodding for him to start what they intended to do.

Rigo then returned the security again inside, then he triggered the bomb. A slight shock happened, causing the ship to tremble slightly, but what happened next in front of their eyes made them swallow their throats from panic.

The road they just came from was sealed, like all the walls inside collapsed upon themselves, leaving no way for anyone inside to escape or even breath. Things didn't end here, as another tremble happened, this time it was coming a few meters away from them.

The whole space of that section was now experiencing heavy pressure, as it was forcibly ejected from the main body of the cruiser.

Since its first day, this cruiser never ejected from this prison, and that day was too old in time, so it took quite some time, coupled with more trembling, until this part was thrown into space, at a speed of light, without any guidance or steering, to fall into the unknown.

"Mission accomplished, leader," Rigo said, after the segment got thrown into space.

"Sigh," Dora sighed, "that Charles was really a masterpiece," she muttered. James just looked at her, hesitating if he needed to tell her the lies Charles said about him being her brother or not.

"Let's go see our two imprisoned hot-headed youths," Dora said, cutting the way on James to speak. He just shook helplessly, as even after death Charles was still messing up with him.

What a pain to deal with such a person!

"Don't you think it's unwise to leave the commanding deck alone all this time?" Rigo suddenly asked, directing his question to Dora, whose face changed.

She, along with James, totally forgot they were still at war, troubles didn't pass already, and leaving the most important place here unguarded like that for so long was really unwise.

"Oh, so I will return and you three go to them and solve their problems," Dora said, however she just moved a couple of steps to find Rigo marching side by side with her.

"I will go with her to supervise our group, we still don't know who the culprit behind the scenes is."

James just nodded, as he agreed with Rigo's decision.

"Didn't Charles tell you all about the identity of a traitor? Didn't you say he was a traitor?" Eli shyly asked, as she didn't bypass the previous glitch between her and James, not yet.

"Well," James said as Dora and Rigo vanished from his eyesight, "selecting someone already under suspicion to point out towards him, declaring he is the traitor is in itself fishy," James added without any further explanation.

Eli just lowered her head, looked at the bare ground of this prison, without being able to understand the logic behind James' words.

She was yet younger than him, lived her entire life inside a cage, without any dealing with anyone else, with no life experience of any kind, so she couldn't understand the deep life meaning hidden in James' words.

"Let's go, we have two stubborn fools to convince,' James then led the way towards the front, to stop abruptly with hesitation.

"What's wrong?" Eli asked.

"I don't remember where their cells are!"

He said in a loss, as while coming here in a hurry, Rigo and Dora pointed towards the direction of the cells, but now he felt everything was the same.

At the same time, Dora and Rigo were already on their way back to the commanding deck. They wasted hours away, and now Dora was anxious to return there.

Rigo could monitor everything in the deck, plus anywhere else. He also could communicate with every droid in the ship, so his suggestion and excuse to go with her was to take her away from his leader.

Rigo didn't fully understand the powers James held, but he knew whatever this power was, it had a direct relation with Eli, Alex, and Islinda, or else his leader wouldn't have been fixated on saving them, saving people he didn't even know.

So, the best choice for him was to move Dora away, taking the threat at deck as an excuse, to let the theatre all wide open for James to establish good relations with the three, and also further understand his powers.

"We are here."

Just after one hour of departing the prison, they arrived at the commanding deck, to find it in total chaos. Rigo knew this long time ago, as the explosion that happened in the prison department, followed by the sudden separation of such a big segment of the cruiser, alarmed everyone here.

Especially the traitor.

One of them was the agent or the agents of the Terases race. Dora didn't put that in mind when she stepped into this mess, as her appearance caused a stir in place, adding more fuel to fire.

"What is going on, princess?"

"Why did we lose part of the great Bombardment cruiser?"

"What is the meaning of your sudden disappearance and that lost piece?"

Question after question rained down over her, without a single respond from Dora. Rigo watched, in silence and content, what was happening here, as he was hoping things would continue chaotic like this until his leader's return.

Dora moved calmly, in a way opposite to what Rigo expected, not affected by any of this. She kept moving forwards between the angry mob, without even glancing at any, or pausing to none.

Once she reached the commanding units, where her main aides were, plus those left by Rigo, she turned to face everyone, silently looking at all, forcing them to quiet down and eventually be silent.

Once things got calm, she started to speak:

"I know you have many questions regarding what happened, so listen carefully and ask none, as many of the details will be hidden for top security purposes."

Her words seemed very authoritative, not like the shaky one Rigo heard from before. Rigo even questioned himself, as he had the impression of her being strong, but not this strong.

All the time she dealt like a fragile girl, leaning over James, waiting and hoping for his support, and that seemed now to be fake, totally fake.

She was a strong willed, very resourceful girl, not needing any help, able to solve everything on her own.

Rigo sighed, it seemed it was the right decision to come here after all.

"We have detected a breach in the ship, from people whom I suspect to be remnants of the empire. I chased them with my own forces until they got cornered into a section in the prison, where they managed to slip by and escape by sealing it and separating it from us."

Her words were a mix between truth and lies, in a natural and smooth way that even amazed Rigo. He looked at her, like he was eyeing a professional diplomat, with years of experience.

Was she this monster before and he didn't notice it? or was she faking it now? he truly didn't know.

"Princess," one of the present said, but Dora lifted her hand towards him, silencing him from continuing his question. "I just told y'all, I can't disclose any more than that for security reasons."

Her repeated statement was strict and direct and made many whispers, not in a good way for sure. Rigo glanced at her as he whispered as well:

"This might create many enemies."

"We already have many, no problem in adding more, if they all turned to be my enemies then it would be great."

Rigo looked at her in surprise, as he understood her hidden meaning. When everyone is her enemy, then she would solve the problem of the traitor hidden in her allies. Smart and risky move, hardly able to succeed, unfortunately.

"Now, let's start arranging our forces, we need to garrison the important sections in this cruiser," Dora said, as she was preparing for the worse an all open war inside the cruiser.

"I have a better solution," Rigo said, "I can monitor the cameras of important places, plant some garrison in places near them, just for any sudden incident."

"That's what I just said," Dora said in a loss.

"No, what I mean is to decrease the numbers of garrisoned soldiers, and limit the number of the garrisons. We don't need one garrison per place, but one garrison can monitor many places at the same time," Rigo explained.

"Why is this?" Dora asked, as she thought Rigo had more than he just said.

"We need to put as many soldiers as we can spare near here," he said as he looked around him before adding, "this is the most vital place in all the cruiser. controlling any other place would be just for"

"Distraction.' She completed his sentence, as her mind jumped to the conclusion Rigo was trying to explain. She just nodded, as what Rigo said was the right decision.

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