Game Director from Hell

Chapter 109: Growing Pain (2)

Chapter 109: Growing Pain (2)

Yeonho didnt say a word.

He simply drove silently, guiding Ayoon through the streets without a single utterance.

Their destination was Hangang Park.

Until then, Ayoon had been bowing her head as if she was a criminal.

She felt ashamed.

Ashamed for not doing her job properly, for running away, for ending up in a situation where she couldnt find a solution even now.

Ayoon felt a sense of shame about herself before blaming anyone else.

Contrary to her feelings, the park was warm.

The early summer riverside, with the sun setting, scattered a gentle light, and amidst the laughter of people tickling her ears, there was no trace of melancholy.

Now, are you feeling better? Those were Yeonhos first words.

Ayoon shivered for a moment, then slowly nodded her head.

Things hadnt improved.

Yet, feeling okay was more about escaping from the suffocating space than finding a solution to the current situation.

Seeing the river carrying the sunset, Ayoon found herself frowning.

At that moment, Yeonho placed a hat on Ayoons head.

Your eyes look swollen.

Her face grew warm.

Clutching the brim of the hat, she pursed her lips.

The words that came out were an apology.

Im sorry.

Among many words, that was the only one that escaped her lips.

Ayoon felt sorry for everything that had happened to Yeonho.

More than blaming others, she felt ashamed of herself for not finding a solution even in this situation.

Yeonho responded calmly, Whats there to be sorry about?


What should you be sorry for? Apologies are for those who have done wrong.

Ayoon lifted her head.

Yeonho, hugging his knees, was silently gazing at the river.

You havent done anything wrong.

But I

Thats just how it is. Making mistakes is part of the process. Even Seorim sometimes doesnt meet deadlines. They keep revising until theyre satisfied, no matter how many people criticize them.

Ayoon bit her lip.

But Unnie gets along well with people. She refrained from saying it.

It would be so much better if she could be as assertive as Seorim, directing others according to her wants and vision.

Lately, Ayoon had come to realize that what she found most refreshing was this.

Always working with othersYeonho, Seorim, and even Myungkyupeople who excelled at handling others.

They were all extraordinary individuals who seemed to handle things so naturally.

Perhaps that was one of the reasons why things were so difficult for her.

Ayoon thought she could take care of others and give orders if she had team members.

She thought she could be a model person as the team leader.

However, reality proved otherwise.

She couldnt express the direction to correct the flaws or ways to fill the lacking skills of her three team members.

Even though she knew the direction to fix it and how to express it, she couldnt say it.

They were all older and more experienced than her.

Maybe they would think she was arrogant, lecturing them on a topic she was too young to understand.

Expressing ones inner thoughts was embarrassing.

Fortunately, Yeonho didnt provoke such embarrassment.

Then, suddenly, a sound echoed from a distance.

Bam bam!

It was a street performance.

A crowd gathered a little away from where the two were sitting.

The noise disrupted the stillness.

At that moment, Yeonho spoke quietly.

Ill tell you something. When I first got a subordinate, I only gave them menial tasks. In fact, our work abilities didnt differ much, but because I couldnt make myself rely on them or trust them.

Are you talking about Seorim?

So, I made them make coffee Well, eventually, once I saw them doing something on their own, they did better than me. One time, I even thought, Who does this guy think he is, doing better than me?

Ayoon was shocked.

Suddenly, she seemed to understand why Seorim always belittled Yeonho.

Even now, its the same. I dont fully trust my subordinates. Sometimes, I think it would have been better if I did it myself. Myungkyu feels the same way. Maybe Seorim feels it the most. As for Gilsang, hes on another level. He sucks the abilities out of his subordinates to the bone. Maybe hes the most mature among us.

Yeonho gossiped about his colleagues.

These were stories Ayoon didnt know.

As she pondered whether it was okay to share such stories, a strange change occurred within her.

Do you know that? In the programming team, they call Myungkyu Pervert Slime. Whenever Yumi and Hyeji come, he melts like slime.


Secretary Gilsang is betting on the day when the highway will be completed on top of his head. I bet 50,000 won in three years. Well, even I know Gilsangs nickname among secretaries is Old Octopus Bachelor.

Even there?

Yeah, there too.

The tension eased.

It felt like the ice in her heart was melting little by little.

Yeonho met Ayoons gaze.

Theres no perfect boss. In reality, everyone doesnt do their job perfectly. At least, it looks that way. Maybe thats because weve learned how to decorate ourselves to look perfect.

Yeonho placed his hand on Ayoons head.

Its okay if youre not perfect. Youll get better as you do it. If not, come to me. Whether changing team members or creating an environment for you to work alone, I can do it.

Oh, you are comforting me.

At that moment, Ayoon felt a surge of emotion.

Its okay to?

Why not? Im the CEO.

I feel sorry for my team members, though

I can transfer them to another team or give them a generous severance package.

Then Yeonho joked again.

But you cant resign. Youre the Senior Sound Director at Rewind.

The overwhelming emotion nearly brought tears to her eyes, and Yeonho exploded with emotion.

Do whatever you want. Regardless of what others say, Ill support you.

Because you said that to me.

Ayoon didnt know that the only thing she could understand was one.

Music was still loud, and peoples cheers pierced her ears even more.

Still, Yeonhos words were engraved in her mind, cutting through all the noise.

Even though it was just a whisper, a small word, it felt like a shout.

Not everyone knows how to stand alone.

Some need someones support to rise.

Ayoon was such a person.

She had someone by her side who always listened, no matter how trivial the problem.

As she had mentioned on Yeonhos birthday, someone had always supported her from when there was nothing to worry about.

She still didnt know the reason.

So, she tried to think a little independently

Then, suddenly


A man who was performing street music hummed.

The background noise and cheers were still present, creating a symphony of chaos.

Yeonho asked, Shall we go now?

Ayoons eyes widened.


A short sigh escaped her.

Yeonho tilted his head.


Oh, no

The answer didnt follow.

However, her lips formed an O.

Lets go.



For some reason, Ayoon felt like she could do anything.


The next day, the sound team finished their commute amidst the lingering silence. The employees maintained an air of indifference towards each other.

It was only now that Ayoon could truly witness the scene.

I created all of this, she thought to herself.

A static atmosphere had been formed without any instructions, trust, or guidance in any direction.

Therefore, if anything were to change, she had to be the one to initiate it.

Ah! Suddenly, she was choked up.

The small sound caught the attention of her team members. For some reason, her legs felt weak, and it felt like her stomach sank. Ayoon clenched her fist for no reason and let out that feeling.

Only then did words follow.


Not a grand greeting. Yet, the team members responded with smiles.


Good morning, Team Leader.

Ayoon realized that her team had been waiting for her. Her chest swelled with emotion, and her motivation surged. Now Ayoon understood; if the team wasnt functioning well, it was the fault of the leader.

The team members didnt know what to do because the leader hadnt provided any direction.

Of course, not everyone could excel from the beginning.

Therefore, taking it step by step was the right approach. Ayoon recalled Yeonhos words,

There are no good superiors.

She humbly accepted that. So, at the very least, she had try to become a reliable superior.

Su, Sumin!


Ive modified the file you gave me before! Theres a feedback file, so please do the final editing!

Oh, okay!

Junghoon! This one belongs to Junghoon!

In the realm of work, editing someone elses work without permission is considered impolite. However, in the workplace, it was different. They needed the bosss instructions, especially when it affected the outcome of the project.

Ah, got it!

The sound team had finally taken their first steps as a team. Ayoon felt a lump in her chest as she observed her team members starting to work at their respective positions.

She, however, hadnt done anything substantial during the morning. Ayoon only began her work after lunch, an hour later than the others.


Ayoons assigned task was to create the final bosss BGM and sound effects. She hadnt found an answer to her slump until now, and yesterday, she barely figured out the solution in the form of music. She needed the help of her team members to create it.


Please follow me to the recording studio!

The key point was humming.

The recording studio was crowded with people. Not only the sound team but also the entire 1st and 2nd teams of Rewind, including the administrative staff, gathered, creating the most chaotic atmosphere.

Hmm, hmm, hmm~.

With their nasal sounds as background noise, Ayoon laughed lightly and said, That was a reminder of the fear Rewind had forgotten for a while.


There was a ghost story in Rewind.


The recording studio ghost story. If anyone screamed even once after joining, they were said to be trapped in the recording studio by a mysterious ghost.


For about three hours, no one could leave the recording studio. Only when all the recordings were finished did the employees, who gathered to escape the studio, mumble.

Is that person crazy?

Seems like it.

Crazy Jo Ayoon.

Following the lineage of Perverted Slime Myungkyu, Old Octopus Bachelor Gilsang, Hysterical Communicator Seorim, and finally, Bastard, Yeonho.

Ayoon gained a nickname.

Ayoon had finally become a boss.


With all the sources gathered, Ayoon took her seat and put on the headset. The composition program lay before her, untouched like an authors manuscript or a painters canvas on a blank white page, waiting to depict imagination.

The final battle is with Miso.

Emotional immersion was all that was needed. Just like drawing abstraction or conveying a message in a letter, getting to know her was essential to creating music that would suit the smile, destined to become the owner of the melody.

It was surprisingly easy. Ayoon felt an inexplicable kinship with the character of Miso.

She didnt know her motive was her own.

Miso hsd been waiting for someone to save her for a long time.

Unable to do anything on her own, life had been painfully yearning for someone to rescue her. Ayoon could understand the emotions behind E-40s smile.

The moment they met must have been happy. The moment they parted must have been painful. The feeling of guilt must linger above all.

Stimulating that was the history of the Empire expressed over time.

The moment she reached out to harm E-40 in the final battle

Could there have been no noise?

The voice of the clock urging to kill was undoubtedly a noise.

If she lost her focus for a moment, E-40 would die.

Plunging her into even greater despair.

It was a tormenting and sorrowful event.

To depict such desperation via musical score would be tough.

But that alone was not sufficient.

Ayoon understood.

She need hope.

Knowing that her actions could harm the other, the reason behind doing it was hope.

It was a cry for help, and at that moment, E-40 needed to understand it.

Help me.

Conveying that voice to every user who would become E-40.

Ayoons mouth drew an arc.

The ability to depict abstract emotions, to implement them into reality, and to express them acoustically through musicthese required talents.

And Ayoon, she had that talent.


The mouse moved.

The recorded humming is excessive to the point of sounding like a scream.

Expressing the malice engraved in the Empires history. With a thousand years of history, an orchestra played majestically in the background. The low and heavy atmosphere with wind instruments, and the tearing screams were produced by string instruments.


The voice of help was a single persons humming.

Amidst all the noise, what stood out the most was the softly recorded hum that Ayoon had courageously recorded alone.

Hmm~ Hmm~ Adjusting the pitch, Ayoon wrote down the chords. Now, there was one thing to focus on.


How could the intense scream and the small hum create harmony?

Ayoon knew the answer.

Give perspective to the sound.

The whisper echoed.

Amidst all the noise, her mind recalled comforting words heard in the noise of Han River Park. It was gentle despite being low, too small, and yet clearer than any other voice.

Clickadditional humming.

The culmination of it all resonated, and in the midst of evil, only one cry stood out distinctly.

Its done.

And so, the sound of the final fight was completed.

The time spent on composition-

Merely a day.

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