Game Director from Hell

Chapter 100: Livestream 3

Chapter 100: Livestream 3


Visits: 70

All right, lets not be surprised.

This situation was within the expected range.

What was the reason for the wig on my head until now?

Certainly, you could attribute some of it to Yang Gilsang, but fundamentally, it was because users liked my cross-dressing.

What is embarrassing for someone can be entertainment for another.

We need to resolve this matter calmly, very calmly

[Han Soo The King: Lost My Original Intent]

[Jaehee is going to quit: Yeonho, are you clueless? Is it really going to be like this?

Bangbaedong Lord of Blood: Stuffed]

[Yeonho Love Dog: Unnie so pretty

Crazy Acting Dog: Unnie rocks even with a short cut]


Lets start the presentation


[HelliK4CameOutDonor has donated 10,000 won.

PCs have been talking a lot lately Is Yeonho also searching for his sexual identity?]

[Bangbaedong Lord of Blood: LOL

Jaehee is going to Resign from the company: HAHAHa

Han Soo The King: HAHAHA

Yeonho Love Dog: Unnie stay strong!]

Click, moved the mouse.

[HelliK4CameOutDonor has been blocked for 10 minutes.]

Attempting to quiet things down by pulling out a knife.

Quite successful.


CutieAt8: Oops! (I didnt say anything!)]

After glancing at the chat window, I realized that the atmosphere was starting to settle, I spoke.

Lets begin the presentation.

I flipped the PPT.

There were hiccups, but ultimately, Rewinds project presentation was successful.

The presentation, which lasted for an hour and a half, followed a roadmap format to announce the outline of the game, focusing on the currently confirmed contents.

The recording had already been uploaded to NewTube.

Even the fans who couldnt participate in the live event got the taste of the excitement and enthusiasm by watching the uploaded video recording.

Lord of Bangbaedong: But seriously, Hellic 4 hasnt come out. Quite surprising.

The absence of Hellic in the upcoming game spread through the fan base.

There was some disappointment about it not being the expected outcome, but nothing too significant.

The presented game itself, with its intriguing nature, garnered positive reactions from fans.

ResignationMasterJaehee: Looks like theyre aiming for the casual market this time? Especially with Yeonho directing, focusing on cartoon rendering, SD characters, and showcasing life content and housing systems. It looks fun to me, especially since I enjoyed the Tycoon series and Dongsup.


OneMoreKing: Seems like a cozy, heartwarming story like a fairy tale, haha. Isnt it a completely different route from Hellic?

BlueElf43: Our leader seems to like it, I guess, ^^

WhyNoHelliic4: The combat system seems to continue as it is, but Im not so sure. One thing for sure, theres a white-haired female character that Yeonho wrote about, haha.


LordofBangbae: Theres a likability system, I heard. Could it be?

KeoPajup: Wait, is Yeonho going to be everyones girl?

Reactions to the Identity were generally positive.

The ease of associating it with a genre made it easy to generate anticipation.

Life content, housing, these elements had already secured their place in users awareness through titles from previous eras, such as Tycoon or Nintendos specific titles. As long as the main focus remained on the narrative through combat, it wasnt a significant problem.

The names of the developer and director were now starting to shine. The reactions from the community fans indicated a shift from Should I buy this? to Which content of theirs do I enjoy?

WhyNoHellic4: Ill focus on the story for now. I like games with combat, and Yeonho is good at creating interesting stories, so


CutieAt8: There was a movie in the 2000s that depicted a society controlled by emotions in an SF concept. Thats what I thought of first!

LordofBangbae: Considering that the face in this work replaces the weapon and parts system from the previous one, its easy to understand, right?

ClearWithoutT: If they tell a simple story with this graphics, it should be interesting.

Regarding the in-game concept, only the illustrations and completed map modeling had been released. However, despite being unfamiliar, the direction of the setting was well-defined, allowing users to infer the story. In terms of intuitive appeal, it was undoubtedly a success.

The silhouette of the identity was now presented to users. Cartoon rendering SD characters, strengthened life content, and growth in combat and life systems through facial parts. While a game remains unknown until thoroughly explored, now might not be the time to scrutinize such matters.

Identity was undoubtedly a game that scored high in terms of interest.

Contrary to the positive response for Identity, the Demons Relic from Team 2 had mixed reviews.

OneMoreKing: Looks like Yeonho wants to become a god

My heart swelled at the mention of a cute girl collection AAA package.

I was born to play this game.

72 demons of Solomon? Cute girls? A likability system?

Its already a god game!


ClearWithoutT: Well, Im not so sure.

WhyNoHellic4: Considering that this also has a hellish background, could it be related to Hellic later on?

LordofBangbae: Isnt the vibe too different for that?

ResignationMasterJaehee: I dont really understand Demons Relic.

If they include both male and female characters and allow the protagonists gender to be changed, I dont know, but it seems too one-sided.

The Japanese subculture sentiment is too strong.


OneMoreKing: Gaming noob.

CutieAt8: So whats good about it?

LordofBangbae: I dont know either.

WhyNoHellic4: Is this the island of hot peppers?

KeoPajup: Yeonho understands romance.

Have you seen Agamemnons design? Theres common sense that villains undress.

Have you seen Paimons design? Theres moe that makes you want to stroke the cheek endlessly.

Have you seen Baals design? Theres size that recalls the warmth of childhood.

I guarantee that if the game comes out like this, Rewind is truly the worlds best game development studio


ResignationMasterJaehee: Sigh

It was inevitable. The characteristics of a strong subculture-oriented game like a cute girl game. People who liked it really liked it, while those who didnt, felt repulsed just by looking at the cover. Even looking at Yeonho alone, it was evident.

From a planning perspective, despite learning and utilizing systems like the likability system, Yeonho still didnt show much interest in the game itself, Demons Relic. However, the reason for pushing the project forward was to predict the future.

Understanding that the IP, Demons Relic, might be far from the Game of the Year, but had a high commercial value, Yeonho continued with the project. Regardless, the immediate reactions were divided.

WhyNoHellic4: But does it make sense to develop a AAA game in just two years?

What is Yeonho thinking, saying Identity will be released within two years?


LordofBangbae: There are a few possibilities. They already have something made or its an early access release, or the goal is to release it in 2016.

CutieAt8: Anyway, planning to release a game in two years is unreasonable. At least for a AAA package.

The gamers were thrown into shock and fear by that one statement. The truth was still unknown to anyone.

Theoretically it is possible. Two years. If luck is on our side, replied Yeonho to Han Seorim.

Its a game where the initial plan is already complete, so any changes are more like additional elements in daily content. The tasks involve modelling, implementation, and debugging, so its naturally fast.

Is that so?

Yes, thats how it is.

Identity was originally a project that had already completed the core elements during its trial run as an indie game in a past life. While it underwent a transformation into AAA-grade, adding and removing various elements, it skipped processes like experimenting with combat balancing. Moreover, the development speed was noticeably fast, with the team size growing to over 70 employees.

Well, I am leaving it up to the heavens, in a way.

Why do you suddenly sound unsure?

Debugging is something the heavens have a say in. No matter how much you want to speed things up, if the gods above say, Wait a bit longer, you have no choice but to follow.

In essence, debugging was the only stumbling block, and it was a significant one. Considering the nature of this field, where debugging might take years in severe cases, two years was a timeframe that could only be feasible with extraordinary luck.

But, in the presentation, I did say, If possible, Id like to set a goal of two years for the release. It was more of an optimistic observation, so even if its delayed, theres no problem. Besides, the prevailing opinion was that two years is absolutely impossible.

If thats the case, why mention it?

Well, its a time worth trying for, as long as its not just debugging.

As they raised their glasses, Han Seorim let out a sigh, clinking the glasses together. The place they were at was a recently opened izakaya [informal Japanese bar that serves alcoholic drinks and snacks].

Arent the appetizers here good?

Yeah, its hard to find decent food around this neighbourhood.

Its going to become a famous restaurant. I already let the owner know in advance.

Do you always ask for things like you know the future?

Its about experience.

Thats amusing. Theres only a two-year age difference between us.

Han Seorim, taking a sip, tapped her glass against the table with a sigh. The izakaya had expanded to the second floor, growing unexpectedly.

So, did you come here just to drink?


Then, bring Ahyoon over.


What about Myungkyu oppa?

Lately, Yumi and Hyeji wont let him go. Gilsang is quitting drinking for his hair loss management.

Thats tough.

Silence settled in. It had become a quiet moment as they sipped their drinks.

It was gradually getting to the point where the atmosphere was warm enough to make cheeks flush.

He still seems pretty inexperienced, Han Seorim commented.

In terms of mental fortitude and interpersonal relationships, not just drinking capacity. From creating Hellic 2, there was always something on her mind. Perhaps the reason for Han Seorims disappearance from the industry after creating only one indie game, Lost Kingdom, might have been the burden of evaluation.


In that regard, there were no signs yet. It was a bit strange. Especially considering the contrasting evaluations of the recent Hellic 3 project, there was still no negative feedback.

If isnt it the burden of evaluation?

Then why did Han Seorim leave the industry?

Is it marriage?

No, that wasnt it. At that time, there were plenty of open pieces of information in the industry, and one of them mentioned that Han Seorim was living alone.

My thoughts continued.

Why are you looking at me like that? Your face will be stuck like that if you keep it up Seorim said.

I was wondering if you were having a hard time these days

Seorim rolled her eyes.

Ask me if I ever not have a hard day.

Are there days that arent difficult? Not even one day

I refilled the glass and continued, Well, I

If you think about it, Han Seorim was about thirty-four at the time.

So her retirement from the industry is 8 years away, even if the cause remains unknown. It is still at least 3 to 5 years away.

Should I put my mind at ease for now?

Then it happened.


Great job, everyone!

Along with a mans hearty and drunken voice, the atmosphere in the establishment became lively.

Is this place for us alone? Its so noisy coming in.

Han Seorim grumbled, and I looked towards the entrance with a forced laugh. I had a feeling of wanting to see the faces of the guys.

Thats when it hit me.

Our youngest, Seonwoo! Can you still drink more!

Hahaha, of course. Manager.

Faces came in, and the atmosphere of that group was too familiar.

Han Seorims grumbling overlapped with a dry laugh as we looked towards the entrance.

Who were these gentlemen? I felt lightheaded, wanting to see their faces ever so more.

I couldnt understand what I was feeling. Was it deja vu?

From deep within me, memories that remained inside me like scars resurfaced.

Thats when I froze.

Strange voices started echoing in my head

Do your best. Work hard everyday!

A deceitful voice waiting for a chance to strike me down.

Yeonho! Can you please give me some credit for this project?


You are too stubborn. Art? Masterpiece? What are you even talking about? You are losing your grasp on priorities we have-

A voice I once trusted.


Do you know these people?

Seorims voice broke my trance.

Our eyes finally met, Yes.

There was no doubt.

It was Kim Seonwoo. He was much younger than I remember. His hair was even curlier than the KIm Seonwoo I knew.

His eyes grew bigger and he finally spoke.

My heart skipped a beat.

Hey! Its Cheon Yeonho! From Rewind!

Only then did I realize.

It felt like my head was cooling down.


There has never been a Team Leader Cheon Yeonho of NQs Development Team 3 in this world.

These people, they have become irrelevant to me now.

Rewind? Oh! Rewind?!

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Chapter 99: Livestream- 2

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