Game Director from Hell

Chapter 4: Art Director (3)

Chapter 4: Art Director (3)

From a logical standpoint, that's strange.

"... Not even one?"


"You know, there are famous racing games and shooting games. You haven't tried any of those?"

"No, my brother likes them, but I've never been interested, so I haven't tried."

Typically, people who enter the gaming industry have some knowledge about games, or at the very least, they've played games before.

This holds true for the art field as well. Actually, it's even more so for art.

Design-related fields, with their wide range of career options, generally don't attract those without an interest in the field.

That's why most art majors who apply to the game industry have a deep passion for games.

So, there was a natural question that arose.

'Then why did Seorim become an art director in the first place?'

Was her interest in gaming a future endeavour?

Amid my bewilderment, Seorim shrugged her shoulders.

"I was busy studying and preparing for college entrance exams. Anyway, if you're done talking, I'll be on my way."

Seorim turned to leave.

In that instant, my body moved before my mind could catch up.


I grabbed Seorim's wrist.

"... What's this?"

Annoyance was evident on her face.

I realized I'd overstepped, but there was no turning back now.

I had to go all in.

"Just 30 minutes."

It was a gamble.

"Please give me just 30 minutes of your time. It's the time I need to persuade you. If you're not interested here, I promise I won't bother you with this again."


Seorim hesitated, her brow furrowed in thought.

Eventually, she let out a sigh and responded.

"Alright, 20 minutes, and it better not just be idle talk. I have a real lecture to attend."

"That's more than enough."

"Fine then, follow me. Let's talk in our study room."

Seorim gestured inward.

I followed her into the room.

In the study room, there were two female students.

When Seorim and I entered, they both looked at us like rabbits, their expressions suggesting they were up for something annoying.

"I'm trying to have a conversation with this senior. Can you please make some space?"

"Yeah! Sure thing! We absolutely have to!"

"How long should we be gone? An hour? Two hours?"

"Two hours is too long for him..."

"20 minutes should do, so could you leave?"

Seorim's voice was tinged with irritation.

With gleeful laughter, the two of them left the room, making sounds like 'hehehe' and 'hahaha'.

In that brief moment, our eyes met, and a shiver ran down my spine.


The door closed.

Seorim let out a deep breath.

"Let's focus and get started. Have a seat here."


Though they were young people full of energy, seeing Seorim right in front of me made me think otherwise.

It must be a difference in personality.

Anyway, that's not the important part.

The hastily arranged 20 minutes felt more like a presentation for a recruitment offer.

I handed her the proposal document.

"Could you start by taking a look at this?"

"What's this?"

"It's the game proposal for the game I'm developing."

Seorim accepted the proposal and quickly skimmed through it with her eyes.

"There's no title?"

"It's still in the planning stages."

"Survival horror action?"

"Yes, that's the genre of the game."

I modulated my voice.

Now was the time to start the real conversation.

"As stated in the proposal, the genre is horror. The background will be set in Hell. As such, we need designs that give a unique impression. Horror relies on visual shock to be complete. That's why I chose you, Han Seorim. Your style is distinctive."

"Didn't you think of drawing it yourself?"

"My drawing skills are terrible."

"You're being honest."

"Objectivity in creating something is important, isn't it?"

"That's true."

"That's why I'm asking for your help."

I'm not foolish enough to ask for favours without offering something in return.

In order to pique Seorim's interest in my proposal, I needed to appeal to her.

"You may not know much about games, but I'll skip any related topics and focus solely on the art aspect. What I need from you is to bring the ideas in my head to life. The major tasks include illustrations, pixel art, and UI design. Once you create this world, it will be unveiled to the world in the form of a living, breathing entity."

"Are you trying to ignite my desire for approval?"

"If you don't want to, you're free to look the other way. Getting a job in the design field relies heavily on your portfolio. This could become your best portfolio piece. If you can say I did the game design, everyone will acknowledge it."

"Nothing's confirmed yet."

"... You're right."

She touched a sore spot.

This was the issue. Promises from inexperienced planners couldn't be trusted.

I had to admit it.

Silence hung in the air.

It was a cold, yet firm silence, tinged with the determination of a steadfast youth.

It was Seorim's sigh that finally broke it.

"I get the general idea of what you're trying to say. I know this isn't some trivial project. But... I'm struggling to understand. Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course."

"What exactly is this game?"

"Umm... what do you mean?"

"You know, it's odd. You went to the extent of finding someone, someone who might not even agree to help, to ask them for this. What is this game that you're going through all this trouble for? I'm just curious."

Seorim raised an eyebrow.

In that moment, I felt a bit dazed.

What is a game, really?

The question was indeed piercing at the very essence of things.

I asked first.

"Is it important?"

"Well, somewhat?"

She shrugged casually.

Her poker face was rock-solid, making it hard to discern anything from her expression.

I couldn't immediately figure out what was going on in her mind.

But it didn't seem like she was joking around either.

So, I took a moment to reflect.

It was an important question.

Perhaps the answer to this question could move Seorim's heart.

That's why it required thorough consideration.

After organizing my thoughts to some extent, I was finally able to respond.

"... A game is a form of play."

"I didn't ask about that."

"A finished product that is rich in play as a form of play. In essence, that's correct. However, I don't think you were looking for such a simple answer. Are you wondering if the game is really worth going to such lengths for? Is that what you want to know?"

Seorim nodded.

I answered.

"At least to me, it's remarkable."

"What do you mean by that?"

"The fact that it can captivate people. The fact that it can employ countless means to achieve that."

A comprehensive art medium.

In the near future, "gaming" is the name by which the world will be defined.

Games utilize art, music, physical activity, literature, and every other means possible.

All for the sake of "fun."

To make humans play as humans.

Additionally, there was a derived concept.

"To add a bit more, this question of yours leads to the question of how we define 'gameplay.' Since this is the criterion by which we judge what makes a good game."

"What's the criterion for defining gameplay?"

"It can't really be defined."

"... What does that mean?"

"In truth, it's like that."

Seorim furrowed her brow, and unfortunately, this was one topic that really didn't have a clear answer.

If there were a hundred people, all one hundred would likely have different opinions on what defines gameplay.

There's a famous saying.

The developer of the legendary 20th-century game "Doom" once said:

"'Story in a game is like the story in a porno.'"

"Okay. I have a general idea of what a game is."

"Well, then..."

"I have one more question."

I froze.

Seorim spoke directly.

"I understand that you think highly of games. But, Senior, why are you going to such lengths? I heard that you're really good at studying, so shouldn't you be focusing on your grades?"

This question was much easier to answer.

I felt more at ease responding to this question than the previous one.

"Um, why, indeed."

It's funny to even consider pondering this.

Why am I doing this?

I could live a new life, but why am I returning to the same path, even with my youth regained?

The answer had been predetermined.

"Just... because."

Because even though I died in my past life, even though I achieved what I aimed for, the thirst still swelled within me.

Also, because the scenes I witnessed couldn't be erased from my mind.

And because I wanted to do it so badly that I felt like I might go crazy.

"... Because I feel like I might die if I don't."

That was the only reason for me.


That evening, Seorim lay on her bed and reflected on the events of the day.

Or more precisely, she thought about Cheon Yeonho's words.

‘I feel like I might die if I don't do this.’

He was a peculiar person.

His attitude was too sharp to be just an attempt to grab attention.

Seorim was someone who could discern that level of distinction.

She didn't immediately provide an answer.

Because she felt that this required some contemplation.

'I feel like I might die if I don't do this.'

Recalling his words, a sudden doubt emerged.

'Did I ever have such a feeling?'

Was there something she yearned for so desperately that she felt like she might die if she didn't do it?

Was there something she wanted to pursue even to the point of abandoning a stable future?

She turned her head.

At the corner of her gaze was her display shelf.

One side of Seorim's room was filled with trophies she had received in her life.

'... I didn't.'

There wasn't a single thing she had yearned for that desperately.

Her family was well-off. Her parents were understanding, and her relationships with her peers weren't bad.

The same held true for her achievements.

Seorim excelled in everything from a young age.

She quickly grasped anything she learned and grew tired of it just as quickly.

That was also the reason she chose art.

Rather than repetitive tasks, she thought she could engage in creative work for a longer time if she didn't get bored.

That's why Cheon Yeonho seemed strange.

And she was curious.

‘I'm going to make a game.’

Why was he going to such lengths to make a game?

Did he possess some sort of power that could drive him to the point of madness if he didn't do it?

At that moment, her thoughts turned to the proposal she had stuffed into her bag.

She immediately pulled it out and started skimming through it.

Hell, emotion, illustrations, pixel art, UI.

Was it fun to create something like that?

She felt a deep sense of contemplation.

In that moment, a soft beep sounded.

The sound of the door lock unlocking.

The irregular rhythm made it obvious who it was.

Seorm awoke from her thoughts and walked out of her room, her brows furrowed.

"Drinking again, huh?"

"Oh, my little girl!"

Han Jinkyung, her older brother, staggered in, chuckling as he took off his shoes.

Then he suddenly tumbled over.


"Ugh, you reek of alcohol."

This guy, in his fifth yea, had apparently gulped down alcohol until he got drunk again, under the pretence of celebrating his fifth year.

What a nonsensical reason to celebrate.

Shouldn't he be reflecting rather than celebrating?

At least he should be feigning self-pity. What's with this situation?

'... Sigh, what am I even thinking?'

It's his life; he can handle it.

Guiding him to the sofa in the living room, I made him lie down, and I took a seat across from him, chin in hand.

Seeing Han Jin Jinkyung face, which was crumpled like a mudfish, a thought occurred to me.

'... Come to think of it, that guy, Cheon Yeonho's is his underclassman.'

Cheon Yeonho was Han Jinkyung’s junior from the same department.

I raised my hand and gave Han Jinkyung’s cheek a firm pat! pat!

"Hey, hey, wake up."


"I'm going to ask you something."


"You have a guy named Cheon Yeonho in your department, right?"


Han Jinkyung, who had been muttering, burst into laughter.

"Our junior who doesn't know how to have fun!"

"Doesn't know how to have fun?"

"Ah, that kid's a top student for sure. He doesn't touch alcohol and focuses on studying!"

The Cheon Yeonho that Seorim had met wasn't that kind of person.

Rather than a top student, he seemed more like an eccentric.

It was a strange situation.

Han Jinkyung chuckled heartily and replied, "Hmm..."

'Did this guy pick up on him?'

'... Hm, maybe I should give it a shot.'

Honestly, I wasn't all that interested in games themselves.

Portfolio? It's useless unless I'm planning to enter the gaming industry.

I was just curious.

How is someone who desperately wants to do something different from me?

By spending time with that person, would I come to understand that pursuit myself?

Standing up from my seat, I said, "Sleep well."

"Make sure you sleep well too..."

A small smile graced Seorim's lips as she headed back to her room.

Interest had been sparked.

I didn't know how far it would take me, but...

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